Lisa Johnson – Balance & Perspective
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Jonathan: Hey everyone, Jonathan Bailor here. I know I start these podcasts off saying I am excited and I am happy, but this week I am really excited and really happy because I have the pleasure to bring to you someone who has a special place in my heart. I am not going to tell you her name yet, but this is a woman who back in the early days of Smarter Science of Slim when I am out there with my little tin cup, my little virtual internet tin cup saying, “Hi someone, I wrote this book called the Smarter Science of Slim, will someone please pay attention to me, I think it could really help people?”
There was this one woman by the name of Lisa Johnson who I then went online, I said, “Oh my God, this woman, this is a big deal,” Lisa Johnson, she has got like the [crosstalk 01:07] she has got these followers and she is like a [indiscernible 01:10] and she wants to talk to me and then she wrote she goes about she writes this blog post about being like this is the best fitness and health book I have ever read or something like that and she then she goes on it, blogs about like all the success she has and then I come to find out in my inbox, she puts out an email newsletter a year later saying this is still the best thing and this is all without me asking her to do it.
So, Lisa Johnson is here with us today and I am sending her a big virtual hug and she is just dominant in the fitness blogging arena. She is blogging all over the place, she is on the front lines. She is talking to people, she is a mother, she owns a Pilates studio, she writes things, she has got a freaking line of DVDs, she is all over the place and she is here with us today, so you can tell I am excited. Lisa welcome.
Lisa: Oh my God, Jonathan, thank you so much. Every time I am in a bad mood, I am just going to play this back and I will be in a better mood again.
Jonathan: I so appreciate you being here and because you are in many ways just such a wonderful example of what I think real health and fitness and balance is all about. You represent to me the point of all of this which is just like how do we be healthy and happy. Some of us like me kind of like to geek out on the science a little bit, but at the end of the day that is all a means to an end. It’s not about the science; the science is a means to an end. The end is to have a happy fulfilled balanced life and you have got so much stuffs going on and you have got this wonderful ability to balance it all, tell us your story, tell us what you are up to.
Lisa: I have to say it’s a little bit more like the seesaw, sometimes I am up, sometimes I am down and every once in a while I hit it in the right place.
Jonathan: Fair, fair.
Lisa: Like “woo I’m at it, yay! Oh, no I’m too high.” Yes, it has definitely been quite a journey and may I say you are still the most strongly endorsed thing I ever endorsed.
Jonathan: [inaudible 03:17] that is quite endorsement, so I very much appreciate that.
Lisa: Oh and my little screen just went black, hang on. Yes, I started off blogging because my clients kept coming in to my Pilates studio saying, “I read this study in the New York Times and it says blada-blada-blada, so now I am now going to take this supplement forever” and I would be like, “Why?” They are like, “What do you mean? It was in the New York Times.” I’m like, “Yeah?” And I would shoot holes in it and they would be like, “Okay, well I already bought the supplements, so I am going to try some anyway.” I am like okay and it just got frustrating. Here are these incredibly well educated intelligent people and they are going to supposedly really good sources in New York Times, what do they call themselves ‘The Record’ or something.
Jonathan: ‘The Truth’, who knows.
Lisa: ‘The Truth’ is I don’t know, everything that’s fit to print or I don’t know. Here is this storied editorial piece on some supplement and they are buying it hook, line, and sinker and it is a load of hooey and I knew if my clients were out there taking this in that there would be at least a million other people doing the exact same thing.
Jonathan: Well, I think it is fascinating that you talk about how these are smart people and I can relate to that so much. I think most of our listeners know that I work at Microsoft, so I have the pleasure of working with some really, really brilliant people, but at the same time when you think computer programmer, you don’t in your mind envision the healthiest person in the world and despite the fact that you can have sort of these intelligent set of people, but this world we find our self in seems to have the ability to confuse even the most intelligent person, why do you think that is?
Lisa: I think it is because people get spoon-fed one negative information in a one little bit at a time and that’s actually kind of one of the great things about your book was here is all the stuff together in one place, let’s look through it, let’s compare this factoid to that factoid, and why it all goes together. I think people will come in and they are like “I am supposed to have CoQ10, okay now I am supposed to have flaxseed, okay, I am going to not do the CoQ10 anymore, but I am going to do the flaxseed” and there are reasons, a lot of these studies are valid, a lot of these stuffs makes sense to take for certain people with certain conditions or dietary means and they weren’t looking at the big picture, they were just looking at one little nugget and then another little nugget as the media and the marketing machines were going. They would adopt some new habit, but then they would drop some old habit and may be one of the old habits they dropped was a good thing to have and they stopped doing it, it was like you got to think big picture, your body is this big, vast, amazing series of processes relating to each other, you can’t just push one lever and have everything suddenly be perfect.
Jonathan: Here is what I love about what you do Lisa and I love you insights here and I love this big picture folks. I am a huge fan of that and I see that some of the things that people do, a good example of a very now popular big picture focus is the primal or ancestral or Paleo type effort where it is like let’s start with this big picture that if it is completely divorced from what we evolve to do, it might be questionable. One thing I admire about you is you have maintained, you have risen to the heights you have in the social media and blogging world without really labeling the holistic approach you take, you’ve stayed almost agnostic and focused on the end which is just be healthy rather than saying it is about this label, how do you do that?
Lisa: I read all the Paleo stuff, I have read your stuff, I have read Weight Watchers, everything from one end to the other and there is a consistency through all of it which is; lean proteins, lots of fruits and vegetables, as little starch as you can, as little sugar as you can and if you kind of follow those four rules, you’re pretty close to the Smarter Science of Slim and anything else really and it kind of all comes down to that.
The diet that is driving me bat crazy is those ketosis-induced diets, anything where people are kind of going into ketosis. I am like, this is not a good idea guys. The other thing that drives me crazy is when people say net carbs or zero carbs, I am like “Come on, a carbohydrate is a macro-nutrient, there you eating it, you are ingesting it, you are supposed to.” Fruits and vegetables are carbs. So many people don’t think fruits and vegetables are carbs.
Jonathan: They tend to conflate and any way of eating which says just be selective about the carbohydrate you eat is then categorized as a low carbohydrate or even people like, oh that’s a ketosis inducing diet, which is not at all true, it is just patently false, but it is unfortunate people do that.
Lisa: Yes, there is a guy on my Facebook feed who is constantly telling me that I am in ketosis. I am like, “No I am not; I eat 12 servings of fruits and vegetables a day, that is not ketosis.”
Jonathan: Lisa what do you say, you said those four basic principles, which are just spot-on and it is pretty universal. How do you think we can get people, this is a drum I have been beating a lot recently which is it’s true, right? Pretty much everyone other than the USDA and giant food corporations that try to saturate us with processed sugars, starch, and fats, think those four things you mentioned are true and good and if we could just all do that, if the standard American diet just move to that, we be good, we might not be perfect, but I don’t know if that’s anyone’s goal.
It seems to be human nature to like take sides and pick teams and focus more on the labels and to focus more on what we disagree with rather than what we agree with but will never see any change if we do that, how can we unite for lack of better terms?
Lisa: I think actually the video that you just put out is kind of a good rallying cry of putting people together; how about these things, do we agree on these things and then kind of going forward. I do think it is human nature to wrap our brains around marketing, so I don’t see that stopping anytime soon, maybe if the government started doing some PSA, some public service announcements, like they did with the Indian in the 1970s picking up litter. If we kind of get back to those certain things. I actually remember the Schoolhouse Rock, do you remember those.
Jonathan: Absolutely, that’s what inspired the videos, absolutely.
Lisa: Really? Okay. They had a couple of them that were like, eat your veggies and had dancing veggies, stuffs like that. Something simple and basic like that. I do think what Michelle Obama is doing with the Let’s Move Organization is kind of heading in that direction, but it’s really difficult because if there are so many special interest groups in Washington pushing our own food agendas and Big Agra is in bed with the FDA and the USDA and everything else, it’s pretty….it’s not going to happen anytime soon, that truly good healthy messages are going to be coming out of the government. They are doing better in Europe.
Jonathan: Yes, it is fascinating and also just even what you are saying in Sweden and some other countries just like massive dietary change taking place, it does seem possible and in fact even it’s happening in a negative fashion if you look at some European countries, South America and some Asian countries where the western diet is starting to become more, like dietary change can happen either positive or negative.
Lisa: Yes, and you are seeing changes within a generation which is pretty scary how quickly if you adopt the American diet, you go down the tubes.
Jonathan: Absolutely. Lisa, I apologize, I cut you off the very beginning of your story and we left off where your clients were coming to you and they were getting confused and we were talking about the big picture, but let’s continue the story. Literally, I don’t want to turn this into an Oprah Show, but I would love to know like where are you, you have got a family, and you have got a business and you have got all the stuffs going on. How do you balance all this, tell us more about that?
Lisa: Yes, flow, it’s all about flow. It’s kind of interesting. I have been like just get the work done, just get the work done, just get the work done and then between Christmas and New Years I got sick and I was sick for about six weeks. I just had this nagging virusy thing that kicked my butt and while I was lying in bed looking at the ceiling, coughing hack-hack, I decided may be I needed to back off a little bit. So I lightened up my schedule at studio slightly, took a day off so I could do some more writing because I am like always behind in my writing and just started doing more play, spending time with my kid and we had a huge blizzard, actually when you and I were emailing, I said I was caught in the middle of a huge lizard.
Jonathan: [indiscernible 13:36] and then I saw your next email I was like ‘oh yes blizzard not lizard.’ That was awesome actually.
Lisa: That was actually the first weekend I felt kind of normal. That was two weeks ago. I was out playing with my kid and we were shoveling and we were wandering around and when you have a big, big blizzard in New England, people really kind of come together, it is almost like a college campus kind of feel, like freshman orientation weekend or something, not as much alcohol may be and it’s just kind of a really fun experience. I met a bunch of neighbors and I have been living in my neighborhood for three years, but I met a whole bunch of people that I hadn’t met before and my son was sliding down our street which he just thought was the most awesome thing ever.
So, yes it’s really cool, it is hard. Actually going back to that seesaw adage, sometimes you will be a little bit ahead, sometimes you will be a little bit behind, every once in a while you hit it in the middle, I do think that that’s actually pretty true and that if you try to get balanced on a day-to-day basis, you just going to wind up banging your head into the wall, but if you kind of look for over a week’s period am I getting the rest breaks that I need, I am getting the health breaks that I need, am I getting the work done that I need to pay the rent, all of these things if you look at it kind of over a longer period of time like a week that I think then you are doing good. If you can hit some sort of balance over seven days, I think you are doing pretty good.
Jonathan: What a profound distinction that is Lisa, that is awesome. I think so often we focus on those day-to-day, almost like holding ourselves this perfect standard and in reality it is going to be ebbs and flows and if you look at it on a week by week basis, I can wrap my head around that, I really like that, that’s very smart, you are a smart woman Lisa.
Lisa: Well, there are these essentials, right? You have to [indiscernible 15:35] everyday, at least a little bit and you have to eat healthy everyday and you need a little downtime everyday, family time for me, you have got some basic essential things that you have to do and then as long as you are hitting this I think most days I think okay we are doing alright.
Jonathan: Lisa, tell me this because in some ways when I think Lisa Johnson in my brain, I see the superwoman who has got the S on her chest and she has got her hands on her hips because let’s be clear when you go up to Lisa’s website which is and she has got another one which is called which is just two wonderful, wonderful resources. I would highly recommend checking them out. You will meet Lisa, she does not hide behind anything here and so Lisa is a beautiful woman, she is a professional woman, she is an entrepreneur and she is incredibly healthy, incredibly fit.
She got the family, she is writing things, you have got all that going on. So often people, I will be very candid here, people sometimes see me, they say, “Okay, Jonathan you are young, you are a guy, you are married, but you don’t have kids.” Yes, it’s all well and good for you to say these things, but that’s just not practical when you are in a different life situation. What do you say about those kinds of things?
Lisa: I was newly married and didn’t have a kid yet, and I used to brag that I cooked once every three months. Once a quarter I would cook something and I was a meh cook I was okay, you could probably chew it and digest it and nothing bad would happen to you and when my son was born, I freaked out and read all these studies because when you are first time mom, that’s what you do, you freak out and read the studies and just wait when you and your wife start.
There was this study about having dinner together at the table everyday that when you are with your child on a daily check in basis, they do less drugs, they do better in school, they have better self-esteem, it was like a laundry list of everything you want for your kid, happens at the dinner table and I was like, okay that’s it. So my kid can barely keep his head up, but I have got him stuffed in a high chair at the dinner table and I started cooking and initially it was frozen stuff in the microwave that I just threw onto a plate and handed to people, but then my son a few years after that got diagnosed with allergies and he was diagnosed with nuts, corn, legumes, and soy, and corn and soy are two of the biggest GMO foods in the United States and [indiscernible 18:33] it is there in everything. You can’t eat processed food anymore.
Jonathan: In some ways it was almost the blessing it seems.
Lisa: Yes, I cried, I had a pity party and we literally had to go to the grocery store and just buy everything over again, it was a hard turn to the right and I started to cook everyday and learning how to cook and my son has never had a public school lunch meal because we sent him to school everyday with food that won’t kill him. It is really quite the learning curve that I went through with food and you know that old adage “Food is Love” and when you think about food is love, you think about my mom used to make me cake or chicken soup when I was sick, but usually it is treats, usually it is like the junk foods she let you have, big old lasagna, food is love, right?
Jonathan: Yes.
Lisa: I started sort of thinking about that phrase and twisting it and food is love actually means providing health to your family and a salad is love and yes having treats is love but instead of a brownie mix, make the brownies from scratch so that at least you are using organic ingredients and at least you can cut down the sugar compared to what you are going to get in a processed box and that’s when I kind of had that shift in my mind that really made a difference for me in how I approached food and it was funny, it went to my son first and then it came back to me.
Since I had him, my metabolism shifted and he is going on 11 and so my weight kind of does go up and down and so the food is love kind of turned back on me if I am struggling with my weight then I am struggling with where my brain is at and I need to take care of myself. So start with good food.
Jonathan: I love that and I think that’s something that I will be again transparent here, one thing I am working on is I think the role in our society often times, it is the mother who is responsible for the way the rest of the family eats, she’s major influencer, making like 80 percent of the purchase decisions in families according to the statistics and being in that position of being able to not only give life initially but then to propagate life in that way is just such a cool position to be in and in some ways it can be scary, but I love your approach in showing how that can be a real positive thing. It’s very neat.
Lisa: It definitely runs that way in my family and I find it ironic, so I consider myself pretty liberal. I have a Harvard education, my major was Women Studies and so it was all about egalitarian relationship which I do have with my husband, but we still lined up in these roles, he is the electronics guy, he set up the mike for me so I could talk to you today, so it is funny that we wind up in this totally traditional roles and really it is just because he is a horrible cook. He can boil water, that’s about it.
Jonathan: That’s funny. I know just even statistically that women are and God bless them for this, 80 to 90 percent of the wellness books sold in this country are sold to women because at least heterosexual men, the stereotype, is like whatever I am just going to be [indiscernible 22:24], such negative stereotypes.
Lisa: I read this article in the New York Times.
Jonathan: Just having that ability to communicate to a broad array of people and really I personally crave more and it is going to sound weird but more feminine energy especially nutrition and there is quite a bit in the fitness arena, but in the nutrition dialogue so often I think it can end up and this is coming from me, so it is somewhat ironic being a bunch of men being like “Look my science can beat up your science” and that’s so not what it is about. At the end of the day when you are at home with your family or with your friends, you are not sitting at the dinner table reading scientific articles, you are not.
Lisa: You are trying to get your kid to eat the carrot.
Jonathan: Exactly and that’s something that again I have no expertise in so I am curious there must be massive, I think in some ways, I don’t know if it is easier but obviously if your son eats these things he will die makes it easier in some ways because you don’t want him to die immediately obviously, but how do you deal with that, I mean things with like Halloween and going to friends’ houses and birthday parties things like that.
Lisa: Yes, the friends’ houses are hilarious because soy lecithin, I don’t actually know how to pronounce it, so I think that’s how you say it, is an emulsifier, some sort of preservative, and it is in everything and that has the protein for soy stripped out of it, so he is not allergic to that. So, I sent him off to a play date and ring-ring here goes the phone, “Yes I am reading the label and it says…” He can have that. He actually is very cautious himself and if he is not sure, he just won’t eat it and he will actually starve before he will eat something that he is not sure of which on the one hand I feel awful that he is to that level of being concerned about it, but then on the other hand rather he not and he has every once in a while been given, like somebody gave him chicken nuggets and didn’t realize it and there was soy flour on the chicken nugget, so he had a reaction. It was fine, it was a rash, it went away, it was fine, but you don’t want that to happen with nuts.
Jonathan: It is fascinating, I think it is even just a fascinating thought experiment and I don’t want to geek out on this too much, but this is going to be a little bit too extreme, so I apologize if this comes out sounding a little bit wrong, but you had a situation, correct me if I am wrong, where if your son is given foods that are the mainstay of many peoples diets it could be potentially lethal, like it would not be a positive situation.
Lisa: Nuts and peanuts could potentially kill him, yes.
Jonathan: Okay and the reason I bring this up is some of these processed foodstuffs, it is not a question of if it will kill us in some ways, it is when it will kill us. For some of us, people with allergies, it will happen quickly, for some of us, people without allergies, it may take a few decades but it will manifest itself in the form of diabetes and then it will manifest itself in the form of overweight and obesity and it is just unfortunate I guess, how can we help people to see that just like we would never subject someone to something that would kill them right now, it is probably not a good idea to subject him to something that will kill them later on either.
Lisa: You know what I love in my studio is when people go to their high school and their college reunions. You’re younger than me, so when you go, you know you are in the five year and the ten year range, you start looking around your peers and seeing how they are doing and this guy is getting little chunky, you kind of start making judgments one way or the other, or she didn’t do well after that last kid and then when you start getting a littler further out, 15-20, and I am blessed to say 25 from my high school reunion. People are really overweight and starting to look sick and you can really just glance around the room and see who took care of themselves and who didn’t and you can start to see literally disease showing with metabolic syndrome and where they carry their fat around the waist and you might see somebody limping with a cane, “oh I just had a hip replacement, oh my knee has been going, oh my shoulder, oh my back” and I wish people who were younger could kind of project forward to their 25th high school reunion and look around and see what’s going to happen because there is nothing like a group of peers coming from the exact same background and looking at them over time in these five year increments of what’s happening with their health and their lifestyle and how it is affecting them.
Jonathan: That’s a great visualization and in some ways when we talk about the interaction with children and again this is always something I am very cautious to speak about because I don’t have any children of my own, but in many ways what we experienced as children really does set us on that trajectory and there is plenty of people who are able to eat “whatever” with no negative recourse when they are younger, but that quickly takes them off the rails as they get older and if we don’t learn those habits in our youth what are we to do. It is much harder, just like it is to learn a language when you are older so completely change the way you live your life when you get older as well, I would imagine.
Lisa: I think for most people somewhere in your 30s, it is going to catch up to you on the scale, for most people. Some people luck out and make it to their 40s, pretty much nobody makes it to 50, a couple of them DNA outliers but at some point you start battling your weight and for me it was 35 when I had my son and it was a wake up call because I was very fit, I was very healthy looking, but I was eating crap and I would literally go to the gym workout for two hours, just because I like to workout for two hours and then go eat some French fries on the way home.
Jonathan: That’s very, very common. It is very common.
Lisa: Those days are gone, those days are long gone. I just sniff at the restaurant when I walk by, but I think one of the things I have been able to do with son is bring him in to the kitchen and teach him how to cook and one of the reasons why my husband can’t cook because his mother never taught him, “What do you want honey, here you go.” She was basically a short order cook and for me it was bringing my son in with me and we did start off baking brownies and stuffs like that, the treats that he wanted, but he will prep broccoli for me, he was helping me with butternut squash last week.
He will come in and ask me if he can help cook, which I think is one of the best tools you can give your kid is teach them how to cook and teach them the rules and we talk about it all the time, I am always taking recipes and cutting back on the butter and the sugar and the whatevers and so I will tell him the recipe says this but you only need that, do it this way, do it this way, cut it down, cut it back and it tastes good, so he is like ‘okay’.
Jonathan: That’s awesome. Even I remember when I was very, very little, the ability to do things with your hands, just get in there, it is almost like a science experiment, you can make that your cutting stuff up, things are changing colors, you have got fire on the stove.
Lisa: Meatballs by the way are awesome and all that gookie stuff around your fingers.
Jonathan: I love that and speaking of things once youth catching up to them when they are a bit older, I would love to talk a little bit about your fitness studios because I know you are very into Pilates, you’re Pilates instructor and you are go a wonderful line of DVDs and I would love to get your take. You probably share my sentiment here where I am always somewhat fascinated by every five to seven years the resurgents of extreme workouts and that is great when your “20” until you blow your knee out or do something, but exercise is supposed to be something that heals the body and not something that places the body under unnecessary stress. So what are your thoughts on that?
Lisa: Yes, I was just reading I think it came out around December. There was a survey of physical therapists and they were like, “Yeah, thanks for CrossFit and Bootcamp man, we were really suffering during the recession until you guys started killing yourselves.” They were literally saying that, like best thing ever happened to me and I remember I was a Pilates’ instructor fairly new when TaeBo broke, that kickboxing workout, and he is originally from Massachusetts where I live. He actually grew up and taught in the area where I first started teaching Pilates and we had people coming in with bad backs right and left, it was great for us.
Jonathan: Oh, man that’s funny.
Lisa: What’s interesting is if you look at the people performing the workouts, like the doing the videos and stuff, most of them have good form, most of them do, but they are either not queuing it properly or the person is just not paying attention and kind of flinging themselves around and getting hurt or I think the biggest thing really is ego and pride. This guy is going 100 miles an hour on a video in front of you, so I am going to go 100 miles an hour and you are obviously not at this guys level of athleticism but God darn it, you are going to try and I think that that can really promote injuries and you can wind up with things wrong with you, so when I was designing these DVDs and you did it in your book as well, you were looking for the safest way to really attack the muscle groups and so I was getting my Pilates DVD ready, I needed to loose weight, I was on the bike, I was doing the weight training.
I was actually doing the weight training that you have in the book and please don’t take this wrong way, but I didn’t like it. I was like “Okay, there is got to be another way I can do this.” So, I actually have your entire routine figured out in a Pilates’ version.
Jonathan: Nice.
Lisa: It is very funny and my clients kind of look at me odd as I hang off a Cadillac but I have fun. I was using interval training which is what you do on the bike, I was using it, I actually have a bike in my house, but I get bored and I like to mix things up, so I was doing it just little video routines and I was looking on Youtube and the form was so bad, knee over toe was completely ignored, people were going into like really deep knee bends, I am like “Oh my God, they are going to blow out their knees” and it was mostly people who were very young, hadn’t had any injuries yet, someone 20 something guy with great biceps who was like doing his thing and I am just picturing some 50 something year old housewife whose back is about to like break because she was trying to do what this guy has her doing.
I was using interval training, I did a couple of videos on my Youtube channel and threw them up. They got very well received. I was like, you know what why don’t I do another video because this is an important part of how I was losing weight to get ready for the videos, so why don’t I just put it all out there. So, I wound up turning into two DVDs instead of one and now that I am in my 40s, I do find that I really do need the interval training to keep my weight in check along with a little bit of steady state cardio and then the Pilates I do, really because I have a bad back and I have a bad knee, I dislocated my knee pretending I was Janet Jackson in my living room. I have joints that I need to keep together and I use Pilates to make sure that my joint stays stable and strong.
Jonathan: Fascinating. I love the distinction you made about the form, like technically “any” movement when done properly is safe. The question is if you are at home by yourself potentially on like a slippery floor after a long day’s work where you are sleep deprived and you have no one-on-one guidance, what is the likelihood that you will perform the correct form?
I know that challenge with CrossFit is when power-lifting type things are done properly they can be wonderful and there is I sure some CrossFit gyms which are better than other where they actually ensure like okay you’ve got to get the basics down before you do anything else and again it is “anything” with proper form is okay, the question is how likely is a person to screw up the form and can we recommend modalities where if you are going to be on your own the majority of the time where it is very unlikely that you will happen to make the mistakes that cause injury.
Lisa: Yes, exactly and I think if you are designing a fitness DVD, that needs to be the first and foremost thing in your mind. I tell my instructors when I hired an instructor to my Pilate studio, first do no harm and it is the exact same thing. I am putting out this product and I can’t be in the room literally grabbing you and moving you as I need to, that’s not going to happen, so how can I convey and so queuing is really sort of an art-form within the fitness industry knowing how to pace properly, when to throw the right cue down so that somebody will move their knee in the right direction or straighten their back when they were rounding it or whatever it is, so that’s one of the strengths that I think I have is that I actually train real people everyday, so I know what their foibles are, I know what they are most likely to do wrong and so when I was putting the videos together I can cue that.
Jonathan: I love it, well Lisa what’s next for you? You’ve always got cool things coming out always, you got your hands all over the internet, I love it, what’s next?
Lisa: Selling some DVDs is definitely the focus right now and then we are actually already starting to plan our next round of DVDs and we are hoping to bring in other fitness professionals with us, so hopefully Body Physica becomes kind of an overall brand and we have people underneath that banner that are putting out fitness DVDs, not just me, so I was always meant to be the guinea pig to try it out first and see if it would work or not.
Jonathan: That sounds really, really cool, you have already shown the ability I think to unite and to be a lasting and meaningful presence, almost an umbrella presence, so I can’t imagine that won’t continue in the DVD space.
Lisa: We will see, we will keep pushing.
Jonathan: I love it Lisa and just again just to reiterate where can people go to learn more information about your DVDs and just you, your goings on in general?
Lisa: My catch-all is definitely my fitness blog, which is
Jonathan: Cool and then the other one is Body Physica?
Lisa: and I am always on Twitter @LisaJohnson.
Jonathan: Folks just one more time, there is lot of voices out there in the fitness world and in the nutrition world and Lisa to me is just, she is down to earth, she has got her head on straight, she is focused on the big picture, she is genuine, she is nice and I have yet to see her promoting anything other than that which is effective and that which propagates lasting human betterment and I just take my hat off to you for that Lisa because I think that we just need many more Lisa Johnsons in the world, so that’s fantastic.
Lisa: Thank you very much Jonathan, I really appreciate it.
Jonathan: Thank you for all that you do Lisa and thank you so much listeners for tuning in and we will see you next week and until then remember to eat more and exercise less, but do that smarter.
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