
The United States federal government in Washington is under attack today. Our nation’s capital is presently under siege, not from military bombs or rockets fired by any foreign enemy but from powerful enemies within. With Obama-Hillary-Soros forces ostensibly maneuvering outside official government channels, against America’s legitimately elected President Trump, and their loyalist foot soldiers – the neocons and intelligence community loyalists within the CIA/NSA/FBI still operating inside deep state, criminally conspiring with Mainstream Media, this sinister alliance is also organizing legions of clueless young leftist protesters to be at the ready for deployment in the streets to wreak havoc violently rioting as paid agitator insurgents. What we have here on our hands is an American Spring uprising, an insurgent regime change operation taking place right here in our own country currently bent on overthrowing America’s existing “democratically elected” government.

At no time in our prior history has anything so openly subversive and treacherously treasonous ever been perpetrated on the United States of America before… the closest being the covert conspiracy singlehandedly thwarted by America’s military hero General Smedley Butler in 1934 when a band of elitist bankster traitors attempted a coup d’état against the FDR administration. The all-too-familiar divide and conquer strategy is once again the globalist go-to Modus Operandi, being implemented through multi-prong assaults waging an open insurrection war against the Trump administration in order to successfully execute a coup committed by traitors out to take down America as their latest banana republic.

Despite having written a number of articles critical of Trump policy as president and latest White House puppet, his presidency has been undermined, sabotaged and categorically rejected by his opponents at every turn. Trump rightfully called mainstream media fake news“an enemy of the American people.” Tactics deployed by MSM and Trump’s multiplicity of enemies are so blatantly illegal and highly unethical that as a fair-minded journalist seeking the truth, I feel compelled to address this demonization of Donald Trump perpetrated by the same crowd that’s been demonizing Vladimir Putin and Bashar al-Assad for years. Understanding the why and the wherefore of this unprecedented full-scale attack on a standing US president is key to recognizing the truly diabolical bigger picture unfolding at the behest of the planetary controllers.

The ruling elite’s longtime agenda has been to destroy the United States and the West from within. In reaction to last year’s growing anti-globalist movement, represented by the Brexit vote and “anti-establishment” Trump election, the elite is becoming desperately aggressive now, fighting for absolute domination and population control, insidiously whipping up unstable domestic conditions throughout the Western world, engineered to explode with racial, class, religious and politically charged civil war violence in both America and Europe. In the US this takes the form of mass deployment of a robotically dumbed down, highly manipulated yet well-organized political left, constituting the elite’s WMD against Trump’s reactionary militarized authoritarian federal forces, soon spilling blood and chaos as America’s very own Spring uprising. The coming riots are aimed at causing the violent breakdown of civil society in both America and Europe, of course, co-timed with the ongoing, incessant MSM propaganda machine, 24/7 delivering the false narrative of overly hostile, aggressive Russia, China and Iran intended to ignite World War III, simultaneous to the implosion of the house of cards global economy – the New World Disorder’s perfect storm of cataclysmic events, mapped out long in advance to bring about its one world government tyranny.

Meanwhile, amidst this seemingly suicidal freefall decline of the unipolar American Empire is international law enforcement’s unprecedented crackdown under Trump of the controlling elite’s pedophile child sex trafficking operations, shaking loose the sickos embedded at the top of the predator food chain from their previously impenetrable, high and mighty perch of insulated privileged protection. With so many deeply disturbed criminal psychopaths literally, satanically feeding off the blood of our innocent children, while fronting so many of the West’s national governments, Fortune 500 corporations, central banking and entertainment industries, rather than be held accountable for their ungodly sins, they’ve escalated the launching of their genocidal counteroffensive to eliminate 90% of the global population within the next few years in virtual total earth destruction. The same evil forces so actively bent on destroying Trump, America and most of us on the planet, are the same pedophile bloodlines that have ruled this world for centuries. For a very long time they’ve been preparing for this epochal moment in human history, smugly counting on their bug-out contingency exit plan that includes continuing their life of luxury from safe, expansive subterranean dwellings and secret stellar space colonies, combined with their advancing transhumanism exploits, all designed to remain impervious to our human laws of justice, spiritual laws of karma, as well as the earth’s sixth mass life extinction they’ve been methodically engineering on our planet’s surface.

In the meantime, deep state traitors are currently pushing humanity off their doomsday cliff into a totally insane and unjustified war against Russia, latching onto every illegally monitored communique between Trump administration officials and designated Russian enemies in order to oust the president’s closest staff advisors (first it was Michael Flynn and now under their gun is Attorney General JeffSessions), which of course only adds fuel to their anti-Putin and anti-Trump warmongering echo chamber incinerator. Democrats are now charging Sessions with lying during his Senate confirmation hearings when he stated he knew of no conversations between Trump staff and the Russians. Then apparently once again through NSA deep state sources, like with Flynn before him, the opposition rag theWashington Post (that just hired alleged pedo Podesta) to reveal that Sessions did meet with Russian Ambassador Sergey Kislyak.

And so it’s déjà vu all over again as Democrats like Nancy Pelosi are quick to call for Sessions’ resignation for “apparent perjury.” That an FBI insider outed Pelosi as another politician on the pedophile round up list resulting from arrest warrants that Attorney General Sessions signed explains why Pelosi might be so anxious to get rid of Sessions. For a leading member of the Senate Armed Services Committee, as Senator Sessions still was last year, to meet twice with Kislyak was simply a routine part of his job. Yet in response to the hornets’ nest of a trap set for him by Trump enemies, Attorney General Sessions has already recused himself from any further investigation into the so-called Russian influence and involvement with either the election or Trump and his administrative staff prior to the January 20thinauguration. In essence, this is opposition Democrats’ thinly veiled excuse of a weapon to clean house in a flagrant witch hunt attempt to delegitimize and ultimately take down the Trump presidency. The traitors are increasingly desperate to destroy Trump before he destroys them.

It has just been revealed that the source of all these illegal wiretap leaks at the Trump White House is former President Obama. The latest is Trump is claiming that Obama even wiretapped his Trump Towers. As early as June last year Obama requested a FISA warrant to spy on Trump for any contact with Russians. After FISA initially turned him down, in October it was granted. Assigned the globalist mission to destroy America from within, for months Barack Hussein Obama has been busily mobilizing his anti-Trump opposition forces, both inside and outside of government. The topper is, Obama secretly signed an executive order just 17 days before he left office authorizing not only the NSA but 16 other intelligence agencies to illicitly collect surveillance on the Trump administration. This readily explains how just 24 days on the job, National Security Advisor Flynn was the first to be targeted for removal by having his illegally taped classified conversations with the Russian ambassador criminally handed over to the Washington Post and now it’s Sessions turn to navigate this same conspiratorial ring of fire.

A couple of other illustrative examples of how Obama strategically planted operative moles working “behind enemy lines” within the Trump administration are two provocateur underlings belonging to Obama’s national security advisor for strategic communications, the notorious Ben Rhodes. CIA analyst until last month and Rhodes deputy, Ned Price, penned an anti-Trump negative publicity article for theWashington Post explaining why his long-term CIA career had to be abandoned in good conscience when he found himself so morally conflicted working [for all of three weeks] under President Trump. As a White House National Security Council (NSC) employee under Obama and less than a month under Trump, Price’s feigned fakery and publicly expressed self-righteousness is nauseating, claiming his decision to quit was never politically motivated. As an “afterthought,” WaPo was forced to add that last August Price donated $5,000 to Hillary for president. But Ned wants us to know that neither his resigning nor his publicly stated reasons for doing so has anything to do with politics.

The other mole, a hajib wearing Ben Rhodes assistant named Ahmed Rumana, wrote her hit piece in The Atlantic three days after Price’s, entitled, “I Was a Muslim in the Trump White House.” Again, not including her four days’ vacation time, Ahmed was employed in the Trump administration’s NSC for all of four days before her strategically timed exit and anti-Trump parting shot in the mainstream press. Islamophobia, anti-Islamic hate crimes and Trump’s 7-nation Muslim ban (that excludes Wahhabism-centered Saudi Arabia) notwithstanding, while attending George Mason University, Ahmed Rumana was an officer in the Muslims Students Association, an Islamic offshoot organization established in America in 1963 with direct links to the Muslim Brotherhood whose founder Hassan al-Banna stated, ”It is the nature of Islam to dominate, not to be dominated, to impose its law on all nations and to extend its power to the entire planet.”

Obama’s Organizing for Action (OFA) campaign has his anti-Trump army now showing up to disrupt Republicans’ Town Hall Meetings across America. Obama is using moves straight out of his and Hillary’s communist guru Saul Alinsky’s playbook, having actually compiled a training manual specifying marching orders to his minions to publicly bully GOP Congress members holding meetings in their local districts during congressional recesses. The issued manual explicitly instructs Alinsky techniques to his rabid followers, unveiling Obama’s transparent agenda to overthrow President Trump in the long run and in the short term save Obamacare as his signature domestic legacy.

The traitors’ war against Trump has Obama’s born in Iran, longtime closest advisor Valerie Jarrett even moving into Obama’s DC mansion again just two miles from the White House as the command center for their insurgency operations out to destroy the Trump presidency on their way to instigating a bloody civil war on US soil between their political left fighting against Trump’s political right. The globalists have always leaned ideologically towards socialism and communism, and they’re using their communist disciples like Obama and Jarrett to lead their treasonous government overthrow. As Obama and Jarrett’s longtime mentors, communist Saul Alinsky and Obama’s likely biological father and fellow communist Frank Marshall Davis along with fellow comrade-terrorist Bill Ayers couldn’t be prouder. But once again the evildoers are on the wrong side of history and, at the end of the day, they will all be brought to justice as subversive American traitors.

Yet another anti-Trump hub referred to as the Democratic war room is the liberal think tank called the Center for American Progress(CAP). With upwards of 900 second and third tier openings that Trump has yet to fill, each of his appointees must be Senate approved. CAP intends to micro-scrutinize each and every one of his designees, challenging their qualifications, searching for potential conflicts of interest in order to tie up Senate floor time indefinitely and thereby effectively obstruct Trump and his Republican-controlled Congress agenda at every contentious turn, in effect gridlocking Washington. This strategy of grinding attrition intends to render Trump’s presidential authority completely impotent, weakening his presidency to the extent that it’s made vulnerable to impeachment and/or insurgent overthrow.

Republicans realize two can play this game. Shortly after Democratic Senator Claire McCaskill jumped on her war party bandwagon, condemning her former colleague Sessions, she has already been proven a liar herself. It turns out that she also met twice with the Russian ambassador, once in 2013 and again in 2015, and then was foolish enough to have forgotten that she even went on record tweeting about it. A photo of the McCaskill meeting and her tweets were readily presented to discredit her emphatic, holier-than-thou, false claim.

The tide has already begun turning. All the PedoGate Democrats using the Russian meme to frame Trump administration officials are being exposed. Trump just tweeted:

I hearby [sic] demand the second investigation, after [Senate Minority Leader Chuck] Schumer, of Pelosi for her close ties to Russia, and lying about it.

Trump called Schumer a hypocrite after a photo surfaced with the New York senator sharing donuts and coffee with Putin. A photo also confirms that Pelosi also met with the Russian ambassador. Actually, 30 Democrats have met with Russian diplomats, rendering the Democrats’ witch hunt crusade a total hypocritical farce. The tables are turning and soon a formal investigation of Obama’s illegal wiretaps and leaks unlawfully shared with the press will be conducted.

All this illicit subterfuge, petty finger pointing and partisan name calling is making America the political mockery of the entire world. With the sole world superpower’s soiled laundry being paraded on full daily display before the planet, the rest of the world can only conclude that America has completely lost its way, and appears to be regressing into infantile irrational behavior as part of its own corrosive self-destruction.

Of course, it’s not a left vs. right issue at all, nor a Democrats vs. Republicans dichotomy. That’s just more divide and conquer brainwashing dribble. There’s plenty of pedophile guilt to spread around as the honorable former Congresswoman Cynthia McKinneypointed out on Twitter immediately following Trump’s recent anti-human trafficking press conference:

Forewarning: this brings down Dems and Repubs! He needs to go straight all the way because this goes to the top!

Under the clear light of day, one by one the treasonous cockroaches from both political parties are scrambling and running for cover, having their demonic “dirty laundry” exposed. A Republican example is Senator John McCain, recently busted via another WikiLeaksrelease of his signed letter asking for money during his 2008 presidential bid from – of all nations – the one he loves to bash and wants to bomb the most – Russia. Though a Reuter’s article treated it at the time as a silly mailing list mix-up, clearly McCain violated campaign law that expressly forbids financial solicitation of all foreign governments. On top of that, a year ago McCain was also caught accepting a one million dollar bribe from the House of Sin, I mean Saud, the world’s biggest financier of the world’s biggest terrorist group that the chicken hawk’s been in bed with for years.

John McCain’s treasonous career may finally be over, especially since he also happens to be amongst the 30 prominent politicians in Congress targeted on an FBI pedophile short list, soon to be arrested per recent disclosures by government insiders. McCain’s latest subterfuge was revealed when he and his fellow bobsy twin also named on that FBI round up list, Lindsey Graham, traveled to Ukraine to celebrate the New Year handing corrupt Kiev dictator Poroshenko the green light for launching yet another invasion into the Donetsk People’s Republic once Trump became president and then falsely blame the Russians again. Even McCain and Graham’s closet bedfellows, ISIS, Netanyahu, AIPAC and the Greater Israel Project can’t save them now, nor will their blackmailing power any longer have any hold over the little squirrely faced, now neutered warmongers.

In recent years with Obama’s former CIA director John Brennan an outed Muslim having converted while stationed in Saudi Arabia in the 1990’s, and Manchurian President Barack Hussein himself a long suspected Muslim, legitimate concerns of serious national security breaches through radical Islamic infiltration have only grown throughout the eight years of the Obama regime. Then there’s suspected Saudi intelligence operative Huma Abedin who’s been Hillary’s twenty-year aide helping the treasonous secretary of state sell out America to Saudi royal interests. Abedin is also the estranged wife of pervert ex-Congressman Anthony Weiner, who is spilling the pedophile beans to law enforcement on the elite’s worldwide child sex slavery trafficking ring. This underlying reality provides further impetus and motivation for so many blackmail prone puppet-traitors operating at the highest echelons of Washington power to ensure that Trump gets dumped ASAP prior to his arresting hundreds of high profile child molesters still walking free amongst preyed upon children today. President Trump’s recent press conference that reaffirmed his commitment to ending global human sex trafficking delivered the message that their days are numbered.

For several years now the pedophile-ridden US crime cabal government has engaged in the nonstop demonization of Russia, ever since the Obama neocons illegally overthrew the democratically elected government in Ukraine three years ago, installing their own neo-Nazi puppet regime. In response, Putin and Crimean residents were forced to merge as a defensive buffer against the very real and justified threat posed by US Empire-NATO’s aggressively hostile encroachment along the entire Russian border. The Ukraine coup also caused the ethnic Russian majority living in Eastern Ukraine to rightfully move toward determining its own fate by declaring independence from the US puppet Ukraine and resist the US-led Kiev government’s military invasions and bloody ethnic cleansing campaigns against the Donbass freedom fighters. As the world’s bully playing God as judge, jury and executioner, the US Empire’s downfall is the direct result of lining up on the wrong side of history. America has been taken over by monstrous psychopaths determined to commit human genocide.

Utilizing Goebbels’ infamous mantra that if you repeat telling a lie long enough, eventually it will convince and effectively brainwash a docile, gullible [US] population into misbelieving the designated enemy is a threat to its very existence, thus the Russians, Chinese andIranians have been conveniently relabeled cold war enemies whose fabricated “aggressions” in self-defense must be stopped through all-out war. The fake stream news has relentlessly been working overtime on the American population, prepping US citizens into acquiescence and acceptance of the inevitability of World War III.

Though the war is far from over, the elite’s diabolical, violently destructive agenda has been thoroughly exposed like never before. The unstoppable truth is now stripping away the layers of filthy lies that have survived under the cover of darkness with which the Washington traitors and their partner-in-crime – fake stream press – have flourished for so long. But those days are now over. A growing counterinsurgency army comprised of a citizen investigator uprising is leaving no stone unturned, letting the truth be their guide while they uncover the previously protected and hidden criminal cabal cockroaches, with perhaps a president on their side who may finally go after the pervs. Honest, truth seeking citizens of the world are becoming more empowered as they take back their cherished planet from the true villains before they destroy everything in life that we cherish. Our time has come for the truth to shine in setting us all free while locking up the traitors.

The Best of Joachim Hagopian

Joachim Hagopian [send him mail] is a West Point graduate and former US Army officer. He has written a manuscript based on his unique military experience entitled “Don’t Let The Bastards Getcha Down.” It examines and focuses on US international relations, leadership and national security issues. After the military, Joachim earned a master’s degree in Clinical Psychology and worked as a licensed therapist in the mental health field for more than a quarter century. In recent years he has focused on his writing, becoming an alternative media journalist. His blog site is at http://empireexposed.blogspot.com.

The post Washington and America Self-Implode at the Hands of a Treasonous, Obama Led Shadow Government appeared first on Patriot Rising.

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