
Global Ad Share

We have designed and created the next generation software that combines a revenue sharing, a matrix, and a cycler system all in one place.


Automatic-Adjustments of profit sharing. Our program will adjust profit sharing distribution based on actual sales. Those who promised a fixed percentage or a fixed amount at a certain fixed time are guaranteed to fail. You can not make a promise based on “unpredictable” future sales. With our system, there is no preset time, frequency, amount, or percentage for profit sharing. It varies throughout the day depending on the number of sales (upgrades and purchases). There is no time limit to our longevity as we will never operate our business on negative cash flow.


Powerful combination of matrix systems (conventional, forced & reverse), small cyclers, and revenue sharing all in ONE program. Others have tried to add a matrix or a cycler to their revenue sharing programs but not ALL THREE!


Reverse matrix offers the ability to retain members and to promote growth. It allows new members to earn commissions from existing members, not from new future members who may never come. No other program has been able to do this automatically. Others have tried to duplicate our reverse matrix algorithm but failed. Yes, members enter the reverse matrix from the top (thus the name “reverse”) and inherited existing/paying members as their downline automatically upon upgrading their accounts. Allowing new members to earn quickly (without sponsoring others) will keep them in the system and stimulate program growth.


Sponsor bonus. If you are able to sponsor others, you will be rewarded greatly… not only from the sponsor bonus, which includes all future purchases, but also when your sponsored members earned from different levels in our matrix/cycler system. When members do well in our system, we make sure that their sponsors are also doing well or even better. The key to success and longevity in any program is to allow members to earn as much and as fast as possible and… to reward their sponsors.


75%-25% repurchase rule. The first $100 of your profit is not affected by the rule and can be withdrawn at anytime. After the first $100, 25% will be reserved and can only be used for purchases. For example, if you have earned $200 in profit, you can withdraw $175 and transfer the amount to your payment processor. The remaining $25 stays in your account and is available for new purchases only.

This is done to ensure that those who are in profit help other members (especially the newest members) by purchasing more Ad Packs instead of withdrawing all the profits. Auto purchase from the reserve account may be enforced as necessary. This will give members new Ad Packs, new positions in the system, and more income potential. This also ensures that our program is indefinitely sustainable. This feature does not benefit program owners or admins as all profits from purchases are distributed to members instantly.

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