
Hiiiiiii!! Happy Monday! I hope you’re ready for a kick ass start to your week, because I sure am. I’m working on an attitude adjustment this week. Last week got the best of me and the negative engulfed me. But not this week! This week is going to be amazing! Because every day I will be waking up to my to-do list, which starts with “be grateful” as a simple reminder to be grateful for another day, grateful for my able body that is ready to take on a workout, grateful for a job I love, grateful for a husband I adore, and grateful for a life I create. I am a firm believer that we get back what we put into the world, so if I’m going to let the negativity take over, that’s all that I will be able to continue to see. So no more. No more negative, no more frustration from the things I can’t control – just a good ole’ positive week, getting ready to see friends, go to Expo West, and enjoy an event I’ve never experienced!

But in the meantime, let’s chat a little bit about my workouts this week because they were all over the place! I’m still doing a couple CrossFit workouts per week, but I’m also mixing in my other favorite workouts like FIT (which is boot camp, HIIT style workouts) and Orange Theory (very similar to FIT, but more running + heart rate monitored workout) and then I also tried out Cyclebar! One of my friends won a free class at her Cyclebar so she invited 30-40 of her closest friends for her 40th birthday and we all got sweaty together! The class is super fun! They turn the lights down super low so you can barely see the person next to you and they blare the music and you try to stay on tempo with the beat of the music while you’re spinning. The instructor was super motivating and kept the class excited the entire time. The “bar” part is this 6# bar that you use as a strength portion. So while you’re still spinning, you’re lifting the bar over your head and pressing or simple raising. It’s amazing how difficult it gets – my arms were completely shot!

My workouts from last week is simple proof that there are SO many gyms in our community to choose from at this point. Yes, I live in a big city so there are always new workouts popping up, but even smaller communities have smaller gyms with great workouts because more and more people are becoming interested in fitness. But all these workouts prove that you don’t have to settle! I’ve done CrossFit for 7 years now and still love it, but I’ve also really loved doing Orange Theory and using lighter weights. I’ve tried barre, spin, OTF, HIIT, aerial yoga, and many other workouts in between. And over time, I continue to find what works for me in that moment, depending on what my goals are! Fitness is a one size fits all. Just because someone loves something doesn’t mean you have to. So if you haven’t found that one workout that gets you excited and into the gym every day, then keep looking. Because there is something for everyone out there and new things will continue to come on the market to keep you inspired.

So if you tried a workout and didn’t like it, who cares! Move on, move forward, and move in a direction that betters your health. It doesn’t matter if it’s the trendy new workout or all your friends love it – it matter what YOU love and what inspires YOU! Go out and find it!

Sunday – Rest Day

Monday – FIT on Broadway Class

Every Minute On The Minute for 9 minutes –

A) 200m row

B) 5 push-ups + 10 lunges + 15 sit-ups

C) 40 sec handstand hold

Ladder FIT Test (10):

As Fast As Possible in 8 min –

1-2-3-4-5-6-7-8-9-10 jump squats

10-9-8-7-6-5-4-3-2-1 sit-ups

For 30 minutes:

5 Rounds –

1:00 Alt DB thrusters 30/20#

1:00 Box jumps 30/24″

1:00 Rowing

1:00 KB Sumo Deadlift High Pull 70/55#

1:00 Burpees (must clap everhead)

1:00 REST

*** Round 5 is not for time – Do the highest # of reps you got for each move, as soon as you’re done, MOVE ON (Ex: 20 thrusters, 16 bjs, 200m row, etc…)

Tuesday – Orange Theory Class

Wednesday – CrossFit Broadway Class

For Time: (28 min time cap)

50 Cal Row

50 Box Overs (24/20)

50 Deadlift (185/135)

50 Wall Ball

50 Ring Dips or Push Ups

50 Wall Ball

50 Deadlift (185/135)

50 Box Overs (24/20)

50 Cal Row

I finished in 25:38 using 115# deadlift and doing push ups

Thursday – Rest Day

Friday – CrossFit Broadway Class – CrossFit Open 17.2 – see video here

12 min AMRAP Of:

2 rounds of: 50-ft. weighted DB walking lunge (50/35) – 16 toes-to-bars – 8 DB power cleans (50/35)

Then, 2 rounds of: 50-ft. weighted DB walking lunge (50/35) – 16 bar muscle-ups – 8 DB power cleans (50/35)

Etc., alternating between toes-to-bars and bar muscle-ups every 2 rounds.

I got 113 reps (which is 1 muscle up in the 4th round)

Saturday – Cyclebar Class


Free Travel Workout:

4 rounds:

10/10 lateral DB lunge*

20 DB front squat*

25 mt. climbers (per leg)

30 alt. toe touches

*increase weight each round

On Sale Activewear:

Zella Front Zip Bra (40% off)

Athleta Striped Tank (35% off)

lululemon Run It Out Tight (25% off)

Gap Tie Tee (15% off)

Nike Free Running Shoe (20% off)

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