
Craig Hamilton-Parker has since removed the above letter from his money-grabbing and highly misleading 'U.K. psychics' website. Typical damage-limitation & cover-up. Click here for John Bright's testimony 'Sai Baba Molested me'.

The cover-up of allegations about Sathya Sai Baba's sexual behaviour: The 'fully paid-up' believer clings to ideas like 'if he had wanted it otherwise, Sathya Sai Baba would have taken steps to avoid it', or 'it must have been part of some predestined plan to sort the grain from the chaff' (read, "good from bad persons") - a favourite quote from an Sathya Sai Baba sixtieth birthday discourse which was as long ago as 1985. But separating 'chaff from grain' in fact equally signifies removing 'the sensible people from fully gullible believers'. It is believed in Sai circles that "the grain" are those who plug their ears, willingly stick their heads in the sand and believe firmly in Sathya Sai Baba, despite any evidence of his wrong-doings that may come forth! For my part, I wish to be counted among those who act on their conscience for the sake of the good of society (i.e. dharma) by facing up to the mass of information, investigating it thoroughly and so promulgating the truth of the matter as far as it is known... at least until yet more thoroughgoing and fair investigations should be conducted in the public sphere by an independent court.
During Christmas 2000, however, Sathya Sai Baba did rail in public at his accusers as 'thousands of Judases', meanwhile beating his rostrum angrily and also calling them demonic and saying they spread scandal about him for money. He gave no details or any evidence of payments or who had made them, and none has ever been made public anywhere. On past experience, he could be confident that his word would never be questioned or doubted by his devotees. In a later discourse he spoke of his critics as "demons without the spark of divinity". This is a major turnaround, since he has previously repeatedly held in many discourses that the spark of divinity is in all living beings and in a higher potency in all human beings. Now some of us are apparently not human beings, but demons! He has thus changed his former attractive teachings about his universal compassion and love for everyone! His new tack is transparently an angry threat (even though he claims to be totally pure and hence free of any anger, and that he merely pretends to be angry when he deems it suitable). Apparently, spiteful anger had already (in his Christmas 2000 discourse) got the better of him at his being fully found out and challenged.

Months later Sathya Sai Baba repeated his warning to devotees: "If you listen to bad speeches, don't repeat them to anybody. Absolutely never tell it to anybody. You have to pay the greatest attention to this argument. You may have heard some things by chance. Forget to have heard them. Don't tell to your friends, don't disturb their mind." (From a speech of 15 May 2000 , personal translation by Achary, who also asks," is this "Divine Transparency?"

'The Findings' by David Bailey - once the top favourite foreign devotee - released the floodgates for testimonies: The latest and most decisive phase of the exposé so far took off with the publication in 1999 of 'The Findings' by David Bailey, one of Sathya Sai Baba's closest ever devotees (over 100 interviews within a few years only). As he lectured about Sathya Sai Baba around the globe, David Bailey was eventually so inundated with reports from parents of abused sons and of sexual molestations from students who he taught music at Sathya Sai Baba's colleges that he began to investigate with an open mind. He began to discover various kinds of fraud by Sai Baba (valueless synthetic stones given as 'diamonds' in rings etc.) and in various of his projects (especially the much-trumpeted Rayalaseema Water Project). He has since withdrawn from actively exposing further, for not only had he made his decisive contribution, but he understandably must have wanted to rest from the abusive and defamatory reactions and threats that poured in on him from Sai devotees. Yet his discoveries set off a chain-reaction among those who describe how they have been abused, defrauded and otherwise seriously maltreated by Sathya Sai Baba.

Therefore, for all his claimed 'divine prescience', Sathya Sai Baba had evidently not reckoned with David Bailey and his wife Faye, whose report on his wide-ranging investigations called his bluff in grand fashion. His findings were reported widely in the media. Comdot Free Information Exchange summed it up:

Well-regarded former disciple, musician David Bailey and his wife went public with accounts of their experiences from spending three years as two of the guru's closest disciples. This prompted the release of yet more material from former devotees around the world.
Response to these claims from Sai Baba's ashram appears so feeble that to many it would seem an admission of his guilt. It is said that sources close to the guru claimed that as "a living incarnation of god", Sai Baba could do what he pleases and it is not appropriate for mortals to question his activities.

“Faye’s own son had been kissed repeatedly on his cheeks and the corners of his mouth when alone in the inner room with Sai Baba, and also sexually touched. And when it was obvious to Sai Baba that this behaviour was unwelcome, he began berating the young man in subsequent interviews with Faye, calling him ‘Mad dog! Hard hearted!’ and so on. At the time this seemed incongruous; it was only after we began travelling the world that the inconceivable and incomprehensible began to make itself clear.
When I asked various co-ordinators about these many disturbing incidents reported to me in our travels, I was told that Swami was ‘raising kundalini’. I questioned this in my mind. If he was capable of doing anything, why did he have to physically touch the boys, especially when they were unwilling? And what about when he had them actively engage in sex to him? It seems that an ongoing, serious and untenable infringement of basic human rights is being scurrilously perpetrated, in the name of ‘divinity’.”Also see this quote: “On my last visit to Puttaparthi, a male student came and asked me for help, on behalf of some of his fellow students, because they were desperately in need of someone to stop Swami sexually abusing them. I was told how Sai Baba had for years been demanding that these particular boys have oral sex, and group sex for his pleasure. Their details matched what I had already been told so many times round the world. I asked him if this was an acceptable practice in India, and his look of horror as he denied it, spoke volumes. Then he asked me a question I couldn’t answer. ‘Sir, why do you think ex-students tried to kill him in ’93 ...?’ (!!!)

So-called "Sai devotees" have tried to drag Bailey's name through the mud as a condemned paedophile in prison and even spread the story that he hanged himself in his cell. These are the depths to which many have sunk to preserve their false faith. Of course, these allegations are totally incorrect and David Bailey is alive and well, living in France. In an e-mail of 2006 he informed me that he no longer wishes to be active in the exposure of Sathya Sai Baba. Incidentally, he is not the owner of the David Bailey music website, as I once mistakenly assumed. His reluctance to continue in the crucial role he once held in revealing the truth about Sathya Sai Baba is most understandable considering the massive consequences his involvement had (losing teaching position at a private school where a British royal prince was taught). His subsequent defection from Sai Baba also made him the victim of massive libel and lies spread against him throughout the Sai movement and on the Internet. One particularly mad and vituperative mail by a rich Australian female devotee, Millie Phillips was circulated widely. David Bailey's very revealing phone conversation with a Danish ex-devotee Thomas Wiehe - in two parts - can be accessed here (transcript and audio file in two parts)
(The audio files are found at

Neither had Sathya Sai Baba reckoned with the outspokenness of another of his (former) favourites, Dr. Bhatia, who he had made Head of Blood Transfusion at his Super-speciality Hospital and who was a chosen lecturer at the ashram for years. Dr. Bhatia really spilt the beans, telling of his having been the beloved sexual partner of Sathya Sai Baba for years, and was in the position to know and tell of massive sexual exploitation by Sathya Sai Baba of students, including a report on the physically-injurious anal rape of a minor, a boy student, with which he personally confronted Sathya Sai Baba. This led to his immediate sacking from his position as head of the Blood Bank at Sathya Sai Baba's hospital in Puttaparthi and total banishment from the ashrams and all Sai Baba institutions (as published in Sanathana Sarathi).

Source found at " href="http://www.thoughtsnmemories.net/saisdarkside.htm">Sai Baba’s Dark Side? and on http://www.thoughtsnmemories.net/sathyasaibaba.htm
Source : Name withheld at request. (Available for investigation by authority)

Regarding the notice of expulsion of Dr Bhatia in the Sanathana Sarathi magazine, please note : Three young students from Sai Baba's junior male college were called for interview. One of them, a seven year old boy student, came out of the private interview room crying. He continued to cry for two days, and was unable to eat or study. That evening Dr Bhatia, on duty in the children's canteen, was asked to find the cause of the child's distress. He questioned and then examined the child, and found that he had been sexually penetrated, via his anus. The child was taken to Bangalore and re-examined. A second medical opinion confirmed sexual abuse. Dr Bhatia had been involved in sexual activity with Sai Baba for six years, believing that he was serving divinity.
He went to Sai Baba : - Why do you do this to such a young child when you have all of us adults and the older students to play with?
Sai Baba's reply : - Don't bargain with God!
Soon after, five men went to Dr Bhatia's home, threatening his life with knives. He made his escape by car, fleeing to Delhi. Once there Dr Bhatia was unable to practice medicine because he had left all his personal papers behind in Puttaparthi. He wrote asking for them. They have not yet been released. However, the doctor now practices at a Delhi hospital.
A promisory agreement has been offered from Puttaparthi, that Dr Bhatia's personal belongings will be released to him on the proviso that : he remain mute about the happenings concerning the little boy student he does not make any legal claims against the Super Speciality Hospital he keeps his sexual relationship with Sai Baba a secret.
A rumour given out for his 'dismissal' was that he was caught selling blood, another that he was having an affair within the ashram, and yet another claiming jealousy between departmental heads at the hospital.
I offer this for the sake of truth.
[NOTE - Subsequently it was confirmed that this boy was NOT 7 years old but was a 7th Grade student - in other words, up to 14 years old, but still a minor. This came to light through Stephen Carthew's discussions with Dr. Bhatia after he had been sacked from his position as head of Sai Baba's Blood Bank and banned from the ashram totally.]

These reports brought the allegations to massive prominence because of the former closeness of Bailey and Bhatia to Sai Baba. However, for years before this the well-known Indian rationalist Basava Premanand had tried with very limited public success to warn the nation of the sexual abuse issue, among other criminal counts. He wrote an article 'The True Story of Life in the Sri Sathya Sai Hostel for Boys', summing up the situation and posted it on the internet to assist in the exposé there. Premanand has also detailed further information he had at the time in an article in the 'Indian Sceptic' magazine and on the Internet.

These reports were but three of many more who have very bravely published their highly credible accounts on the internet and have signed sworn affidavits to that effect. A certain young man from Sweden known to many of us in Scandinavia as 'the golden boy', and the then-underage 'Sam Young' (Alaya Rahm) - the son of Al Rahm, regional leader in the Sai Organisation in USA, were both shattered by their predicaments when, as favourite boys, Sathya Sai Baba abused both their trust and their bodies very much against their will. But they very bravely dared to speak out. The long-term devotee who was close to Sathya Sai Baba for decades (too close, he came to understand), Conny Larsson, stood forth with exceptional courage and told of how Sathya Sai Baba misused him sexually in very base ways, which Larsson believed to be some kind of divine healing from his terrible childhood sex abuse by his father's male friend. Since he recovered from the terrible disillusionment, Conny Larsson has courageously and tirelessly campaigned on TV around the world with regard only for bringing out the truth about Sai Baba and he is soon to publish a new and exceptional book in which he tells of his experiences with Sai Baba most credibly.

One of the most shocking revelations in his book is how Conny Larsson came to realise why two of his patients committed suicide. At different times, Conny took along in his groups to India two young men, hoping they may be healed of problems relating to their drug dependency and inspired by Sai Baba to follow his values etc. However, he describes how he realised too late that they had been sexually abused by Sai Baba (the description he gives of events he witnessed is very convincing) and how he became convinced that that this led to their suicides. This is also why Conny makes such efforts to bring his transformed understanding of Sai Baba and the cult to the widest possible public. Click here for recent interviews with him about his book (so far the book is only available in Swedish).

Sathya Sai Baba's prediction that "a great scandal is coming" only got devotees asking why he would not have taken steps to avoid it, and to conclude that the scandal must have been designed by him somehow as part of his wonderful plan for the world and humanity. For example, Millie Phillips, a rich donor and long-term follower from Australia , told David Bailey in a widely circulated and often vituperative e-mail that he was just an instrument of Sathya Sai Baba's will. (These so-called 'Sai devotees' soon turn nasty if their faith is put in question, it seems). If it was Sathya Sai Baba's will, then - on this assumption - he would have exposed himself beyond reasonable doubt as an active homosexual, a fraud and a liar who has not cleared himself of the suspicion that he condoned four executions in his own bedroom (in 1993). This took place without any court examination of the incident - or even the slightest police questioning of Sathya Sai Baba who was present when the intruders killed his attendants and who remained close by throughout the whole episode - just shows how totally defenceless any Sathya Sai Baba victim in India is. How then could he at the same time possibly be the truthful, all-good, non-violent example upon which he claims a teaching depends for its credibility? The insurmountable fact is, Sathya Sai Baba has been exposed as not being what he claims to be in many different respects, and not least in world media. It seems most likely that Sathya Sai Baba's repeated vague predictions were an on-going attempt to limit this damage and not lose all his followers (plus their financial and other support).

Deceptions and failed prophesies revealed.. take your pick! Finally, since Sathya Sai Baba is widely known and seen now to use sleight of hand trickery as part of his repertoire, and to lie about the objects he gives away. I have proved fully that he did with an alleged 'green diamond' he gave me in expectation of a large financial donation I had offered, see my detailed account with photographs of the assay done by Queen Margarethe of Denmark's official jeweller. Sai Baba must have known the day of accounting for such repeated fraudulence on such a scale would be coming sometime. Hence the occasional warnings through the years about the 'great scandal'. It was quite a sure bet.

In the 1980s, when the flow of foreign visitors to Prashanthi Nilayam had increased considerably, Sathya Sai Baba himself, (and, following him, his staff and Sathya Sai Organisation leaders) frequently warned foreigners not to have close contact with residents or other locals, but instead to concentrate on their own spiritual practice and keep to themselves. Likewise he regularly instructed ashram residents only to have necessary contacts with foreigners. He sometimes warned that personal friendships between Westerners and Indians, especially men and women, could lead to serious problems for those involved. The heads of the ashram at that time (Kutumba Rao and Chiranjiva Rao) carried out regular surveillance of persons who mixed too freely with certain talkative residents, and were especially vigilant in suppressing such contacts after the brutal gate-keeper Kumar was murdered inside the ashram in February 1987. In hindsight, quite other reasons for the cult of secrecy that this actually implied are evident. Sathya Sai Baba would have presumably wanted to ensure that such matters - known to many residents and locals, not least his sexual activities with boys and young men - should not become known to visitors and thus stem their flow.

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