
Irish prime minister Enda Kenny is under immense pressure to explain what he knew and when about an alleged smear campaign against a police whistleblower which may have been orchestrated by senior officers.In a story that stretches back more than a decade, Mr Kenny has now promised a public inquiry ahead of a vote of confidence later today, which, if lost, would lead to a snap election.At the centre of the story is Sergeant Maurice McCabe, who claims he has been the focus of a deliberate campaign to destroy his character after he raised concerns about police corruption.Here is how the scandal unfolded.:: January 2006Sgt Maurice McCabe makes a complaint against a fellow officer which ends up with the officer being disciplined.:: December 2006A police officer makes a complaint against Sgt McCabe that he acted inappropriately towards a six-year-old child. The complaint was investigated and found to be without foundation.

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McCabe claimed colleagues wiped celebrities' penalty points

:: January 2012Sgt McCabe publicly accuses the police of allowing well-known personalities to have their penalty points wiped.:: May 2013A report by the assistant commissioner of the Irish Police is published, claiming there may have been a breach of the rules regarding penalty points. The Police Commissioner at the time suggested there was no criminality.:: August 2013Both the police and the Irish Child and Family Agency (later Tulsa) are contacted with claims of child abuse allegations against Sgt McCabe.:: October 2013Another report, by the comptroller and auditor general, supports Sgt McCabe’s allegations on penalty points.:: January 2014The Police Commissioner, Martin Callanan, brands the actions of police whistleblowers “disgusting” and said Sgt McCabe “was not to be trusted”, igniting a political storm. The Commissioner retired a few months later.:: April 2014The Child and Family Agency (Tusla) opens files on Sgt McCabe and family alleging sexual abuse, but later that month Tusla admits the allegations had been “copied and pasted” in error. The police are notified of the mistake.

:: December 2015But 18 months later, Tusla writes to Sgt McCabe informing him that he is still being investigated following allegations of child abuse. It’s the first time that he has been made aware of the allegations dating from 2013 and he denies the claims.:: June 2016Sgt McCabe is contacted by Tusla which informs him that the sex abuse allegations was an error.:: October 2016A retired high court judge is appointed to review the reports of police treatment of Sgt McCabe.:: January 2017Sgt McCabe obtains a freedom of information file which details the handling of the allegations made against him which outlines in detail the extent of the errors.:: 25 JanuaryThe Children’s Minister, Katherine Zappone, meets with Sgt McCabe and is said to be shocked by the details.8 FebruaryAn opposition leader addresses the exact details of the allegations against Sgt McCabe in the Irish Parliament. A day later a TV investigation examines a litany of alleged errors made by the Irish government agencies and the police.

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Irish prime minister Enda Kenny admitted giving “wrong information”

In the past week, Irish government ministers have denied suggestions, including from the children’s minister herself, that they were made aware of alleged mistakes made.This included Mr Kenny who yesterday admitted he “gave wrong information” in interviews at the weekend about talks he had with the children’s minister regarding Sgt McCabe.The Irish Parliament held a special session on Tuesday evening seeking “clarification on statements made by the Taoiseach (Irish Prime Minister) and ministers.”Mr Kenny, in an attempt to limit the political damage, earlier announced there will be a public inquiry into the alleged smear campaign against the police whistleblower.The vote of confidence today could spark a fresh election, throwing the country into political turmoil, coming only a year after an election which failed to produce a government for over two months.That uncertainty will add to concerns about the Republic of Ireland’s ability to negotiate with the UK on Brexit. There are fears that a so-called hard border could be introduced with Northern Ireland, if Britain leaves the customs union.This scandal is the latest to hit a country beset by numerous political, financial and religious wrongdoing in the past decade which has undermined public trust in state institutions.

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