
welcome to the newsletter

In this week’s newsletter Alzheimer's Research UK invite you to their Defeat Dementia Walk, Fitbit visit Black Park parkrun, Chris Davies announces the lucky recipients of the Cardiff Half marathon race places and Ira Rainey brings us another powerful parkrun story.

Whether we’re all getting older later or staying younger longer I’m not sure, but time was that grandparents were folk you visited on a weekend for a cup of tea and a couple of Rich Tea biscuits. Today’s senior generation however are generally fitter, healthier and more active than they have ever been and that’s great news not just for them, but also for the rest of us.

It’s especially great for Maxwell Pulley. Maxwell is non-verbal autistic and struggles with everyday life. Even when he’s out and about with his mum he has to wear reins for his own safety as he just doesn’t sense danger like other six-year-olds.

Every week Maxwell turns up at Bromsgrove junior parkrun and runs with his best friend. Not comfortable in crowds and unable to vocalise his anxieties, having that special friend close by holding his hand helps Maxwell through that uncomfortable start and gets him to the point where he can run free and just have fun.

Maxwell’s best friend, Grandpa Lindsey Pulley, may be seventy years his senior, but they are a team with an incredibly strong bond – a connection that is quite literally unspoken. The benefits of physical activity for Maxwell are many, but also don’t underestimate the value of a friendship that spans generations.

We all feel better after a run; it’s a way of blowing off a bit of steam, but think how important that would be if you couldn’t do it any other way. Following his run, Maxwell is always a much calmer and happier little boy, like any other who has spent the morning just having fun with his family. It’s the best therapy money can’t buy.

A run not a race - that’s the simple truth of parkrun. It’s the one statement that allows anybody to feel comfortable on that start line come the weekend. Irrespective of their age, fitness or ability, parkrun welcomes and successfully integrates generations of runners together into one big extended fitness family.

It’s because so many events have a solid core of regular runners and volunteers that each and every one of them is such a friendly and encouraging environment. Whether it’s the person storming home in first or the one keeping the tail runner company, it’s the eclectic mix of runners at every parkrun that make them such a supportive atmosphere in which to run.

Not only do Maxwell and Lindsey have each other - which is fantastic - but they also have everyone else around them cheering and supporting them on to the finish every single week, that is the power of parkrun.

Union J singer to open walk

Alzheimer’s Research UK’s Defeat Dementia Walk is now just four weeks away, but there’s still time to sign-up and help boost funds for pioneering dementia research!

Our flagship fundraising event will be held in Cambridgeshire on Sunday the 12th of July and is being officially opened this year by popstar JJ Hamblett, from Union J. We would love that special parkrun support to make it our biggest and best event yet!

Now in its fifth year, we’ve set ourselves an ambitious fundraising target of £50,000 - enough to fund an entire pilot project to test cutting-edge approaches in dementia research.

The Defeat Dementia Walk begins at 10am from Linton Village College and includes a choice of two routes: a 10-mile walk taking in the picturesque villages of Linton, Hadstock, Hildersham and Great Abington and a pushchair-friendly, three-mile walk through Linton. Both routes end at the college where walkers will be able to take a well-earned rest and get together for tea and cake.

JJ has been a fantastic supporter of our work since first getting involved with the charity in 2013.

He said recently: “My mum Karin works as a carer and she looks after people living with Alzheimer’s disease and other forms of dementia. Because of her work I’m aware of just how devastating dementia is and I’m proud to support Alzheimer’s Research UK. Since I became involved with the charity I’ve heard from so many fans who have been touched by dementia in some way. It’s a cruel condition that affects families and friends, not just the individual living with it.

“Many people think dementia is a part of ageing but it’s far from it. It’s caused by brain diseases that are more common in later life but can also affect people in their younger years - including people in their 30s. It’s my generation that will reap the benefits of today’s research which is why it’s vital we all do our bit to make a difference.”

To take up the challenge, visit www.defeatdementiawalk.org or call 0300 111 5 777. All participants are encouraged to raise sponsorship to have the maximum impact on dementia research. Registration fees are £15 for adults, £7.50 for under 18s, while under-threes are free.

Fancy organising your own Defeat Dementia Walk where you live? Email parkrun@alzheimersresearchuk.org for more information.

Jess Hiscocks
Defeat Dementia Walk Lead Organiser
Alzheimer’s Research UK

Fitbit parkrun launch event

This week, to celebrate our partnership launch, the Fitbit team joined the Black Park parkrun running community to take our first steps - in fact, we estimate our first 3.5 million steps together! parkrun founder Paul Sinton-Hewitt kicked off the run and four-time Ironman World Champion, Fitbit ambassador and parkrun Head of Participation Chrissie Wellington shared some motivational words on the start line. Both measured every step, heartbeat and calorie on their Fitbit Surges along the way!

At the end of the run we were on hand with some Fitbit prizes and goodies for all! We captured the whole run on video and with photos, and look forward to sharing these with you all soon. The event was a great success with over 500 parkrunners taking part, our thanks to the Black Park team for making us feel so welcome – if you missed us this time we hope to see you soon at another parkrun. Check out all the pictures here.

Thanks for sharing all your parkrun comments, stories and pictures on our social media channels and if you haven’t already, don’t forget to visit our Facebook page and join the parkrun & Fitbit Friends group – we already have more than 1,000 members sharing experiences, tips and support. You can also join in with our conversations on Twitter using the hashtag #parkrunfit. Don’t forget that you can also get a £15 discount on any Fitbit with our special parkrun offer. Happy stepping everyone!

dogs at parkrun

At our 5k events we allow one dog per runner which must be kept firmly under control on either a short lead or harness. Please note that dogs are not allowed to take part in junior parkruns and that parkrun barcodes are only for humans. Woof.

parkrun population

Here are this week’s summary statistics for parkrun UK (including junior parkrun)

Number of runners - 63,500
Number of volunteers - 6,088
Number of first timers - 9,379
Number of PBs - 12,491

feedback from the field

Let us know if you have an interesting parkrun related fact, happening or comment that you would like to share with all parkrunners

In November I received the news we all dread: I had cancer. What's more, it seemed pretty hopeless, they couldn't operate as it had spread to my arteries and I had secondaries in my lungs. I had to stop running but I had already done 85 parkruns and I was determined that I was going to reach 100. I started chemotherapy and managed a few more, but then doctors stopped treatment and since March I have been doing reflexology, pilates and my parkrun every week and I am doing well! This Saturday I completed my 100th parkrun, and it is reaching this goal which has kept me going over the last months. I can honestly say that parkrun is saving my life!
Jenny Chambers

I had a surreal moment when checking the results for a recent Newbury parkrun. I crossed the finish line with another runner and when I checked the results, I found out the runner who pipped me at the line (by one second) was also called David Graham. Having never met my namesake, our close finish was purely random. What a freaky parkrun coincidence.
David Graham

Last Saturday my friend David Asker got married to his lovely wife, Claire and it was a wonderful day. We managed to squeeze in a run at Catton parkrun beforehand and to top it all it was David's 50th parkrun. Best wishes to Claire and David for a long and happy life together and here's to the next 50 parkruns.
Rob Whalen

This week was my 100th parkrun and the amazing support I received was fantastic. I was presented with a lei and a 100 balloon. During the run itself fellow parkrunners who usually speed off and leave me standing kept me company the whole way. I lost count of the number of people who congratulated me afterwards even an hour afterwards as I was walking home. The invite to a breakfast treat was the icing on the cake. Thank you everyone at Crane parkrun for making the day extra special.
Pam Stewart

In April last year, as an unfit engineer and newspaper columnist, I challenged myself to a parkrun having written about the Barrow parkrun Christmas Day run. That first attempt was a bit of a Forrest Gump thing for me, I set off and kept running, amazingly for an unfit guy finishing inside 30 minutes. More amazing though, for those who knew me and my activity levels, was that I came back again, week in, week out. Last Saturday I completed my 50th parkrun, crossing the line second (in the absence this week of some of Barrow's speedier runners admittedly). What an amazing event, an amazing family, quite simply the best thing to do at 9am on a Saturday!
Darren McSweeney

I have always walked and started to run a little last year but hated every minute of it so I stopped. My friend started running at St Helens parkrun and encouraged me to join by saying how friendly it was and how there was no pressure as you can walk or run the course. I have now completed my eighth parkrun on Saturday and I love it. The volunteers are so encouraging and supportive, and cheer you on all the way making you feel like every step is an achievement. I was shocked to receive an email to say I was Sweatshop Monthly Prize winner for May. Wow! I am really looking forward to collecting my trainers.
Angela Beech

I saw the Cardiff Half Marathon link in the newsletter last week. I've already entered and am one of those first time half marathoners having taken up running last May with parkrun. parkrun got me into shape to run a 10k for the Brain Tumour Charity and I raised over £2.5k and lost nearly four stone. I have since run another 10k and am in training for Cardiff. I’m looking forward to seeing other parkrunners on the 4th of October.
Jeremy Evans

Dear Volunteer,
Every week I go to parkrun and you're there smiling, clapping, cheering. In fact, you're even there the weeks I can't make it, when I'm busy, or it's raining, or I just can't drag myself out of bed for whatever reason. I usually give you a smile and say thanks but sometimes I forget because I'm exhausted. You don't make a big deal of it; you're still there next week come hail, rain or shine. So, in case I forget next time... Thank you, thanks for all your help!
A parkrunner

Having never been a runner before, I went to my first Durham parkrun in May 2012 whilst studying for my first year exams at Durham University. I was struck by just how friendly and welcoming the parkrunning community is and I kept coming back for more. Over the course of my four year degree in Durham, parkrun has become an important part of my life and I have loved every single one. 40 parkruns later, and I am so pleased to be fitter, happier and will be graduating with a 2.1 masters degree with honours next week. I want to thank everyone at Durham parkrun for being so brilliant, I will come back and visit!
Emily Hutchinson

Who'd have thought it? That I’d still be running nearly five years after starting running with a Run England group. I started as I needed some headspace as I was having a hard time supporting my 96 year old mum. A few months later Abingdon parkrun started up. Just this weekend Abingdon parkrun held its 200th event and I ran my 100th. I have now achieved the equivalent of 12 marathons, albeit in parkrun size bites. So a very big ‘thank you’ to Lucy and the whole Abingdon team for all they have done over the 200 runs and for encouraging us all including the likes of me to keep going!
Isobel Birse

My dad, Steve Till, and I started parkrunning in 2007, but it was only at Alice Holt in 2013 that I started going every Saturday morning with him. Last Saturday, Dad ran his 250th parkrun surrounded by lots of friends and family and was only twelve seconds off his PB to boot! He continually inspires me to run as he is also a member of the 100 marathon club, has competed for Great Britain and has run over 1100 races over the past 40 odd years. Thank you to everyone at parkrun, especially at Alice Holt, for being so kind and generous in their time every Saturday morning to me and my parkrun buddy, my dad, Steve Till.
Gabzy Till

parkrunner of the week

Name:  John Langley

Club:  Formerly Ranelagh Harriers, now unattached

Age:  79

Home parkrun:  Medina, Isle of Wight

Occupation:  Chairman of Isle of Wight Campaign to Protect Rural England

Number of runs:  114

Favourite volunteer role:  Tail Runner

What do you do at parkruns:  Encourage new runners to achieve that vital first parkrun and show them how important they are to our local family.

How has parkrun changed your running:  Once a marathon runner I had lapsed after retirement from work. Having become a parkrunner I am now enthusiastic to keep up and improve my performance. I am not quite prepared for a half marathon but I have done a couple of 10 mile races and raised considerable sponsorship for charity.

What do you like about parkrun:  I love the camaraderie of each event. We all look after each other and enjoy our Saturdays each week. Birthdays are jointly celebrated and as the Granddaddy of Medina I am made to feel special by my running pals. Long may it continue!

Most memorable or funniest parkrun moment:  Overall, I have finished first in my age group every time I have run, but was brought down to earth with a bump recently by a remark from a cheeky junior that that was because I am the only member of that group!

parkrun corner

We announced last week the generous offer from Welsh Athletics of 10 free places in this year's Cardiff Half Marathon to be held on the 4th of October 2015. In particular, the Welsh governing body were keen to promote a permanent change towards a healthy active lifestyle and therefore wanted to target parkrunners looking to make the step up to half marathon distance for the first time.

We were amazed by the interest in this offer and I am proud to announce the winners who will all receive free race places and training advice from Welsh Athletics. I'm sure the whole parkrun community wish them well with the next part of their personal journeys.

The recipients are: Matthew Taylour, Shaun Waters, Chris Todd Jones, Yadwinder Rathore, Mary Regan, John Etherson, Stephanie Grimes, Sara Huxtable, Ruth Davies and Tracey Messner.

Welsh Athletics will be in touch with them shortly.

Chris Davies
Newport parkrun and Newport junior parkrun Event Director and parkrun UK Ambassador

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barcode reminder

Barcodes are used at all our events to record your result. Please collect and print your barcode here. No barcode, no result!

children at parkrun

We welcome children at parkrun. Please note that those under the age of 11 must be within arm's reach of a parent, guardian or designated adult of the parents' choice whilst attending 5k parkrun events. Children aged 4 to 14 can run unaccompanied at our junior parkrun events.

You can read the latest junior parkrun newsletter here.

volunteering at parkrun

Every parkrun event relies on volunteers and in 2014 alone over 50,000 of you came forward and supported your local event. Volunteering is a wonderful way to make friends, feel great and have fun. If that sounds like it's for you then please contact your local event team for more details.


For cancellations please check your event’s news page for the most up to date information.

upcoming anniversaries


Banstead Woods parkrun 20th

Colby parkrun 20th

Havant parkrun 20th

Heaton Park parkrun 20th

Northala Fields parkrun 20th

Peckham Rye parkrun 20th

WhitleyBay parkrun 20th

Worcester parkrun 20th

Stirling juniors parkrun 21st

Bury St Edmunds parkrun 27th

Cheadle Hulme parkrun 27th

Clumber Park parkrun 27th

Colwick parkrun 27th

Derry City parkrun 27th

Dewsbury parkrun 27th

Gladstone parkrun 27th

Great Notley parkrun 27th

Ormeau parkrun 27th

Tees Barrage parkrun 27th

Workington parkrun 27th

Little Stoke junior parkrun 28th


Basingstoke parkrun 4th

Riddlesdown parkrun 4th

Southampton parkrun 4th

St Helens parkrun 4th

Stewart parkrun 4th

Arrow Valley parkrun 11th

Blackhill parkrun 11th

Riverside parkrun 11th

Sheffield Hallam parkrun 11th

Cambridge junior parkrun 12th

all questions answered

Do you have a question about parkrun? How do I collect my club t-shirt? How do I get my barcode? All your questions are answered on our brand new support site.

official charity partner

our sponsors

Helping people be the best they can be

For 40 years, Sweatshop the award winning running store, has been helping runners find the perfect products for their individual needs. Find your closest store at sweatshop.co.uk

Health insurance that rewards you for living well.

Vitality is insurance that rewards you for being healthy. It's there to protect you when things go wrong unexpectedly but it's also there to help you lead a healthier life - meaning you don't have to claim to be able to benefit. If you keep well, then you're less likely to claim. That means it costs us less to look after you. We think that if we're saving money, you should benefit from that. So as you get healthier, we offer you discounts to encourage you to be healthy, rewards to keep you motivated and to help you rest and relax, and cashback so you've got more money to spend on doing things you love. Find out more about Vitality


Fitbit and parkrun have a shared mission to get more people moving across the UK, providing the motivation needed to help people improve their health and fitness. By bringing Fitbit's market leading activity trackers and software expertise to parkrun's active community of runners, Fitbit helps motivate and inspire parkrunners, by empowering them with information they need to reach their goals.

our supporters

Inspiring runners of all levels

For information on all events organised by the London Marathon, please visit london-marathon.co.uk

Delivering your results earlier

For information on the company powering the mobile messaging, please visit aql.com

Connecting parkrunners everywhere

For information on the mobile communications company, please visit three.co.uk

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