
As a homeschooling mom, I am always looking for new materials to share with my little learners. My kindergartener daughter learners best through hands-on activities, so I try to incorporate games and crafts into our lessons. When recently offered the chance to review the Humble Bugs Character Building Kits in exchange for my honest opinion, I eagerly accepted the opportunity to try something new during homeschool lessons. I was especially interested because I have been having a little trouble finding materials for lessons about life skills.

About Humble Bugs

Humble Bugs is committed to helping parents and kids learn the importance of building character. Earlier in the year, sisters Sarah and Kari wanted to provide more fun and exciting information to their own eight children to help them build character. After searching for the materials that they wanted but finding nothing, the sisters created Humble Bugs. Teaching families about character and celebrating character is the epicenter and a cornerstone to the company. Humble Bugs believes that the world is full of character and that teaching children about character will lead to a better today, tomorrow, and forever.

About Humble Bugs Character Building Kits

Children are the focus at Humble Bugs, and the company believes that character grows and improves in the presence of three simple things that are intertwined throughout every kit: (1) knowledge, (2) confidence, and (3) a family support system. Humble Bugs Character Building Kits are delivered every other month. Each kit is well-planned and organized to include activities for both children and parents. Additionally, each kit comes prepared to touch each of the different types of learners (visual, auditory, read-write, and kinesthetic). The kits are targeted towards children between the ages of 4 and 11, but, with parental guidance, kids of all ages can enjoy the activities and crafts. Humble Bugs has confidence that the kits will help to reinforce the character value that each kit teaches.

Price and Design

Humble Bugs Character Building Kits currently cost $35 per kit. If you choose a six-month subscription, the total of three kits cost only $33 each. If you order for an entire year, you save even more money at just $30 per kit. Your first kit will ship with 48 hours of your order being placed, and you will receive a new kit every other month. Be sure to join the Humble Bugs newsletter to receive information about upcoming kits, bonus ideas, and special offers and coupons.

Each Humble Bugs Character Building Kit comes with activities, crafts, games, and a movie that can all be used in helping teach the specified character trait of each box. Each box includes a parent’s guide, kid’s guide, classic family movie, award pins, and multiple activities for kids and adults to enjoy together. Everything you need is included within the kit. All crafts included in the box come with enough materials for up to three people to enjoy. Each kit is designed to help build character values while building up the family.


My family and I received the Setting Goals Character Building Kit. Featuring the Olympians, the box came with activities, crafts, and games for at least five days of family fun. My daughter was especially excited for all the crafts. I love doing crafts with my kids, so I was also excited, especially when I realized that all the materials and supplies necessary are included in the box! Decorating the medals was a huge hit because my kids love stickers and my daughter loves glitter glue. I love that the kit also comes with enough supplies for three people to make one of each craft. My daughter, son, and I can each make one! I love that the Character Building Kits bring my family together with a goal in mind. In addition to the medal craft, I really liked the sun catcher craft. Each box brings new crafts, all supplies included, for the whole family to work on together.

While my kids enjoyed the crafts in the Humble Bugs Character Building Kit the most, I appreciate that I can use the parent’s guide for instructions on how to get the most out of the kit. The kid’s guide allows my daughter to follow along with a self-guided activity. I was able to use the booklets in conjunction with the crafts as part of some recent homeschool lessons. The family-friendly movie was also a fun addition that allowed my daughter to have a little screen time while still learning an important lesson. I could definitely see myself incorporating other Character Building Kit into my homeschool curriculum.

Final Verdict

If you are searching for materials to help your child explore personal growth and build character, I highly recommend the Character Building Kits from Humble Bugs. Targeted towards children between the ages of 4 and 11, each kit comes with a parent’s guide, kid’s guide, classic family movie, award pins, and multiple activities for kids and adults to enjoy together. My kids absolutely loved the crafts, and I loved that the crafts came with all the supplies necessary. At just $30 per kit every other month for a year, incorporate character building into your child’s education with Humble Bugs Character Building Kit.

For more information or to subscribe to the Humble Bugs Character Building Kit, visit the Humble Bugs website. Also follow Humble Bugs on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram.

Image Credits

Exploring Personal Growth with Humble Bugs Character Building Kits © 2016 Heather Johnson

Humble Bugs Character Building Kit © 2016 Heather Johnson

Opening the Humble Bugs Character Building Kit © 2016 Heather Johnson

Crafts of the Humble Bugs Character Building Kit 1 © 2016 Heather Johnson

Crafts of the Humble Bugs Character Building Kit 2 © 2016 Heather Johnson

Dream Catcher Craft of the Humble Bugs Character Building Kit © 2016 Heather Johnson

Working on the Dream Catchers in the Humble Bugs Character Building Kit © 2016 Heather Johnson

Family Olympics Score Card in the Humble Bugs Character Building Kit © 2016 Heather Johnson

Inside the Humble Bugs Character Building Kit © 2016 Heather Johnson

Medal Craft of the Humble Bugs Character Building Kit © 2016 Heather Johnson

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