
By Roy Norton

Source: UFO Special Report 1973

“The pyramids are the solid ancient evidence of an advanced science in the ancient world!”

“. . . Measurements in the pyramids are a precise prophesy in stone!”

” … They were constructed with help from god­like beings from other worlds!”

“. . . There are secrets in the pyramids that will shatter modern science!”

These are just a few of the new, startling the­ories on the meaning, origin, and history of the Egyptian pyramids. The significance of these massive stone monuments has been debated over the past 1,000 years by scientists, scholars, saints, and plain, ordinary crackpots. Their debates center around the largest of the pyramids, the Great Pyramid of Cheops, an enigmatic pile of stone that has defied science for thousands of years.

Today, the Cheops pyramid has once again challenged science.

New discoveries, new data, and complex studies have demolished many firm theories about the pyramids. “Scientists recently conducted a com­puter study of the Cheops pyramid,” reported Dr. Gunther Rosenberg, founder and past pres­ident of the prestigious European Occult Research Society. “The experts walked away shaking their heads in disbelief! At present, we don’t know who built the pyramids, why they were built, or the reason for their construction.

“However; new data has proved that the pyra­mids may be a clue to an ancient, advanced science,” continued Dr. Rosenberg. “This tremen­dously advanced science ruled the world many thousands of years before Christ was born. The builders of the pyramid knew many secrets of the. universe. They understood advanced mathematics. Their knowledge of world geography was amaz­ing. Some of the data built into the pyramids is just now being proved by our space scientists.· IBtimately, we will have to revise our textbooks and rewrite the history of mankind.”

On assignment from SAGA, I recently visited the pyramidal plateau at Giza, a few miles south of modern, metropolitan Cairo, Egypt. No larger than the average ,American farm, this is undoubt­edly . the most mysterious piece of real estate on earth. The enigmatic sphinx and three giant pyramids sit on a treeless wasteland, an ageless puzzle in stone. Towering over the barren terrain is the enormous Cheops pyramid, said to, have been built as a tomb for the Pharaoh Cheops. He ruled Egypt about 3,000 years before the birth of Christ.

The sheer size of the Cheops pyramid is cer­tain to impress a visitor. My guide was an Egyp­tian professor, a pyramidologist who had devoted his life to solving the mysteries behind these stone structures.

“The Cheops pyramid was originally 485 feet in height,” the professor explained. “The base covers 13 acres, which is the equivalent of about eight square blocks in downtown London or Chicago. We’ve estimated that the Cheops pyramid contains over 2 million stone building blocks. These blocks weigh from three tons to 90 tons each. A few blocks weigh up to 600 tons. When Napoleon was in Egypt, he estimated there was enough stone in this single pyramid to build a wall around France. That wall would be 10 feet high, a foot thick.”

“What if we cut the stones into one-foot cubes?” I asked.

“You could build a stone chain around the world at the equator,” the professor calculated.

In terms of human energy and building ma­terials, the Cheops pyramid reigned supreme un­til Hoover Dam was built in the 1930s on the Colorado River. ”Actually, there isn’t a construc­tion company today that could build the pyra­mid,” said the professor. “Remember, there is enough room in the Cheops pyramid to contain all of the cathedrals in Rome, Milan, and Florence. You would still have enough space left over to put in the New York Empire State Build­ing, Westminister Abbey, St. Paul’s Cathedral, and the English House of Parliament. There is more stone in the pyramid than all the masonry used to build every church in England since the birth of Christ!”

All of the locomotives in the world could not pull the pyramid because it weighs an incredible six and a half million tons! Except for passage­ ways, burial chambers, and possibly undiscovrred secret rooms, the pyramid is constructed of solid stone. Many of the giant blocks are dressed and fitted so precisely tha( an ordinary business card cannot be inserted between them. Stones weighing up to 100 tons are so closely placed that it is impossible to detect the line where they are join­ed. Before they were vandalized, the outside of the Cheops was covered with shimmering, white casing stones. Abu-Zeyd-el-Balkhy, an Arab his­torian, reported ancient inscriptions were engraved on these exterior stones. The inscriptions indicated the pyramids were supposedly built when the “lyre vras in the constellation of Cancer,” or ap­proximately 73,000 years ago.

The 73,000 years was related to “twice 36,000 solar years before the Hejira.” The hejira was the flight of the Moslem prophet Mohammad · from Mecca to Medina in 622, AD., the date from which the Moslem era is measured. Many of the old Arabian historians, including Ehn Fasuff Shah, claimed the pyramids were con­structed by an ancient kipg known as Saurid, or Surid, who ruled in the antediluvian era be­fore the great flood mentioned in Genesis.

Another Arab historian, perhaps writing from legends, reported that the ancient people “having determined from the appearance of the heavens and the stars that a great flood would occur, constructed the pyramids to hold books of science and wisdom and other knowledge deemed worthy of saving from oblivion and ruin.” The infor­mation allegedly placed in the pyramids included data on ancient science, astronomy, mathematics, precious gems, and “malleable glass.” To date, of course, no one has discovered such a trea­sure trove within the pyramids.

Most scientists believe the pyramid was con­structed during the reign of Cheops, an Egyptian pharaoh. “They claim Cheops enslaved his sub­jects into labor gangs,”· said the Egyptian pyra­midologist. “They believe ‘my primitive ancestors used hand tools to carve these giant stones out of the quarries. They supposedly rolled these blocks across the desert, or floated them down the Nile to Giza, then dragged them across the desert, and fitted them into the pyramid. It couldn’t have happened! Primitive people cannot construct a monument with such incredible ac­curacy!”

According to historical estimates there were 20 million people in Egypt during Cheops’s reign. “Think of the logistics of building this pyramid,” declared the professor. “You would need a million men to overcome the problems. They would have to be transported to the quarries and building site. That would require soldiers and guards. How were they fed? Where did they sleep? It’s unlikely they lived out on the desert. You’d need thousands of foremen, supervisors, architects, assistants, and a fantastic group of people to back up the entire project.”

The professor listed some of the problems that would be encountered in building the pyramids:

Let us assume there are slaves to hack out 2,600,000 giant blocks from the quarries. What kind of tools did they use to carve out the st/ne? There was no · dynamite, no explosives, in those days. Where did they get the tools? What did they use?

Third, how do you get the stones to the building site at Giza?

Fourth, how could a small country like Egypt feed all those slaves? Where did the food come from? Who paid for the food? Who cooked it? Where did the grain come from? Who tilled the fields while everyone was building a tomb for the pharaoh?

Where did they get the ropes to pull all those blocks? In ancient Egypt, you didn’t dash into town and buy rope at a store. How much rope would you need to handle 2,600,000 stone blocks? These · stones weigh a minimum of three tons. Let’s assume we need four times as many ropes as stones. Some of the ropes could be used again, so we’d need about two times as many ropes as stones. That’s an incredible five million pieces of rope. Good, sturdy rope. Where did they get it?

Sixth, where did the Pharaoh find an architect who could design a building with such pre­cise measurements?”

Assuming the pharaoh had a gang of tough, whip-ready foremen, it would have required a hard-pressed quarry crew to claw those granite blocks out of the quarries. “Shall we say they produced 10 granite blocks a day?” asked the professor. “Remember, these blocks had to be cut out of the rock ledge. They had to be dressed out, brought to Giza, raised up, and carefully fitted into place. At the completion rate of 10 stones a day, it would have. taken 260,000 days to build the pyramid. That is 712 years!

Assuming that 100 stones per day could have been completed, it would still require 26,000 days to build the Cheops pyramid. “That is at least 70 years,” smiled the professor. “Can you imagine any king who would start to build his burial vault knowing he would die before it was -com­pleted ?”

Was the Great Pyramid constructed by the Egyptians with a few hand tools? Anyone who bounces on a camel to Giza is faced with many disturbing realities. Modern builders are pleased when they obtain an accuracy of one-tenth of an inch on their construction projects. Yet, the pyra­mid is built with far greater precision, despite being honeycombed with tunnels, shafts, and bizarre, hidden chambers. Yet, the structure has not settled as many modern buildings do. “Find me a construction company that will guarantee to build a 6Y2 million ton building without settling,” said the professor. “It can’t be done!”

There are endless mysteries on how the pyra­mids were constructed. An example is the re­ markable “king’s chamber” deep inside the struc­ture with two rows of 70-ton blocks of rare, red granite formed into a unique roof. “These stones could only have been taken from quarries that are 600 miles from Giza,” reported Dr. Rosenberg. “The horse and cart were not brought to Egypt until the 17th Dynasty. How did they transport these stones over such an enormous distance?”

Historians say the 70-ton blocks, and smaller stones, were pushed overland on wooden rollers. Trees were chopped down, dressed out to logs, and used as rollers under the blocks.

“The trees! The trees!” roared Dr. Rosenberg. “It’s a good theory except for the trees. There are no forests in Egypt and a few palm trees provide dates for food. Once the historians created the theory of moving the blocks on rollers, they should have invented a mythical forest to provide the logs.”

Pushing, rolling, pulling, and tugging these large stones over the sandy land would undoubtedly de­ stroy a large percentage of the alleged log rollers. Pebbles, rocks, sand, and abrasion from the granite blocks would quickly grind away a wood­en roller. There would have been a loss factor of about 10 rollers per stone. The Great Pyramid would have required 26 million wooden rollers!

Could the logs have been imported? “It would have required the largest fleet in history,” an­swered Dr .. Rosenberg. “These are the questions that pyramidologists haven’t answered. Where did the ancient Egyptians find a million, two million, or-God forbid!-26 million trees? Who chopped down these forests and dressed the trees? How were the logs transported to the quarries? If your imagination can’t handle 26 million trees, consider the human energy necessary to process a million trees! The theory of primitive people building the pyramid with their hands simply doesn’t stand inspection.”

How were the pyramids built? “One fascinating possibility is ‘(ibrational energy,” said Dr. Rosen­berg. “Folklore and oral traditions of the Arabic lands claim music and sound was utilized to build the pyramids. This lost energy may have been part of the ancient science that was also lost.”

In Chaldean Magic and Sorcery, Dr. Francios Lenormant tells of ancient belief in these occult pow­ers: ”Certain it is in ancient times the priests . . . by means of magical words raised storms and carried stones for their temples through the air which a thousand men could not lift.”

In The Great Pyramid in Fact and Fic­tion, author William Kingsland reported on how the pyramids were constructed ac­cording to Egyptian folklore. “When the king built the pyramids the great stones were brought long distances from the quarries,” he wrote. “The stones were laid upon pieces of papyrus inscribed with suitable symbols. Then the stones were struck by a rod, whereupon they would bowshot. In this way they came eventual­ly to the place where the pyramids were being built.”

In The Pyramid and Stonehenge, oc­cultist A. P. Sinnett discussed his belief in a society of ancient adepts entrusted with scientific secrets. He wrote: “The manipu­lation of the enormous stones used in the construction of the Great Pyramid can only be explained by the application to the task of some knowledge of Nature which was later lost to mankind. The Adept custodians of that knowledge con­cerning the mystery of nature can and always have been able to control the at­traction of matter in such a way to alter the effective weight of heavy bodies at will. This is the whole explanation of the marvels of megalithic architecture … The Adepts who directed their construc­tion facilitated the process by partial levi­tation of the stones used.”

Magic rods… Ancient adepts… se­cret words… magical symbols these admittedly far-out theories may sound fantastic-except they are based on the premise of antigravity. As we know, world go\’ernments are now hurriedly try­ing to solve the secrets of gravity with an electromagnetic, antigravity device. It it possible that back in the dim mists of pre­recorded history this knowledge of anti­gravity was known, and then lost?

Dr. Morris K. Jessup was a maverick scientist, an eminent astronomer, archae­ologist, and astrophysicist. Dr. Jessup discovered thousands of stars which are cataloged at the Royal Astronomical Society, London. He also constructed and operated the largest refracting telescope in the southern hemisphere in South Af­rica. An open minded, adventurous man, Dr. Jessup investigated ancient Peruvian ruins and, during one expedition, rowed to the headwaters of the Amazon River in search of a new source of crude rubber.

Dr. Jessup developed firm theories on UFOs and the possibility of extra­terrestrial visitors during ancient times. Intrigued by the pyramids, fascinated by numerous stone structures throughout the world, he noted that pyramids were found in many lands. He declared they were constructed through levitation. In The Case for UFOs, Dr. Jessup explained:

“…What kind of power was this levi­tating agency? How did it work? If through our crude mechanical system of ropes, cables, blocks and tackles, how did the ancients get enough rope on a massive block to take the strain of lifting it, and how shift the position of the prime mover? Rocks are not magnetic. Does flotation of­fer a complete answer for lifting the big ones? Sand. ramps do not seem suitable.

“I have used the world ‘levitation’ as a substitute for power or force,” he contin­ued. “I have suggested flying saucers used some means of .reacting with the grav­itational field. In this way they could ap­ply accelerations or lifting force to all parts of a body, inside and out, simulta­neously, and not through external forces applied by pressure, or harness, to the sur­face only. I believe that this same, or a similar force, was used to move stones in very ancient times. I believe the source of this lifting or levitating power was lost suddenly.”

Jessup declared that the power to build the pyramids came from “a spaceship,” probably of vast proportions, that brought colonists to earth. This “spaceship” sup­plied the lift power to erect the pyramids and other ancient stone monuments.

Arabic myths tell of “great white birds” descending from the heavens. “Celestial”­ chariots supposedly took the ancient kings into the heavens. These myths might also explain Ra, the sun god, and the ancient Egyptian religion based on so­lar worship.

In Book II of his History, the ancient Greek historian Herodotus wrote about his trip to Thebes, the.capital of ancient Egypt. He reported on the Egyptian tradi­tion of displaying statues of high priests in a sacred temple. Herodotus was asto­nished to count 341 statues. “This in­dicated there had been 12,000 years of priestly rule in Egypt,” Dr. Rosenberg re­lated. “He was also informed that the Gods :had lived with the Egyptians in the first generation and then returned to their celestial homes. If humanity was seeded by starmen, they may have passed along a portion of their scientific knowledge.”

The current political . cha.os in the Middle East has created an alliance be­tween Russia and Egypt. These new pacts have allowed Russian scientists to launch archaeological expeditions into the North African desert. A report on their dis­coveries was published in Milan, Italy, by Peter Kolosimo in the magazine Terra Sensa Tempo. He indicated the Russian had found astrological maps that depicted the exact position of the heavens many thousands of years ago. ” Another of their finds was a precision-ground crystal lens,” added Dr. Rosenberg. “These ob­jects indicate a highly developed science in the ancient world.”

The theory of spacemen in old Egypt had led to a far-out conclusion that the Great Pyramid’ was linked to UFOs. “A spacecraft could land on top of the pyra­mid and be secure,” a UFOiogist stated.

“Several occultists claim the ‘king’s chamber’ was a reception room for these starmen.” As we know. the apex stone was never laid. or was removed, from the Great Pyramid and the structure is ·cap­ped by a flat. level surface.

Several flying saucer contactees claim a UFO is hidden inside the Great Pyramid. On the evening of Nov. 5, 1957, grain buy­er. Reinhold Schmidt, reported that he contacted UFOnauts from a craft that landed outside of Kearney, Nebr. Schmidt claimed several contacts with the UFO­nauts and. during a lecture. startled his listeners by telling of a visit to the Great Pyramid, accompanied by the UFO cap­tain.

“I was directed to a secret passageway that led downward,” Schmidt said. “It opened out into a hidden, triangular room in the subterranean depth of the pyramid. That room contained one of the smallest spaceships I have ever seen. It might be described as two saucer-shaped plates welded together at the outer edges.”

Whether Schmidt’s story was fact or fancy, we know that throughout the cen­turies occultists have attached special sig­nificance to the Great Pyramid. Madame H. P. Blavatsky, the controversial found­er of Theosophy, a mystical religious phi­losophy founded in 1875 whose members believe in reincarnation, karma, and mul­tiple universes.

Declared there was a tun­nel from the Sphinx to the pyramid. “She claimed the chambers of the pyramid were used to hold rites for adepts initiated into a mystical brotherhood,” explained Dr. Rosenberg. “She also felt the pyramid was a record in stone that illustrated the principles of geometry, mathematics. as­tronomy. and astrology. During these rites· men rose toward the gods and the gods descended toward men.”

Such unusual theories would have been instantly dismissed a few years ago. To­day, few people ridicule any theory re­garding the pyramid afte”r the events swirling around a recent scientific study. Dr. Luis Alverez.winner of the 1968 Nobel Prize fo’r Physics. developed a method of measuring cosmic rays streaming through the pyraids at Giza. The smaller pyra­mid of Chephren was selected for the com­puterized tests. The venture was spon­sored by the Ein Shams University, in Cairo, the U.S. Atomic Energy Commis­sion. and the Smithsonian Institution. The results of these studies started the scientific world as reported by journalist John Tunstall in the July 14. 1969. issue of the London Times.

“…Scientists who have been trying to X-ray the Pyramid of Chepnren at Giza. near Cairo, are baffled by mys­terious influences that are throwing into utter confusion the readings of their spaceage electronic equipment. For 24 hours a day for more than a year, in the.hopes of finding secret chambers thought to exist within the six million ton mass of the pyramid, they have been recording on magnetic tape the pattern of cosmic rays reaching the interior.

“The idea is that as the rays strike the pyramid uniformly from all directions, they should, if the pyramid is solid, be recorded uniformly by a detector in the chamber at the bottom.

“But if there were vaults above the de­tector, they would let more rays through than the solid. areas, thereby revealing their existence. More than one million dollars and thousands of man-hours have been spent on the project which was ex­pected to reach a climax a few months ago when the latest IBM 1120 computer was delivered to Ein Shams University, near Cairo.

“At Ein Shams, Dr. Amr Gohed, in charge of the installation at the pyramid, showed me the new IBM q20 computer surrounded by hundreds of tins of record­ings from the pyramid, stacked up in date order. Though hesitant at first, he told me of the impasse that had been reached.

” ‘It defies all the known laws· of sci­ence and electronics. he said, picking up a tin of recordings. He put the tape through the computer, which traced the pattern of cosmic ray particles on paper. He then se­lected a recording made the next day and put it through the c.omputer. But the recorded pattern was completely different.

” ‘This is scientifically impossible,’ he told ‘me.

” … After a long discussion. I asked Dr. Gohed. ‘Has this scientific know-how been rendered useless by some forces be­yond man’s comprehension?’

“He hesitated before replying, then said: ‘Either the geometry of the pyramid is in substantial error, which would affect our reading or there is a mystery which is beyond explanation-call it what you will, occultism. the curse of the pharaohs, sorcery, or magic there is some force that defies the laws of science at work in the pyramids!”

Rosenberg remarked: “Even with our marvelous computers. man can’t solve the enigma of the pyramids.”

The computer printouts could have been sabotaged by a powerful, yet mys­terious, force Jinked to the pyramidal shape. “There was a Frenchman, A.M. Bovis, who was visiting the pyramid and noticed a container in a passageway,” ex­plained Dr. Rosenberg. “He found that cats and other small animals occasionally wandered into the pyramid. were trapped, and died. The guides threw their bodies into this can.”

Bovis found there was no odor or decay from the animal bodies. Although the chamber had a normal humidity, the bod­ies had been dehydrated to mummifica­tion. “Bovis was a naturally curious per­son; he wondered if the pyramidal shape was somehow related to mummies,” con­tinued Dr. Rosenberg. “He constructed a wooden model of the pyramid with a yard-long base. He positioned the model due north. A dead cat was placed inside. Within a few days the cat had mummified!”

Bovis continued his experiments with calf’s brains and other organic substances that decay quite rapidly. “When ·these materials were placed inside the pyramid, they did not rot or decay,” Rosenberg said.

There was a somber, almost silent, re­action to Bovis’s published finding about his experiments. The scientific world ab­hors the label of “pyramidiot,” a person who believes there are unveiled mysteries connected with the pyramids. They ig­nored the fact that nothing unusual should happen to organic matter placed inside a simple, homemade pyramid. They dismissed Bovis ‘s findings con­cerning the delayed decay of freshly killed meat. They ignored the intriguing process of mummification and dehydration inside the pyramid.

Behind the Iron Curtain, in Czech­oslovakia, a Prague broadcast engineer shook his head in wonderment at the Bovis report. Karel Drbal, a Czech radio and television pioneer, became intrigued and launched his own experiments. In his spare time he built a crude, yet accurate, cardboard pyramid. He checked the Bovis experiments and discovered the French­man had accurately described the results.

“There is a link between the shape of the space inside the pyramid and the physical, chemical, and biological pro­cesses going on inside that space,” Drbal concluded, “By utilizing suitable forms and shapes, we could possibly control these processes by speeding them up or de­laying them.”

As he continued his tests. Drbal dis­covered drastic changes in the com­position of matter placed inside his card­board model. He theorized that some type of unknown, yet powerful. energy might be at work. “The shape may attract elec­tromagnetic waves. There could be an ac­cumulation of cosmic rays,” Drbal con­cluded. “A pyramid may gather a totally unknown form of energy and hold this power.”

Engrossed in his experiments one eve­ning, Drbal was reminded that he needed new razor blades. Although Czech blades were made of high quality steel, they dul­led quickly. American and English blades were not available behind the Iron Cur­tain. “Could the power inside the pyramid resharpen a razor blade?” Drbal won­dered.

The following morning Drbal used a new blade in his razor. Setting his small, cardboard pyramid on a perfect north­south axis, he then placed the used blade inside the form. “Sharpness returned to the edge of the blade overnight,” Drbal said.

News of the Czech engineer’s unique blade sharpener spread through the Iron Curtain countries. High quality blades were difficult to obtain and, once a shaver obtained a package, he wanted as many shaves as possible. “Using the pyramid it .is possible to get up to 50 or 60 shaves per blade,” Drbal informed newsmen. “Con­ditions in the pyramid create an environ­ment where the blade edge returns to its original sharpness.”

Recognizing the commercia-1 possi­bilities of his discovery, Drbal asked the Czechoslovakian government for a patent. After tests, he was granted patent No. 91304 and a styrofoam Cheops Pyramid (Continued from page 60)

Razor Blade Sharpener is manufactued by a Czech firm.

However, most European manufac­turers are reluctant to check the pyramid phenomena. A French dairy patented a

pyramid-shaped container for yogurt; their customers swear the flavor is en­hanced by the container. In Italy, another dairy uses a pyramidal-shaped container for milk and the unusual carton retards spoilage.

The European Occult Research Society has conducted tests with model pyramids. “We found the shape to be the important factor,” reported Dr. Rosenberg. “We made pyramids from plastic, wood, glass, metal, and paper. We found the model must be placed precisely on a north-south axis. Otherwise, power drops off with mis­alignment. If the pyramid is off due north by five degrees, ·you’ll get a five percent power drop.

“It’s an unusual situation, and we are still searching for answers,” Rosenberg re­ported. “Someday, we may build our homes in the shape of pyramids to provide a beneficial atmosphere.”

While Dr. Rosenberg’s society contin­ues its research, others hope to solve these mysterious pyramidal factors:

In 1864, Piazzi Smyth, a mathematician and Royal Astronomer for Scotland went to Egypt and measured the Cheops pyramid. Smyth’s figures revealed ·the pyramid.rose 10 units of height for each nine units of width. Smyth decided that these measurements were a mathematical symbol of the earth’s distance’ from the sun. The Scottish scholar multiplied the pyramid’s height in feet by 109 (10 to the power of nine) and then reduced that figure to miles. The result was 91,840,000 or the approximate miles of distance of our plan­et from the sun!

Early explorers discovered the pyra­mid was in the exact center of Egypt and close to the exact center of the known an­cient world. To incorporate these details, the builders needed a vast knowledge of the earth’s geographical features.

An unending parade of people have mar­veled at the incredible feat of construction in the pyramid. Tourists and scientists alike are enchanted by the remarkable ac­curacy of workmanship. As an example, casing stones deviated from a true square and a straight line only 11100th of an inch over 75 inches. “Just to place these stones together would require extremely careful work,” reported William F. Petrie, an ear­ly researcher who measured the pyramid in 1880. “To use cement and achieve this accuracy is to put modern optical pre­cision on the scale of acres!”

The builders may also have known the secrets of a powerful cement. After a thousand or so years of exposure to the wind­swept desert, casing stones shattered be­fore the cement would break. “Think · of using that type of cement on today’s high­ways,” remarked Dr. Rosenberg. “Roads would last for a thousand years if we could find this lost formula.”

The builders also understood geometry and trigonometry. Measurements in­dicate the pyramid has pi and other mathematical values. Historians claim pi and advanced mathematics did not arrive in Egypt until 1,000 years after the pyramids were built. “Many academicians claim thes·e measurements are pure chance,” said an Egyptologist.

As we know, pi is approximately 3.14159, which represents the ratio of the circumference to the diameter of a circle. It appears as a constant factor in a broad range of mathematical calculations. Using pi, the diameter of a circle can be mul­tiplied and the circumference obtained. The pyramid also contains the golden sec­tion mathematical factor, or phi, which is the geometric division of a factor so that the small factor is to the largest what the large is to the whole. (E xample: AB:AC-AC:CB). The phi numerical des­ignation is 1.618.

Pyramid researchers have compiled thick, mind-shattering volumes on various mathematical codes built into the pyra­mid. The structure contains measure­ments relating to the circumference of our planet, the length of a year down to sev­eral decimals, the density of the earth, the speed of light, and the acceleration of gravity. Some of these measurements are only now being proved by our space pro­gram.

Satellites orbiting the earth estab­lished a figure of 3,949.89 miles as the po­lar radius of our planet. This matches po­lar orbit measurements built into the pyramid.

The coffer, or stone container, resting in the “king’s chamber” was recently measured. The interior dimensions match the Biblical measurements of the Ark of Convenant. People familiar with the Old Testament know the Ark of the Covenant was carried by Moses and the Israelites on their journey from Egypt into Pales­tine, the Promised Land. The Israelites carried the Ark on their 40-year journey through the wilderness to the Promised Land. Prominent religious scholars theo­rize that the Ark may have been in the pyramid’s inner chamber at one time.

After years of furious denial, scientists are slowly admitting that the pyramid does hold numerous mysteries. A recent monograph, Astronomical Orientation in Ancient Egypt and the Precision of the World’s Axis, was prepared for the Czech­oslovakian Academy of Science by noted Egyptologist Zbynek Zaba. Zaba an­nounced the pyramids were not tombs for ancient, egomaniacal kings but a per­manent monument in stone containing the science, technology, and theology of the· ancient world.

There are many questions and only a few, often veiled, answers to the mystery of the pyramids. We may ultimately dis­cover that the pyramids are a fantastic legacy left by our ancestors, a message coded in stone and mathematics. Some people believe that message may be a mathematical prophecy of humanity’s fu­ture through the ages until doomsday. Others believe it is a religious prophecy. Still others believe there may be hidden chambers within the pyramids that con­tain an immense repository of knowledge, the wisdom of the ancients. Fervent be­lievers in the myth of lost continents, par­ticularly Atlantis, claim the pyramids were constructed by the Atlanteans to hold the records of their civilization prior to the sinking of their land.

Whatever the message may be, and where it may ultimately lead, it is appar­ent that we must continue to explore and study the profound significance of the pyramid.

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