
To kill of vampires and Lycans in an infernal rage. In SM’s universe, the humans would go straight to Nuking the MotherF'r and IF they found out about the Quileutes, even tho they are vamp defense would experiement and kill. No one is safe, basically

Yeah I think humans so severely outnumber humans and that we as a species have an incredible ingenuity, that we’d win in a vampire-human war but it would be LONG and it would be near-extinction on both sides. But we’ve got leverage. Wiping us out isn’t an option for vamps, because we’re their food source.  But there’s nothing for us to loose from wiping THEM out. So even in a world where they’ve ‘conquered’ us and have us on blood farms or whatever, they’re still be rebellion and resistance and eventually I think we’d come up with a way to kill them, even if we had to inject ourselves with some nasty virus or chemical that was harmful to vampires.

Humans would freak out and unite against them pretty fast–it’s like in all those alien invasion movies, how all the international tensions are forgotten when we have to rally together as a species/planet to save ourselves. It would be like that with vampires too. 

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