
This thread has been saved from the TTI board. It no longer exists on that board because the administrator said it became corrupted and they had to delete it.



unregistered posted 09 January 2001 11:03


I appologize,

I meant to say that time was accelerated and the energy per unit volume lower at our respective position as a result of the increased density of air as a result of increased humidity. I donnot mean to say that time actually slows down but sequence of events are accelerated outside the reqion of higher humidity with respect to those events within the region of higher humidity as a result of the area of higher humidity having a lower energy density then the region of lower humidity. This is indeed counter intuitive and requires a unique perspective of the model to totally understand. Most scientist would agree that higher energy densities occupy masses of higher density. This is because the masses of higher density will have atoms with more electrons and protons enabling higher angles of energy deflection within the mass prolonging the period of time required for the free propagation energies to permiate through the solid medium. When I speak of eneries I am refering to the electro-magnetic spectrum. I would like to appologize for butchering the english language in my last two postings, but I was on a timer and did not have time to hit the ‘spell check’ button. In short, I really do wander if there is a sort of time dialation within the atmosphere caused by the fluctuating levels of temperature and humidity. Can anyone coment? I was also realizing that by compressing energy to a smaller volume of space that space would likewise expand taking on lesser density even without having to stretch at all. This would mean that the total volume density of a volume of space is defined mathematically as S=1/e^2 where S is the density of space and e is the density of energy. (a side note to Plight: this is part of the mathematical model for the device in that as the radius of the magnetic field decreases to zero at 180 degrees torque: the energy density of the field increases to infinity as the space-time density decreases to zero. Beyond 180 degrees torque the energy density of space space-time aquires a negative density according to the equation S=1/e^2 where e^2 rises above infinity(infinity not being true infinity but a convenient label for the unknown limit value of e^2.)and the corresponding S value takes on a negative value.




Edwin G. Schasteen


IP: Logged



Member posted 09 January 2001 11:19


It sounds more like your backing out TT_0.

Why not answer my posts directly and on the same week as I posted them?


You sound fearful…


You say you cannot disclose information that may threaten to change people in this worldline personally. Though you have no idea how much you have changed people already with your big mouth.


Let me ask you something… Let’s assume for a minute that you are a Time Traveler. Tell me, what is the policy when encountering an unknown variable?


You came into this discussion board for reasons that only you would know. To accomplish something that you thought would benefit us? Or to relinquish some make believe fantasy you had?


Who knows…?


But hey, don’t get me wrong, I used to play Cops and Robbers too. Super heros are cool . But when you came here, you didn’t come here as a call to save humanity… did you? No, there was something else wasn’t there?


Well, it sounds to me that your stay here is numbered. I can only imagine what peril this will bring upon you once you get back.


I can only say, thanks. You’ve restored my will to keep up my fight to stop people like you messing up the TimeLine.


And oh, that unknown variable, it’s me. You didn’t plan on encountering resistance. Especially a TimeTravelActivist. Hey this sounds more like something that would happen at the end of a Scobby Do cartoon . “You rotton kids…”


I suggest you don’t underestimate the past and think you can waltz in here assuming nothing can go wrong. You may be the Traveler, but I’m a native to this land. Take a lesson from history, and just respect people’s domain.


That’s assuming that you are a Time Traveler. But personally I think your just playing into people’s fascination with TimeTravel. Why else would you be here, in a TimeTravel discussion Forum, claiming to be a TimeTraveler? You tell people what they want to hear, of course there going to believe you. You only keep them guessing and their fantasy going.


I gotta go, but you just think about doing that again in another message board, you can expect the same results. Someone out there, is a TimeTravelActivist just like me, ready to speak out. Remember that…


-Javier C.


[This message has been edited by TimeTravelActivist (edited 09 January 2001).]


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unregistered posted 09 January 2001 12:24


To: TimeTravelActivist

I apologize for being unable to respond faster. I looked back and couldn’t find any questions but I may be mistaken.


I also see that you seem to have a great deal of anger directed at me. If you knew where I was and how to get the distortion unit, what would you do? What judgment and punishment should be passed upon me?


On this and many other discussion boards are people who are genuinely interested in and hoping to experience or discover time travel. What punishment would you apply to them if the succeed? I see that you too have had time travel experience. What punishment do you deserve?


When time travel was discovered, there were many people who were against its development. However, once the true nature of time was realized, the resistance faded. Even if one worldline was able to ban, kill and stop all time travel, it will continue on another.


However, the corollary is also true. Take heart, on some worldline, you have succeeded and all time travelers are dead by the hand of your followers and thinking or talking about it is a crime.


IP: Logged



unregistered posted 09 January 2001 12:25


To: TimeTravelActivist

I apologize for being unable to respond faster. I looked back and couldn’t find any questions but I may be mistaken.


I also see that you seem to have a great deal of anger directed at me. If you knew where I was and how to get the distortion unit, what would you do? What judgment and punishment should be passed upon me?


On this and many other discussion boards are people who are genuinely interested in and hoping to experience or discover time travel. What punishment would you apply to them if the succeed? I see that you too have had time travel experience. What punishment do you deserve?


When time travel was discovered, there were many people who were against its development. However, once the true nature of time was realized, the resistance faded. Even if one worldline was able to ban, kill and stop all time travel, it will continue on another.


However, the corollary is also true. Take heart, on some worldline, you have succeeded and all time travelers are dead by the hand of your followers and thinking or talking about it is a crime.


IP: Logged



Member posted 09 January 2001 15:47



You still didn’t answer my questions. Instead you went off the subject, and attempted to blame me for something I have no control over.


Let’s set the record straight here. If TimeTravel is used wisely, ethically, and with intentions that don’t allow for an advantage in which ever side is using it. Then I am fine with it.


But, if it is used to go back and change events in favor of a world governmets hidden agenda, then yes I would like them to be punished. How would you like to be exploited? Who likes being used…?


So in retro-pects, I sense you have anger in me, for having morals and a sense of ethics on this issue of Time Travel. I don’t want this ability to be used by eager selfish people who want to play God with life.


Excuse me, but I may be a bit old fashion, but traditions and ways of life are things to hold on to. Sure, advancement of the human race is a good ideal to have as well, but not through the means of Time Travel.


So in conclusion, I still await your answers to my questions. What do you have to lose that you haven’t already messed up already.


I mean no disrespect, but you don’t seem to have the wisdom that I would expect someone from an advanced future would have. Your ideals are to liberal, much like in the 70′s where things were all about Sex, drugs and free love. Nasty…


No, The worldline you described sounds defeated, desperate, will accept everything new without question.


You sound the same exact way. Reading over your last post I couldn’t help but feel that. If you are an example of what people in the future feel about life, if you per-se are like a representative of that TimeLine. I’ll tell you what, that TimeLine, that world sucks.


That’s all for now, I gotta get back to work.



Javier C.


IP: Logged



Member posted 09 January 2001 19:45


Hi everybody. Im back.

getting use to my new computer system.

I was going to post something here and reference it to a previous post but for some reason those two postings have disappeared and I have been over and over pages 5,6,7,and 8 and cannot find it at all.


It was a posting by TTO replying to ,I believe ,Trott. he made a cryptic message to him asking him if he ever heard the “Princeton string quartet play.” and trott responded back that he knew who the scientists were in the Princeton string quartet. I cannot find these two interesting postings at all. Does anyone know where they are? The only one that can delete postings completely are the moderators.MOP,DYMENZION did you delete them? Trott and TTO are not even registered to edit their postings.

My question is WHAT HAPPENED TO THOSE POSTINGS???????????????????????????????


Anyway I cannot refer back to them now so I will just tell you one of CERN’S employees has recommended to me to read “QED” the strange theory of light and matter. by Richard P. Feynman. I was hoping it was not a big book when I got the book, at the top of it, in purple and white were these words:




(Princeton, New Jersey

Princeton University press)


anyway I am curious about the missing postings. TTO take a look back…do you know what happened to it? if so write me.maybe I am just overlooking it.although I checked over those pages 4 times!




[This message has been edited by pamela (edited 16 January 2001).]


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Member posted 09 January 2001 22:37


I too have made referrence to this (QED) Book, matter of fact I just lent it out of the TAP-TEN Library to Gary Schasteen on his last visit to my house!

I am suprised that this was overlooked?

Oh well, I am also a very talented musician.


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Member posted 10 January 2001 12:03


I found it, it was in the parallel universe thread. I knew i had read it.


“You’re a physics student, have you ever heard the Princeton String Quartet play?”



“Mr. TT_0,

I am familiar with the Princeton String Quartet. They are physicist who are working on string theory at the Advanced Institute of Physics at Princeton University in New Jersey.”


[This message has been edited by pamela (edited 10 January 2001).]


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unregistered posted 10 January 2001 01:13


E(8) x E(8)?

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unregistered posted 10 January 2001 15:27


(E8)x(E8)=? S=1/E^2






1^1/2=.333…n,1 and -1.

If E is energy density and S is Space-time fabric density.


IP: Logged



Member posted 10 January 2001 21:08


E(8)x E(8) = SuperGravity

IP: Logged



Member posted 10 January 2001 21:14


Mr. TT_0,

You mentioned a divergence from time lines. How is it possible to measure such a divergence? I would assume that it would be impossible to calculate how causes of one single event would propagte into the future. Does not chaos theory make such determinations impossible? Even if I gave you the exact position and velocity of all objects in the universe (which is impossible(I can not even give you the exact position and velocity of a single object due to the Heisenberg Uncertainity Principle)) you could not tell me what the future holds. Of course this results from the fact that the objects do not represent individual closed systems but in fact can interact.



You said 6 curled up dimensions. The current theory suggests that there should be at least 7 curled up dimensions. It was discovered by Ed Witten that if you added an additional dimension that the 5 slightly different versions of string theory would combine into a single theory, which is often called M-theory.


IP: Logged



unregistered posted 10 January 2001 23:10


((You mentioned a divergence from time lines. How is it possible to measure such a divergence?))

The measurement for worldline divergence is an observation variable isolated to the distortion unit. An effective analogy would be a “gravity radar”. The unit’s sensors take a “snapshot” of the local gravity around the unit before a flight. During travel, this baseline is periodically checked to make sure there are no major changes in the environment that would cause a catastrophic mass failure (brick wall appearing from nowhere). The percentage of VGL divergence from one worldline to another is a calculated guess by the three computers that control the unit based on its starting point. It is useless in describing characteristics of individual worldlines.


There is a bit of folklore about the first distortion driver who reaches a destination with a zero divergence. This would mean they had traveled on a spacelike trip to their own worldline of origin. This paradox is quite possible although highly unlikely. I wonder if anyone out there can take current string theory and make that one work on paper?


((You said 6 curled up dimensions. The current theory suggests that there should be at least 7 curled up dimensions.))


I may be mistaken but I thought it was pretty well established now that (N -10) was on track.


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TimeMaster 1a

Member posted 11 January 2001 02:46


What is a WORLDLINE?

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unregistered posted 11 January 2001 03:58


Direct quote from the Home Page of this Board:

“The Time Travel Institute, although entirely fictional, still respects your privacy.”




IP: Logged



Member posted 11 January 2001 05:03



I take it you have no further comments or intentions of answering my last post?


Considering what answering may undermine, I can respect you sudden silence.


Anymore dialogue between you and me and I could very well end up discrediting your claims of being a Time Traveler.


Or on the other hand, may very well end up supporting my point about Time Travelers intentions.


Either way, if you wish to have a real dialogue, and meet my challenge, I still await your answer. In addition, don’t answer what and when is convenient for you. There have been a few past posts requesting that you supply answers to. And you have only come up with what seems to be something that is just convenient enough for someone to quickly study in a book and post as your own knowledge.


So enough stalling…


Have a nice day,


Javier C.


P.S. Here’s another one you can try answering for me . I been meaning to ask you, what is your fascination with posting “kill” as your futures means of punishment? This is the 2nd time you’d mentioned it. Don’t you have a criminal justice system in the future anymore? Or is “killing” just your thing?


IP: Logged



unregistered posted 11 January 2001 09:04


I must admit TTA, you have succeeded in confusing me. The more I read your postings, the more I question my understanding and local use of social interaction, courtesy and logic. However, I also believe that all viewpoints have some inherent value even if it’s not apparent.

((I take it you have no further comments or intentions of answering my last post?))


I took a look at your last posting and didn’t see any questions. However, I now realize that I may be mistaken in assuming much of what you wrote was rhetorical. In may be helpful if you add some indication that you are asking a question you wish someone to comment on.


((However, there is one thing I would like to know. TimeTravel_0 if in fact you have been to the future, what happens to JCS- ME =)? Am I deeply involved in this Time Travel project as well? What of the resistance?))


This is the only question I found from your postings that you could be referring to. Again, I have no knowledge of you in any possible future nor would I comment on it if I did. As far as the photograph of me in a uniform, I’m not sure what that would prove even if I had one.


((Anymore dialogue between you and me and I could very well end up discrediting your claims of being a Time Traveler.))


I do not seek credit for anything. The most I hope for (for the most part) is to be at least interesting and engaging.


((Either way, if you wish to have a real dialogue, and meet my challenge, I still await your answer.))


Perhaps I was unclear before. I did provide the web link earlier that does have a chat room set up for time travel. My schedule is a bit more flexible right now at least for the next week or so. Please take a look and let me know when you will be there (open to anyone of course). Since there really is nothing to be gained or lost, I look at this not as a challenge but more of an opportunity to get to know everyone better.


((In addition, don’t answer what and when is convenient for you. There have been a few past posts requesting that you supply answers to. And you have only come up with what seems to be something that is just convenient enough for someone to quickly study in a book and post as your own knowledge.))


I’m not sure what you mean by that. In earlier postings, I have stated that I’m trying to avoid repeating myself and frankly there are some items that are just over my head or that I have no knowledge of. It is curious that you feel knowledge can be something owned or somehow that becomes less worthwhile if it’s passed on.


((P.S. Here’s another one you can try answering for me . I been meaning to ask you, what is your fascination with posting “kill” as your futures means of punishment? This is the 2nd time you’d mentioned it. Don’t you have a criminal justice system in the future anymore? Or is “killing” just your thing?))


Perhaps you could take the dialogue in question and post it with your question. However, if I understand you, you’re asking about death on my worldline. Yes, it is more a part of our lives than it is yours (at least for now) and capitol punishment is a reality.


IP: Logged



Member posted 11 January 2001 10:41



why would you travel back to our time looking for a UNIX Bug Fix when the people in your time could simply try to fix it themselves??


what will you be using UNIX for,BTW?


In the future,are the overall temperatures cooler or hotter than they are here and now?


in an earlier post,you said Skeptisism isnt a bad thing,but you seem to back down to TTA and answer few if any of his questions..Why?




[This message has been edited by Fast (edited 11 January 2001).]


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Member posted 11 January 2001 11:35


Uhh ya =)… Good point there.

Gotta get to work, more later.


-Javier C.


IP: Logged



unregistered posted 11 January 2001 11:49


I don’t believe I ever said I came back looking for a UNIX bug fix. I came back for a computer system. Don’t you find UNIX usefull now?

Temprature is about the same although there were anomalies after the war.


Fast… if you are able to translate exactly what the questions are, I would be happy to try and answer.


Just curious….what does everyone think of “IT”? (ginger)


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unregistered posted 11 January 2001 11:55


I have some questions for Time traveler_0,

I see you take things from this world to bring back to your own world. books, computers what have ya. as well as probably the other TT do as well.

Do you pay for those items? or do you just “steal” them?

what do you pay with if you pay?

If you dont pay how is it justified to steal from another world?

could not a TT (time traveler)basically take whatever they wanted from any time?

for example: They would have knowledge of when a shipment of gold was being transported by truck and they could go in and attack the truck and steal all the gold. which would be good for any country or time and do what ever he wanted with it.

They could set themselves up as a King in ancient Egypt and rule the world at the time.

They will have all the power and all the money they could ever want.on this world as well as on others.

what stops you from doing this as well?

Are they careful who they pick to time travel? do you have to take psychological tests before you are chosen?

what attributes should a time traveler have in your opinion?

What are some things they look for when they chose someone for a mission?

If they pick a bad seed by mistake and send them time traveling and that person does harm is there anyway they can go after that person? I am curious about all of this.

thankyou in advance for answering my questions.


IP: Logged



Member posted 11 January 2001 12:54


Interesting, if you are from the future, you could tell us just exactly what IT is. Since no one will know for sure until probably 2002 according to news reports. The picture that I saw on ABCNEWs.com of what they thing IT is did not seem to impressive.

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TimeMaster 1a

Member posted 11 January 2001 13:45



Since you can travel from Worldline to Worldline perhaps you can tell me what a worldline is?


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Member posted 11 January 2001 14:19



there was only one question and you answered it.

if one looks over the temperature charts from the past back to when they first started making them,there is a pattern.

every hundred years or so there is a 10 year period of higher and lower than normal temperatures.after these 10 years,the temperature levels out.


I read somewhere we were at the end of those 10 years,so wouldnt that mean that in your time the temperatures would be not as extreme?


also,what exactly is IT?




IP: Logged



Member posted 11 January 2001 15:29



It’s no use, he won’t answer your question about Time Travelers ethics. Cause he’s got none.


I tried having him to comment on it, yet he hasn’t.


After all, he comes from a world where there is capital punishment. The ends justify the means for Time Travelers, as I always been saying.




IP: Logged



Member posted 11 January 2001 15:31



It’s no use, he won’t answer your question about Time Travelers ethics. Cause he’s got none.


I tried having him to comment on it, yet he hasn’t.


After all, he comes from a world where there is capital punishment. The ends justify the means for Time Travelers, as I always been saying.




IP: Logged



Member posted 11 January 2001 16:51


didnt TT_0 say in a previous post that we were looked down on by future generations,

if he is from a “parellel timeline”,how would he know this??

perhaps TT_0 really is a fraud?




IP: Logged



Member posted 11 January 2001 16:56


i got an error from the board and tried to resubmit the message,and it popped up in repeat..



[This message has been edited by Fast (edited 11 January 2001).]


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Member posted 11 January 2001 16:57


another repeat post..


[This message has been edited by Fast (edited 11 January 2001).]


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unregistered posted 11 January 2001 19:38


I was considering all the pictures that were submitted of UFO’S on all the different TV programs. It seems that very few people are likely to believe in something that is far more believable then time travel. Not that I am a skeptic of time travel for if I were I would not be trying to provide the method and energy source to enable that and other feats. But most would only beleive in UFO’s if one were to land in their back yard and even then most would question their own sanity before proclaiming the obvious. What possible evidence can be produced over the internet to convince even a minute few that the time travel has accured? I would say that collective seeing on a constant basis such that sightings become as routine as eating toast for breakfast before all and few would be convinced. I recall that TT-0 stated that even on his world line most of the population do not believe in time travel. I would say how is a time travelor going to convince a group of people from our own generation that time travel has accured when the same feat in his/or her own time line would take quite an amazing feat. I believe that to even consider the possibility of time travel takes a person of faith. And it takes a person who choses to believe in time travel to truely traverse the necesary intellectial and economical barriers to acomplish that goal. I was considering using the superluminal waveguide where microwaves are forced through an iron bar such that the group velocity is greater then light as resonance to enable the iron bar to less virtually conduct the tachyons from my source by decreasing the density of space-time that seperates the tachyon source from the subluminal energy source and thus correcting the space and time dialation of the superluminal and subluminal entities within the iron antena. This will decrease the density seperating the subluminal energies from the superluminal energies and increase the magnitude of the tavchyon field permiating our iron antena. (please forgive any mispellings I am in quite a hurry). This is all just an extra I believe that the above is not necesary but will serve as maybe a tuner or rectifier. (I hope I am using these terms right). By increasing the density of a parallel propagating e and h field to infinity by generating a double phase field and bringing them in phase within a region; then creating a pressure on the field by running a conducter through the field of infinite density will result in the generation of subluminal negative energy. That is a positronic output. By introducing the superluminal mircrowaves one will conduct the tachyons at a higher probability rate as the fields increase in density to infinity–at which time the conduction of tachyons will increase in probability-which is amplitude-to an infinite amplitude.



Edwin G. Schasteen


IP: Logged



unregistered posted 12 January 2001 01:30



Very good.


It’s like the old joke from 2 or three years ago regarding why “Star Trek” will never be a reality.


1. The transporter – All ya gotta do is transport to the Met Museum of Modern Art in NYC, steal all the big $$$ paintings, and retire. Nothing you ever own will ever be safe again once the transporter is invented. This works just as well for TT-O’s methods as well.


2. The “Holodeck” will be the last invention of Man. Think about it.


So why wouldn’t Time Travel? Human nature. Ever meet anyone who didn’t wanna be somewhere/when else?




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unregistered posted 12 January 2001 12:00


I have been to the TIME TRAVEL COMMUNITY that time traveler_0 mentioned on the 9th but it has not been up for two days. everytime you go there now it says “Hmmm we can’t find that page.”

what happened to it?

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Member posted 12 January 2001 19:44



I’m just curious about something. You seem to be TT_0 biggest supporter. How old are you by way? Cause it sounds as if he’s your role model or something .




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unregistered posted 12 January 2001 21:24



(Just curious… what do you think of IT (GInger) )


We ain’t supposed to know yet. But I do sincerely thank them for adding an element of suspense to my life.


I’ve spent the last 12 years learning to cope with some of the most virulent, malignant, and chronic uncertainties known to man. When somebody adds one more to the pile I just burst out with giggles.


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Member posted 12 January 2001 22:37



your always posting some of the longest and largest collections of rhetoric nonsense i have ever seen in all my life.


your message starts out saying people believe in aliens because it is more believable than time travel…and??


why exactly do people who dont believe time travel is possible come and check out the time travel boards?






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unregistered posted 13 January 2001 12:21


First off, why would anybody even wnat to kill their grandparents? Just kill yourself if your that depressed. Don’t bring your family into it. Or make sure your parents don’t fall in love. It’s all bullshit.

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Magnetic Chick

unregistered posted 13 January 2001 04:34



Good one.


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Got light? Make matter.





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Member # 15


posted December 25, 2002 21:50


Time-travel Paradoxes! (Page 9)



Author Topic: Time-travel Paradoxes!


unregistered posted 13 January 2001 15:20



the first part of the letter was to the general audience of the forum. The second is to certain persons who I confer with to add to their knowlege conscerning a project that we are involved with. The last part of the letter is part of a much larger technical conscept only those who work closest with me would be able to decipher, understand, or utilze that knowlege. In short I somtimes use this to relay knowlege to my coherts. Even some of them will not fully understand this knowlege until I am able to break it down and expain what I mean. For this is merely to transfer the knowlege while giving away as littly usable technical detail as possible. I will reword the first part of the paragraph:

I simply mean to state that most of the population does not believe in UFO’s despite the numerous sightings. And that if the majority will not accept the existance of UFO’s the majority will not accept the existance of time travel either.



Edwin G. Schasteen


IP: Logged



unregistered posted 14 January 2001 04:39



Ah, OK. I get your point. I’m not one who has ever seen a UFO and also know that there are a lot of phonies out there claiming to have experiences that are either deluded or just plain lies from the outset.


But…I can’t help believing that the existence of extra-terrestrials MUST be so on the sheer logic of the odds alone. I’m not CONVINCED they exist, but I can’t see how they could NOT. This is not faith, just deductive reasoning.


Time Travel on the other hand is something I would LOVE to believe as a possibility. Would jump at the chance to endorse if someone somewhere could give me just a glimmer of hope, faith, logic or even reasonable speculation in the mere possibility of. But alas, one burning question remains unanswerd for me. How does one travel to a where/when that actually does not exist in the first place? In other words, how is it ever not eternally here/now?


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Member posted 14 January 2001 04:43


This thread has gotten lame. If it isn’t some guy claiming to be from the future, and backing down when he knows he can’t answer my questions. It’s rgrunt, making no sense at all.

I think the moderators should just end this thread, and put it out of it’s misery.


Unless we see some real dialouge going, we’re way off topic here.


-Javier C.


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Roel van Houten

Member posted 14 January 2001 10:11



With all due respect mr. TimeTravelActivist, but you to have contributed to the decline of this thread. To be honest, TimeTravel_0 had more useful things to say than you.


I’m not at all convinced he is a timetraveler, but his posts often carried some information that I could think about. Ask him some clear questions instead of vague stories.


Greetings from rainy Amsterdam


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unregistered posted 14 January 2001 17:02


With all do respect timetravelactivist, I am somewhat relieved that you cannot or choose not to comprehend the information being delivered. Some info is better left to the experts which is why I am not building my own invention. You are not the only one who is aprehensive of the prospects and consequences of the development of time travel. One who I would call a friend is borderline paranoid at the prospect and has threatened recourse any such device is developed. I can honestly say that my original intention was not the development of a time travel device, but an energy source to enable the production and distribution of massive amounts of energy for industrial use and/or consumption. The nature of the device as I developed it revealed quite accidently the possibility of yielding sufficient energy for the manipulation of time itself. It appears that the two limiting factors that are holding back technological progress is the limitation of energy and energy containment. It is like we used to say in aircraft mechanic school, if you give anything enough thrust you can make it fly as is proven by every successful flight of any given harrier fighter jet. If you can produce enough energy I suppose anything is possible–even time travel. I will tell you one thing though, I will not be detered from the development and inplementation of this device–even if it must be developed behind closed doors. I feel that it is time for the world to take serious measures into the energy crisis. We have, so I have heard, about twenty-five years worth of fossil fuels. Here is one possible temperary solution to prolong the consumption of energy. I have heard that the radio-active gas radon is quite plentiful on the lunar surface. Radon happens to be one of the radio active gasses produced by the degradation of Uranium Metal. One option may be to develop NASA drilling teams to go to the moon and search for uranium deposits. If there turns out to be quite a large supply of uranium on the lunar surface that we might be able to develop spacial containers to collect and preserve uranium over the next 25 years while we still have the fuel sources to do so. This might give us a couple of hundred more years of electrical energy on our planet to research for an answer to the energy crisis by continueing research into discovering the ultimate energy source. Since the current form of economy is limiting us by being so dependend on oil and other competitive businesses I thought that maybe a new economy system would be worth considering. If we were to take the economic losses acruid by businesses that fail to succeed on the open market and set up a virtual account and allow that estimated monetary loss to be recirculated back into the economic system in the form of virtual tender in the account of the failed business to spend only on research and development. The failed business can use the cash to develop advanced products for sell. The failed business is then free to spend the profits gained by the newly developed products for personal gain of that business. The bussiness can pay a small tax on the money gained to support the goverment. The oil companies will be satisfied for no inventions can put them out of business on account that any losses acruid by the oil companies as a result of alternate energy sources can be claimed by the oil companies in the form of virtual cash for them to spend on other products such as computers and etc. The more worthy competition the oil companies gain the more money the oil companies gain which is true for everyone. The oil companies will promote the development of advanced tachnologies both on their own and by supporting the competition. Everyones losses will be everyones gains. We can still allow the current money system be usable but can also allow for monetary systems to be kept on massive computer acounts in the form of supercomputers. By having this set up we will use the natural human trait of greed to reinforce our development and in the mean time decrease the crime rate by allowing all persons to have the right to purchase shares of a given business through the stock market. I bet that we if this system will allow every one to gain that we would have no problem getting people to sign petitions to bring this bill before congress. So what does everyone think? Is this a good idea? Don’t hold back now?

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unregistered posted 14 January 2001 18:33



The more I read rgrunt, the more I tend to have respect for him as a person. I started out being very critical of him, but in the end…


He makes no outlandish claims, only speculations and the reasons he makes them. All in all, this seems quite clear to me and not the least bit confusing.


Whether one agrees with him or not is beside the point. That’s in individual right. But his pronounements are by his own admission, speculative and as such, come across in an open minded sense. It doesn’t appear to me he’s trying to “snow” anybody. I can’t say the same for all others here.


And his thoughts on energy levels relative to Time Travel seem to be right on topic as far as Paradoxes are concerned. i.e. – Maybe Time Travel is possible IF enough energy can be generated and contained/controlled. But that’s the paradox. So far, we have no way to do this. Maybe we never will, maybe we can solve it. But a “Paradox” is only ever really that. Failure to understand a problem that seems unsolvable, or the realization that there never was a problem in the first place.


As I’ve said before, “Paradox” is an invention of the mind, not something that ever actually occurs in Nature or the Universe. They only SEEM that way to us due to lack of understanding.


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unregistered posted 14 January 2001 18:41



May I politely offer that perhaps the reason you think this thread is getting “lame” is that at the moment it is not filled with folks who simply take someone else at their word when they make claims of what they can do.


How is this any different from TT_1 making claims and then sidestepping all attempts to get him him to show verifiable evidence to back them up?


If one requires gullibility in others to be successful in one’s arguments, then the arguments can’t have much merit in the first place.


The solution to Time travel, (if there is one), requires solid scientific investigation, verification, and publication of said verifiable results for confirmation by others qualified to do so.


As yet, there is little of that going on here.


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Member posted 14 January 2001 20:28


oookkaaayyy .

I’m an Activist, or did you forget that. If you boys and girls can’t see that, then I don’t know what to tell you.


I post what I think is another side you people are over looking. And from the sounds of your posts, your completely oblivious to perceiving that side.


If it wasn’t for me on this thread, you wouldn’t have asked TT_0 the questions I did. And for that, he is now backed down.


Why? Who knows? Maybe he realizes any further comments on my part, such as ones he cannot answer will hinder his fantasy role playing.


Don’t get me wrong, I like fantasy stuff. But if he is what he says, he will answer my comments and show us proof. I would if I could.


Now let me ask you something, did you think about seeing it that way?


-Javier C.


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unregistered posted 14 January 2001 21:56



Quote: “I am an activist, or did you forget that……..”

Are you sure your don’t mean “agitator”?


Quote2: “But if he (TT_O) is what he says, he will answer my coments and show proof. I would if I could.”


Right guy, “*I* would if I could.” Does the word LAME have any meaning for you? When are *you* going to prove *your* story? Never thats when. But I’m sure that won’t stand in the way of your coninuing to run your mouth.


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Member posted 15 January 2001 01:40


Man Shadow, you sound like a real @$$-hole in that last post you know. At least the others said their peace with a little respect.

I have been trying not to attack anyone since my return. And look at you, you hypocrite. Calling me an “agitator.”


So what would you have had me say? I have often times attempted to speak of my experiences and try to make sense of them. If I could somehow, find some way to prove to people of what I am going through is for real, believe me I would.


Why is it so hard for someone to prove something if he can? Especially more when he claims he’s what he is.


Roel van Houten,

What vauge stories are you talking about? Can you point one out to me, please ?



Gullible people? Not in here… you must be mistaken.


-Javier C.


[This message has been edited by TimeTravelActivist (edited 15 January 2001).]


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unregistered posted 15 January 2001 04:45



I don’t think I accused anyone of being gullible here have I? I’ve stated what I think that term means, and how it pertains to those who allow others to get away with any argument in an unquestioned manner. I don’t believe I’ve pointed a finger at anyone in particular tho.


Frankly, in my opinion the board is LESS lame when it contains sceptics who keep the conversation going in a speculative manner, rather than when it becomes a forum for any one person to direct the conversation while all others simply nod in agreement.


If a soultion to Time Travel is EVER to be found, it will come from stimulated debate, which fosters creative thought and experimentation, not “preaching to the choir”.


This may be fun and all for problems that have already been solved, but Time Travel has not. Not to any degree that satisfies MY scepticism anyway. This is not to say I declare it to be impossible. But I DO think thought in other than the traditional directions (Time Machines, Parallel Universes, etc.) is in order to reach a solution if there is one. The aforementioned are merely old ways of conceptualizing it that have ultimately produced, well, nothing. In the way of any PROOF that is.


I doubt seriously that the answer lies in EITHER of these two approaches. But, I COULD be wrong about that.


Thanks for your response.


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unregistered posted 15 January 2001 05:00



As far as your personal experiences are concerned, I’m not critisizing what you say you experience. You sound like a genuine person to me who is relating what you feel and even the sometimes confusion you feel by having had these experiences. That in itself speaks to your credibility.


Since I have not had the experiences you have, I can’t comment either way. It would seem that your experiences suggest that Time Travel is more a spiritual experience than an actual physical one, but even that which can be described as the “spiritual” side of each of us as individuals, remains undefined itself does it not.


Ergo, I cannot dismiss them nor can I accept them out of hand. No critisism intended there. Just ponderance of the fact that to me they are “interesting”.


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Enforcer of Time

Member posted 15 January 2001 08:52


Thanks DaViper,

For clearing things up for me, and for others on this board as well (hopefully).

Basically that’s what I mainly been trying to get across in my recent posts. That we shouldn’t go along with what someone says. I have only been asking the questions, no one has bothered to ask.


And that upset-ted a few people, forgive me folks…


Hence my little sarcasm in that last comment I made to you; “Gullible people? Not in here… you must be mistaken.” Get it ?


Nevertheless, it’s not my place to try and convince people about my experiences. Cause it’s never been about that, it’s always been about being critical of Time Travel, and Time Travelers intentions. Some how someone keeps bringing up something about my experiences, and that I can’t prove anything, so why am I even talking if I can’t prove anything my self, is the point someone’s been trying to impose on me.


So then, the topic isn’t about my comments of my last post anymore, but of what someone criticized me on. Then everyone gets to talking about it, as if this is what I am trying to convince others about. huuuaggh.


It makes a big mess, it confuses everything. I haven’t made any stories, nor have I even spoken of my experiences. Yet, it may sound like I did because that’s what everyones talking about. Further more, I would like to see if we can go back before all this confusion started. It was when I posted a few comments for TT_O to respond, say about 4 days ago.


They were about his intentions as a Time Traveler. Ethical, or not? Disregarding his own Time line by spilling the beans. Says alot, don’t you think.



Javier C.


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Enforcer of Time

Member posted 15 January 2001 09:06



[This message has been edited by Enforcer of Time (edited 15 January 2001).]


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Enforcer of Time

Member posted 15 January 2001 09:08


P.S. You might be wondering why the new name. Well I got the idea for this name after playing this cool RPG game. “The Wheel of Time.” Just thought I use a new name, as a change of pace.


For what was, for what is, and for what will be. I will fight for it’s preservation.


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unregistered posted 15 January 2001 12:04



In the post that follows, I’ve tried to answer the latest questions directed at me but I am hoping you all may be able to add some insight into something I’ve noticed. In our attempt to communicate here, some of the comments on this board have become increasingly hostile and negative. I see the same type of interaction when I watch news interview programs. The guise of productive interaction and communication is thwarted by illogical verbal attacks and misdirection. I understand why the news does it. They are trying to hold an audience by generating conflict. For a while, I thought that was the goal here too but it appears that anger and conflict is being created on this site to cause genuine harm and pain.

Its hard for me to believe that this is being done on purpose so I have concluded I simply do not understand some hidden element of your collective social interaction. On the other hand, if its being done for no reason, I would understand a little better how people in this time could accomplish so much and yet be so vulnerable to their emotions and fears. I think it was Thomas Jefferson who believed that the only way to sway opinion was through calm, respectful, intelligent conversation.


Weather I’m a time traveler or not, I suppose there are numerous ways to view my “story”. By the nature of the communication medium, I believe it’s impossible to prove therefore it’s impossible to believe. I agree that conversation spurs ideas. If I’m not a time a time traveler, than perhaps the seemingly disjoi

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