Paperie is excited to feature an amazing two-part “packaging and presentation” series by Lindsay Alexander Photography! Please help us welcome Lindsay for this “Part II – Wedding Welcome Packet” guest post. (You can view Lindsay’s first post “Part I – Packaging” here.)
Hi, I’m Lindsay – a lifestyle and wedding photographer based in Fort Mill, South Carolina. After four years of business, I knew that I was ready for a change. When you own your own business and YOUR NAME is at the forefront of what you do, you want your product to be TRUE to who YOU are! Yes, I loved my old look . . . it was me THEN. I just wanted my new look to be ME NOW! I wanted everything to speak to the heart of why it is that I have this business in the first place and it took time and development as an artist and business owner to know that.
(Please click on each of the photographs below for a larger pop-up version. And visit Lindsay’s “Welcome Packet” post on her blog for a detailed explanation of each of the photos you see here.)
The sheets for my Wedding Welcome Packet were printed as flyers on high gloss paper. The bridal and e-session cards are rack cards and the groom card is a 5×7 watercolor card from WHCC. The large kraft envelopes and folders are from Paper Presentation.
“Part I – Packaging” with additional vendors listed -
My blog post on my “Wedding Welcome Packet” –…
Thanks again Lindsay for sharing your packaging / branding / marketing with our Paperie readers! Don’t miss her first installment of our series with Lindsay Alexander Photography – “Part I – Packaging” – here!
If you would like your packaging featured on Paperie, please write and he will help you get set up.
We’d love to feature your business here, too!
Paperie Boutique would like to introduce our newest sponsor – Animoto!
“Animoto was founded in 2005 with the vision of inspiring people to share their lives through the magic and power of video. Animoto’s founders include veterans of the entertainment industry and have produced shows for MTV, Comedy Central, & ABC, studied music in London, and played in indie rock bands in Seattle.
Today, Animoto is a video creation service (online and mobile) that makes it easy and fun for anyone to create and share extraordinary videos using their own pictures, video clips, words and music.”
Please help us welcome Animoto to the Paperie family, and read more about Animoto for professional photographers here.
We are gearing up for our 4th annual birthday party in mid-July and we’d love to have you be a part of it all!
Last year our vendors provided Paperie readers with over $16,000 in prizes in just ONE WEEK – and our site received over 4.7 million hits during the celebration!
Some of the vendors who participated include, WHCC, Artsy Couture, Kelly Moore Bags, Clickin’ Moms / Click Magazine, Color Inc. Pro Lab, Black River Imaging, Epiphanie Bags, Rice Studio Supply, JoTotes, Sarah Petty’s The Joy of Marketing, ProDPI, drop it MODERN, Miller’s Lab, and MORE!
If that’s not enough to convince you, then just read on…
“Your giveaway was a great success and drove lots of traffic for us!” -Nathiya,
“Hasn’t even been up for 15 minutes and we already have 25 new fans on our Facebook! Wow that was quick.” -Ryan,
“I’ve received triple the amount of traffic from your site than any other site I’m advertising on! I’m so pleased with choosing to advertise with you!” -Kathy,
“Anybody wanting to advertise really should. I love browsing your ads to find new vendors and resources.” -Kim,
“I can’t tell you how many people we have advertised with that pretty much ignore our requests (or so we feel). We will be staying with you as long as we are still in business!” -Lori,
Contact Todd if you are interested in a custom advertising plan or a Paperie sponsorship and / or wish to sponsor a prize giveaway in this year’s birthday event.
Or you can choose from one of our standard advertising plans and pay instantly here.
Once payment has been made, write and include a copy of your receipt and attach an image for the ad-size purchased.
Last but not least… As we close out the month of June, Robyn also closes out her run as Contributing Editor / columnist with Professional Photographer Magazine.
For her final June 2013 column, Robyn brings everything around “full circle” with the topic “Sales and Marketing Tools“. Her first column in June 2010 was on the very same topic!
In this issue Robyn featured products by Miss Poppy Design, Beth Forester’s photoDUDS, The Shoppe Designs, Birdesign Shop, Prairie Sweet
Boutique, and Design Aglow.
Click the magazine pages above to read a larger .pdf version of the article. You can also find the article on page 54 and page 56 of the print-version. Plus you can download the digital edition now if you’re a PPA member or digital subscriber.
Don’t get Professional Photographer Magazine? You can subscribe here!
Have a great holiday week! See you real soon!
-Robyn & Todd
P.S. See more recent posts on welcome packets at the links below: