
As someone who wants to dip her toes in everything, I love the blank canvas that comes with a new year. I love the list-making, the hours of online research and the excitement that comes with trying new things.

While resolutions to live a healthy lifestyle and find more contentment in your life are positive and beneficial, it’s just as important — nay, necessary! — to have fun items on your list as well.

Here are some suggestions that are sure to be resolution successes, rather than failures:

Go through the complete filmography of one of your new favourite actors/actresses

Is Amy Poehler your Parks and Recreation hero? Rewind 13 years and you can experience her hilarity as a summer camp talent show coordinator in the 1980’s style film Wet Hot American Summer (which also stars Elizabeth Banks, Paul Rudd, Janeane Garofalo and Bradley Cooper). This is also a great way to watch films you may otherwise had never known about or given a chance. IMDB is your friend!

Fill some of your geekdom gaps

I don’t know about you, but there is still so much more to geekdom that I have yet to dive into. I have only one Doctor Who episode under my belt (I know, I know, put your pitchforks away) and I don’t know much about DC/Marvel comics other than what I see in mainstream movies. One of the gaps I am currently filling is the whimsical films of Studio Ghibli. So far I’ve watched My Neighbor Totoro, Ponyo and, thanks to Bell Lightbox’s recent 18-film showcase for the studio, Spirited Away.

Listen to the scores of your favourite films, shows, games

As someone who loves listening to scores, it blows my mind when I come across people who never do. I just can’t watch a film or play a game without being distracted by the music. If you’re fortunate enough to live in or near a city that has live orchestral events (Video Games Live, Distant Worlds: Music From Final Fantasy), I urge you to attend. You will be blown away, you will experience all of the feels (I’ve heard many a story of fans crying at Distant Worlds). If you can’t make it to a live event, most scores can be purchased online or streamed on Grooveshark. A few of my favourites are Harry Potter, Skyrim and PS3‘s Journey.

Take a fun and interesting online course

I’m not talking sprucing up on math skills, I’m talking really fun courses that you can take from the comfort of your home for cheap, or even better, for free! One such site is Skillshare, which is an online school specializing in project-based classes. These learn-at-your-own-pace classes are offered over a variety of topics, from “Building Your First WordPress Website” to “Humor Writing: Become the Next David Sedaris” taught by expert instructors. I’ve taken a few design classes through Skillshare and am a much better illustrator because of it. Another site is Coursera which offers free online classes from over 80 top universities and organizations. Do you love the LOTR books? MMORPGs? Coursera has a free course that blends the two called “Online Games: Literature, New Media, and Narrative Lord of the Rings”. Enough said.

Work on that backlog of TV shows that keep piling up

In our wonderful online world, binge watching full series is easier than ever! Most full series are available as a purchased download or, even better, available for stream on Netflix. While I tend to focus on just a few series at a time, I have recently added many more shows to my rotation which means not having to say “I know, I keep meaning to watch that” less frequently, and catch up before the spoilers catch me first. The latest additions to my list are: Sons of Anarchy, Masters of Sex, and Episodes.

Last but not least: Take risks and try something new

While very cliché, it’s so important to your life, spirit and confidence to step out of your personal bubble, take risks and try new things, especially if it will bring you closer to your personal goals or dreams. Last year, although not at the beginning of the new year, I threw my creative insecurities to the wind and applied for two sections at Paper Droids. Five months later here I am, my life completely changed by that choice, with amazing editors I write for (Tina and Megan), inspiring creatives I’ve had the pleasure of interviewing and many funny and fascinating new friends from the PD community. So, take risks this year! They can lead to you a wonderful place.

How about you? What are some of your geeky and non-geeky resolutions?

The post New Year’s Resolutions For A Geeky 2014! appeared first on Paper Droids.

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