
Download the YUTorah Parsha Reader for Beshalach 5774 

Audio Shiurim on Beshalach

Rabbi Elchanan Adler: Shirat HaYam, Marah, and Tu B'Shevat

Rabbi Hanan Balk: Righteous Women, Miriam, and the Redemption from Egypt

Rabbi Asher Brander: Israel's tests and Amalek

Mrs. Mali Brofsky: Shirat HaYam and the Moral and Theological Imperative of Yetziat Mitzrayim

Rabbi Chaim Brovender: The Faith of Nachshon

Rabbi Shalom Carmy: The Challenge of Describing God

Rabbi Yitzchok Cohen: Bitachon in Hashem During Trying Times

Rabbi Avishai David: Jewish Leadership

Rabbi Chaim Eisenstein: Of land and Water - tu beShvat and hydroponics

Rabbi Aaron Feigenbaum: After the Sea

Rabbi Joel Finkelstein: G-d Power

Rabbi David Fohrman: What Does It Mean To Have Faith?

Rabbi Barry Gelman: Who is a real leader?

Rabbi Beinish Ginsburg: Two types of Hallel

Rabbi Efrem Goldberg: Hey Mann, Taste This Miraculous Food

Rabbi Yehuda Goldschmidt: It is Only up to You

Rabbi Ephraim Greene: The Machshava of Music

Rabbi Yaacov Haber: Our (Jewish) National Debt

Rabbi Shalom Hammer: Redemption Then and Now

Rabbi David Hirsch: Two Ways to Fight the Yetzer Harah

Rabbi Jesse Horn: The underestimated Middah: Optimism

Rabbi Shimon Isaacson: Navigating the Challenges of Parnassa

Rabbi Ari Kahn: Crossing the Sea; a people divided

Rabbi Yisroel Kaminetsky: Emunah in the Midbar

Rabbi Eliakim Koenigsberg: Positive Thinking

Rabbi Binyamin Kwalwasser: The Lessons of Marah

Rabbi Aryeh Lebowitz: It's All God

Rabbi Menachem Leibtag: An "outstreched hand" for "stressed out" nation: Who needed the "yad ha’chazaka", and why was is so important?

Rabbi Aryeh Leibowitz: The Emphasis In Judaism on the Exodus from Egypt

Rabbi Eliezer Lerner: Pharoah's Teshuva

Ms. Elisheva Levi: Nachshon Ben Aminadav Ascension to Kingship

Rabbi Ben Leybovich: The real me

Rabbi Dr. Aharon Lichtenstein: Chok U'Mishpat

Rabbi Yaakov Neuburger: Simchah and the Mitzvos at Marah

Rabbi Michael Olshin: Planting Your Tree Today for Tomorrow

Dr. Rebecca Press Schwartz: What's So Bad About Amalek Anyway?

Mrs Deena Rabinovich: The Road Less Travelled...

Rabbi Moshe N. Reichman: Sieze the Moment; The Value of a Mitzvah

Rabbi Yonason Sacks: Seudas shabbos, lechem mishne

Mrs Ilana Saks: The Tree of Good Advice

Rabbi Hershel Schachter: The Power of Moshe's Mitzvos

Rabbi Shay Schachter: Walking in His Ways - Ethics & Etiquette

Rabbi Avi Schneider: Choosing Between Good and Good

Rabbi Aaron Selevan: Carrying Yosef's Bones vs. Building the Beit Hamikdash

Rabbi Baruch Simon: Never going 3 days with out water

Mrs. Shira Smiles: Bona Fide Bones

Rabbi Zvi Sobolofsky: Three Days and the Sweetness of Torah

Rabbi Reuven Spolter: Taking the Leap of Faith

Mrs. Elana Stein Hain: Crossing the Yam Suf: Jewish Attitudes Towards Vengeance

Rabbi Daniel Steinherz: Creating the life you want to lead

Rabbi Josh Strulowitz: Do the Phylacteries make the man?

Rabbi Moshe Taragin: A Sea Change!!

Rabbi Michael Taubes: Zemiros on Shabbos

Ms. Shuli Taubes: The Affliction of the Manna: A Test of Faith

Rabbi Mordechai Torczyner: What happened to the Egyptians at the Sea? 

Rabbi Ya'akov Trump: Exodus and Creation

Rabbi Shmuel Wagner: Shirat Hayam

Rabbi Moshe Tzvi Weinberg: Torah: Endlessly Deep Yet Accessible to All

Rabbi Andi Yudin: True Kavod HaTorah

Rabbi Ari Zahtz: Up Against the Wall

Articles on Beshalach

Rabbi Solomon Drillman: Kriat Yam Suf

Rabbi Ally Ehrman: Ya gotta believe

Rabbi Shlomo Einhorn: In the Ocean, Dry Land

Rabbi Ozer Glickman: The Power of Song

Rabbi Shmuel Goldin: The Long Way Around

Rabbi Meir Goldwicht: The Connection Between Yam Suf and Marah

Rabbi Dovid Gottlieb: Crying and Complaining

Rabbi Maury Grebenau: Of Man and Men

Rabbi Mordechai Greenberg: בית המקדש של מטה ושל מעלה

Rabbi David Horwitz: The Incomparability of God

Rabbi Avigdor Nebenzahl: Bitachon

Rabbi Meir Orlian: Stand Fast and See the Salvation of Hashem

Mrs. Nechama Price: Splitting the Sea: Take Two

Rabbi Eli Baruch Shulman: Visions of the מרכבה

Rabbi Shmuel Silber: A Song for the Ages

Parsha Sheets on Beshalach

SOY (YU): Einayim L'Torah

YU-Torah miTzion Toronto Beit Midrash: Toronto Torah

YU High School for Boys: Shema Koleinu

YULA Boys High School: Likutei Ohr

Shiurim on the Haftorah of Beshalach

Rabbi Avraham Gordimer: The Story of Devorah

Rabbi Avraham Rivlin: ואוהביו כצאת השמש בגבורתו

Rabbi Ari Zahtz: Why Such a Long Haftorah? Yael's Connection to the Parsha

Rabbi Jeremy Wieder: Laining for Parshat Beshalach
See all shiurim on YUTorah for Parshat Beshalach

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