
Shannon Leischner was born with powerful inherited abilities from generations of truly gifted family members. Her great grandmother Lucille, was a well known psychic. Her grandfather Raymond, was one of the most gifted people she had ever known. He was hired by a major oil company to douse for oil and was very successful. Additionally he loved to do pass life regressions on people. Her mother, aunt, and uncle were also very gifted in the psychic realm with abilities to intuitively “know” things, dream about future events and interact with spirits.

Following the genetic lineage, Shannon Leischner was born with spiritual gifts. Since early childhood, she has been able to see, hear, and interact with the spirit realm. Shannon lived in a house that was equivalent to the Amityville Horror house and had some terrifying spiritual encounters. This was Shannon’s introduction to the psychic and spiritual realm.

Despite the negative encounters with the spiritual realm, Shannon has had many positive and loving encounters with wonderful spirits and angels. These positive experiences helped Shannon realize that her gifts are from God and they need to be shared with others. Consequently, she decided to dedicate her life to helping people find happiness, answers and closure in their lives.

Aside from her spiritual work, Shannon utilizes her 3rd degree black belt in Tae Kwon Do and her Master’s Degree in Public Administration to dedicate much of her time to providing services to the community. She teaches self defense four times a week to university students, women and children. In addition to her teaching schedule, Shannon is the CEO of a non profit organization named Goal Oriented Academic Learning Services which strives to help high school students achieve their dreams of going to college. She also has dedicated most of her life working on State grants that consistently helps underprivileged high school students raise their academic abilities and accomplish admission to a four year university.

Although she finds it very difficult to boast about her abilities as she truly feels that her gifts are from the divine (which is where the credit is due).

Shannon Leischner is a world renowned psychic medium and Theta Healer/Instructor. For over 20 years, she’s been changing lives through life path coaching, angelic communication, mediumship and energy work in order to help people from all over the world find their divine purpose. Shannon has an extraordinary ability to communicate, interact with, and cross over spiritual beings. Her immense relationship with the angelic realm has taught her that there is definitely more to this world than what we are able to see.

All services are provided with caring, insight and discretion. Recently, Shannon was featured in Psychic 4 U Psychic News, Views, and Interviews (an online magazine). She has been a guest psychic on “Let Us Connect”, Darkness Radio, LA Talk Radio, Kim Iverson, Be The Light Now, No Ordinary Psychic Radio, Queen Mary, Paranormal Radio, Country Music Awards Gala, Media Madness Event, and will soon make her debut on several HBO programs.

Shannon has a caring heart and truly cares for each and every one of her clients. Therefore, she has an excellent rapport with her clients and even finds herself taking calls and responding to emails at all hours. She feels that helping people is part of her life path and takes the responsibility of her gifts seriously. She treats her clients like family and develops life-long relationships with them. Shannon is genuine and full of integrity and it shows in her readings.

Shannon Leischner



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Senior Editor: Kelly Griffin.

Paranormal Herald:.Evan Jensen

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