
Do tire flips, yoke carries, sled pulls, and atlas stone lifts sound like fun to you?  If so, come check out PCF Strongman: Old School Movements | New School Programming.   Classes will run every Sunday from 8:30-9:30 a.m. starting April 12th with Coach Fahran!

What will classes be like:  CrossFit Strongman classes will run like a normal PCF Class, but with strongman movements incorporated into the WOD in conjunction with foundational CrossFit movements (i.e. squats, presses, and deadlifts).  Strongman movements provide a playground where athletes can test and improve their brute strength lifting odd-shaped objects while also improving their overall fitness level.

Benefits of strongman:  You do not have to be the strongest man or woman to do CrossFit Strongman.  The beauty of strongman is that its movements do not require a high degree of skill and are not only fun, but also easy to learn.  Expect to get a great workout and a high return on investment.  You will see increased maximal lifts, improved grip strength, and improved midline stability among many other benefits including an overall improvement in general physical preparedness for workouts.

Cost:  Free with an unlimited PCF membership.  $12 fee for all other PCF membership categories.  $20 drop-in fee for non-members.

Post Open/Patriot Anniversary Party goes this Friday following evening classes (~1830). We’ll provide beverages (adult and otherwise), you bring your favorite dish to share (potluck style).  Sign up sheet for potluck here.

Join us for CrossFit Kids (ages 4-8) on Sunday, March 29th, from 12-12:30pm, at Patriot CrossFit! Check out www.pcfkids.com to sign up or email info@pcfkids.com for more information.


Level II

Level I



30 Squat Clean Thrusters (135/95)



30 Squat Clean Thrusters (115/75)



30 Squat Clean Thrusters (75/55)

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