
Many people suffer from shingles and it’s very painful and creates terrible anguish.

Scratching Singles

But you can be free of this terrible anguish.

Shingles is caused by the herpes zoster virus which runs wild and gets out of control causing inflammation, pain, nausea, itching, fever and more.

There are many causes that make the virus go wild and take over causing pain, some of them include medications, stress, chemicals and lots of other things.

Here is what I recommend for those suffering from shingles.

Lets Not Treat Symptoms – Lets get at the source of the problem and cure the disease instead of treating symptoms. Treating symptoms does no good at all… lets get to the root of the problem.

Water – First of all you need to drink a lot of water – at least 8 to 10 glasses of water a day – I recommend at least 1/2 liter in the morning and 1/2 liter in the afternoon and more. – Drink Reverse Osmosis Water… You can buy these machines at any home repair center for very little money, it’s the best water, even kidney doctors recommend this water for their patients. This is what we drink at home, most water has lots of toxins in it, so please get this device and filter your water. Shingles is sensitive to toxins so make sure you have great water.

Green Juice – Drink 6 to 8 – 8 oz glasses of green alkalizing juice each day – Kale, Carrots, Cabbage, Cucumbers, Swiss Chard, Turnip Greens, Apples, Beet Greens, and any other kind of green leafy veggie you can find. Alkalizing keeps inflammation away! Juicing is better because you are going to take in lots of veggie juices that amount to 10 to 12 pounds of veggies a day and there is no way for you to eat that much. But you need the nutrients of those veggies. You will get lots of fiber in the whole food you are eating throughout the day.

Fiber – You are going to eat regular meals that are full of fiber, and that way you create a good environment for probiotic bacteria to grow and thus boost your immune system naturally.

Did you know that carrot juice has a lot in common with mothers milk, carrot juice has almost the same amount of nutrients as mothers milk. In fact some children after the first 3 or 4 weeks of life on mothers milk, who did not get along with milk have been raised the rest of their childhood on natural organic carrots juice… and are very healthy.

Chlorella – Take 3,000 mgs of Chlorella per day, you can buy this in 1,000 mg tablets. Chlorella is a green algae that has over 60 different nutrients in it… and it will do your body good – Powerful! Chlorella gives you every essential and none essential protein that you need and everything else.

Circadian Rhythms – Get up at 6 AM – Go to be at 10 PM. You need to reset your circadian rhythms. You have two little cells that flash on and off every second in every organ of your body and especially your heart. And they know when you should be sleeping and when you should be up and awake. – If you go against this way of living it shortens your life span… listen to your body. We have to listen to what our bodies are telling us… and they are saying  we need sleep at night. If you are one of these night owls who thinks they have to be up all nigh long… that’s going to cause stress and create problems with shingles. Slowly get back into sync, and sleep at night and be awake during the day.

Dealing with Stress – I remember a friend coming down with shingles and it was directly related to the stress that he was going on through at the time… meditation will help with the stress.

Meditation – First thing in the morning after going to the bathroom sit down and concentrate on your breathing – breathing in and out, if you find a thought coming into your head, say to yourself “I will get to that later and go back to your breathing”. Do this for 30 Minutes, this gives the mind/body a rest. Even during sleep your mind is not resting it’s dreaming and working things out. Meditation turns off the mind for a little while, and meditation takes practice and surrender to the process. Even Dr. Dean Ornish recommends Meditation, and Meditation has nothing to do with Religion, it’s about healing. We now know that people who meditate have good genes expressed and bad genes are shut off and not expressed- Wow – Amazing Stuff! Meditate for 30 minutes first thing in the Morning and in the evening for 30 Minutes. – It will do your body good.

TM - Transcendental Meditation is great for stress and we now know it is the only cure for post traumatic stress disorder. Vets coming back from the wars are finding it is the only relief they have. – Powerful!

Vipassana Meditation – Vipassana is another powerful meditation process and there are FREE workshops all over the world. Doing one of their 10 day meditation workshops will change your life. Watch the movie “Doing Time – Doing Vipassana” on Youtube it is powerful! If this process can work well for inmates at one of the worst prisons in the world it will work for you – see link – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WkxSyv5R1sg

Breakfast - Have breakfast in the morning before 8AM with 1 1/2 cups of fruit – and 1/2 cup of almond milk or nut milk of any kind… and 1/2 cup of raw flattened oatmeal (rolled oats). Good old old fashioned oats, but don’t cook it – use it raw and use honey or agave nectar or some other good sweetener – but no chemicals please.

Use any kind of fruit you want – papaya, apples, mangos, berries, strawberries, whatever makes your heart sing – all raw, the more different colors you eat the better.

Lunch at Noon – Have a green salad for lunch, with lots of veggies, all raw. Cooked food is seen by the body as an invader so you want to eat at least 80% raw food – It’s healing.

Have lots of different colored foods in your salad such as: red, yellow, green, purple, all the colors of the rainbow in your beautiful salad, it’s healing. Colored veggies are full of antioxidants that are healing.

Snacks – In between eat carrot sticks, any other veggie, and fruit of any kind as snacks – eat 4 snacks a day at 10AM, 2PM, 4PM, and 7PM. That’s 1/2 cup of any of fruit or veggie.

Dinner – Have dinner at 5 or 6 PM -  Dinner is a soup that you can make at home and it’s very healing. Make a soup of broccoli, cabbage, kale, swiss chard, turnip greens, been greens, and any other green that you like and add spices, no salt or very little salt, and use low sodium veggie stock. Eat raw 80% or more of the time but cooking some food also makes us feel good inside – but raw contains 100% of the live enzymes and nutrients. Where cooked food only contains 25% of nutrients and zero live enzymes.

Also add 4 cups of beans of your choice, such as pink beans, garbanzos, lentils, all of the beans are great. Don’t use canned foods, cook the beans yourself, canned foods are toxic with lots of chemicals in linings of the cans. You can eat as much of this soup as you like in the evening, within reason, up to 3 or 4 cups.

Once a Week Treat – If you want something sweet once in a while have some Sorbet. Take frozen bananas and any other kind of fruit and blend them in a powerful blender… and you have a great sorbet. You can add the sweetener of choice if you like, see above.

Remove – Remove the following from your life.

Get Rid of the Following – No meat, no chicken, no fish, no seafood, no eggs, no cheese, no milk, no added oils, no canned foods, no artificial flavors, no artificial sweeteners, no artificial anything, no chemicals of any kind, no antibiotics and pain relievers, and if you don’t know what it is don’t eat it.

Processed Meats -  Processed meats are known to have a direct correlation to causing flair ups of shingles – don’t eat them.

Remove These – No alcohol, no highly spiced food, and use very little salt, no fast food, no processed food, if in doubt don’t eat it, chemicals are not good for the body. No wheat, no bread, no barley, no spelt, no rye – all of these are highly inflammatory and can cause problems with shingles.

No Caffeine – Eliminate caffeine, caffeine can cause shingles to flair up and react. To replace your caffeine try some of the coffee substitutes like Dandy Blend, Teeccino, and others… they are full of nutrients including inulin.

No GMO foods – all of these are highly inflammatory and can cause shingles to rage out of control.

Organic – Eat organic – that is the best, that way you are only getting 100% food and no added chemicals, pesticides, and other unnatural items in your diet.

Protein – If you want protein eat Organic Veggie Protein, Beans, Nuts, Seeds, all organic. You only need 5 or 6 % protein and that is exactly what you get on this way of eating.

Detox – Some people say stay away from Arginine rich foods and consume more lysine rich foods (these are both proteins). But that’s not it all at, the liver is toxic with all the chemicals that we have around us and that we take on a regular basis, a toxic liver makes us sensitive to all kinds of things… we have to detox the liver and body.

Having a toxic liver creates a huge problem when it comes to shingles… toxins cause flair ups of this disease. Doing a coffee enema once a month does a great job of detoxing the liver… I highly recommend it! Works Great!

See link to coffee enema process – http://paulhaider.wordpress.com/2013/01/15/coffee-a-great-healing-agent-for-the-whole-body/ 

Remember – The body will heal itself naturally if we get all the offending agents out of the way and give the body good nutrition.

Regular doctors only treat the symptoms, and that doesn’t do any good at all.

We have to get at the source of the problem and create healing… so the DIS-EASE is gone forever

Watch these Movies - Watch the movie “Fat, Sick, and Nearly Dead” – very good. Also watch the movies “Beautiful Truth” and “The Gerson Miracle” all of these movies have a lot to say about natural health and healing all kinds of disease.

Exercise Every Day – walk – work up to 5 miles a day. If it’s hot outside… walk in a mall where it’s cool. Or swim – work up to 5 miles swimming, or you could bike ride or any other exercise that gets your heart pumping fast. You do have the time, you just have to make time and schedule exercise into your life everyday. Here is a list of 35 amazing benefits of walking 5 miles a day – see link – http://paulhaider.wordpress.com/2014/02/14/35-amazing-benefits-of-walking-5-miles-a-day/

Have Fun – Get out and have fun, have a life with friends…. that’s important for good mood and mental clarity. Stress causes chemical changes in the body, but it’s hard to have fun and be stressed at the same time.

Thinking – Think positive thoughts, the mind/body is one, and science has proven this now – it’s a fact that what you think changes your body.

Laugh – Laughter is very healing and science has proven this to be true.

Forgive – Forgive, forget, and let go… that’s important! If you hold resentments and anger inside it hurts your body with high blood pressure, cancer, and inflammation causing shingles and more… science has proven this too.

Check this out for yourself and finally be free again.

And if you have questions feel free to contact me.

Feel Free to Share – This information is meant to get you started… so you can do more research on your own… dig a little deeper and find what works for you. This article is for educational purposes only, I strongly recommend that you seek advice from your own GP, private doctor, or medical specialist for any ailment, illness, or medical condition.. this article not meant to be a scientific analysis in any way, shape, or form.

Dr. Paul Haider – Master Herbalist and Spiritual Teacher for over 20 years, helping people to recover and feel healthy. You can also find Dr. Haider on FB under Dr. Paul Haider, Healing Herbs, and at www.paulhaider.com – feel free to contact him any time.

Here is a short video bio – http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rK6Eg-xlX3U

Here is my Google+ address if any of you would like to connect.  —   http://plus.google.com/+PaulHaider–drpaulhaider

Dr. Paul Haider, Master Herbalist, HH, USA, Shingles, Cure, Feel Good, Source of the Problem, Get at the Root of the Disease, Good Diet, Water, Fiber, Eating Raw, Organic, Detox, Natural Foods, No Chemicals, No Artificial Colors, No Artificial Sweeteners, No Caffeine, Laugh, Forgive, Positive Thinking, Exercise, Coffee Enema, TM, Vipassana, Meditation, Sleep, Stress, Chlorella, Circadian Rhythms, Fiber, Green Juicing, Carrots, Get at the Root of the problem,


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