

Published on 18 Oct 2012

Former intelligence operative and psychic telepath, James Casbolt discussed his experiences in Project Mannequin, a ‘super soldier’ project allegedly run by the NSA and British intelligence since 1972. Conducted in secret underground facilities, Casbolt said the program used drug-assisted hypnosis, trauma-based mind control and genetic engineering to turn kidnapped children into espionage agents and psychic assassins.

According to Casbolt, he was regularly placed in something called a ‘trip seat,’ where he was injected with drugs, connected via cranial implants to a computer, and made to perform telepathic and remote viewing/influencing tasks. Memories of his experiences in the underground base were replaced with new ‘cover memories’ before he was returned back to his life on the outside, he explained. Casbolt claims that renegade NSA operatives have helped him recover memories of these events.

Casbolt spoke about various sub-projects of Project Mannequin, including one called Lycan that involved being injected with modified animal DNA. He also talked about extraterrestrial treaties, back-engineered alien technology, as well as military bio-robot clones called programmable life forms (PLF) that look like Grays and are used by the government to stage ‘false flag’ alien abductions. More on Casbolt’s involvement
with Project Mannequin can be found in his forthcoming book, Agent Buried Alive


James Casbolt was part of a genetic enhancement and mind control program at the AL/499 underground base in Berkshire as well as connected underground facilities in the UK. He was trained and conditioned from a young age for remote viewing, drug running and other tasks. This mind control program is a continuation of the Nazi super race projects. The intelligence community is creating genetically enhanced PLF (Programmable Life Form) super soldiers and spies with psychic abilities and under total mind control. The program is called Project Mannequin and is run by the NSA with help from British Intelligence.

“People simply don’t understand just how technologically advanced the NWO is compared to the civilian sector. We aren’t talking about fifty years ahead, we’re talking about one thousand years ahead. Cloning, total mind control, invisibility, anti-gravity, free energy, age regression, soul transfers, extended life spans, time travel, space portals, ability to cure any disease, time machines, etc. are already in the hands of the NWO and their military lap dogs. We are living in a make-believe world of pretend democracy while being lied to by pretend representatives, pretend media, and pretend leaders, of which a large percentage are working on behalf of the NWO to destroy this country and usher in the satanic One World government.

1. The New World Order is run by alien overlords. Humans aren’t calling the shots, Dracos reptilian aliens are calling the shots. Most “human” representatives of the Illuminati, puppet politicians, and military leaders are human/alien hybrids or 100% reptilian shape-shifters (Chimeras) or CLONES of the original person. The current Secretary of the Treasury, for instance, Henry Paulson, is likely a clone of the original Paulson who was killed last December according to Britain’s Christopher Story.

2. The NWO/alien agenda includes eliminating about 85% of the world’s population (wars, chemtrails, vaccines, engineered diseases, engineered hurricanes and earthquakes, etc) so there won’t be enough humans left on the planet to offer any meaningful resistance when the Dracos invasion is in full swing.

3. The “God” of the NWO and their alien cohorts is Lucifer and they intend to convert this planet into a Hell on Earth- obedient to Lucifer. They are attempting to eliminate all expression of spirituality, morality, honor, integrity, and allegiance to God and the teachings of Jesus Christ. That’s why their Illuminated minions are working so hard to destroy the Christian religion (the Catholic church is the prime target) and try to convince you that Jesus Christ never even existed.”



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