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BioFISA II Flagship Projects

The Southern Africa Network for Biosciences (SANBio) is a NEPAD program for collaborative research, development, and innovation addressing challenges in health and nutrition in Southern Africa. The SANBio/BioFISA II Programme invites public research institutions, universities, private sector organizations, and NGOs in eligible SADC countries to apply for flagship projects. Flagship projects should emphasis the later stages of the biosciences value-chain, and have the ability to scale up. Thematic areas connected to agriculture include animal health, aquaculture (fish farming), indigenous foods and neglected foods, and others. Funding is up to Rand 4.5 million for projects of up to two years. The eligible countries are Angola, Botswana, Malawi, Mauritius, Mozambique, Namibia, Lesotho, South Africa, Seychelles, Swaziland, Zambia, and Zimbabwe.The deadline for concept notes is 16 May 2016.

See also: BioFISA II - Concept Note Writing Video for Flagship Call

Food and Business Applied Research, 3rd Call for Proposals

The Food & Business Applied Research Fund of the Netherlands Organization for Scientific Research (WOTRO) offers grants for applied research contributing to food security in the partner countries of Dutch international cooperation (Afghanistan, Bangladesh, Benin, Burundi, Ethiopia, Ghana, Indonesia, Kenya, Mali, Mozambique, Palestinian Territories, Rwanda, South Sudan, Uganda, and Yemen). The main applicant should be a public or private organization in one of these partner countries, working with one or more research partners in Netherlands or the partner country. Grants are a maximum of €50 thousand for six months to a maximum of €300 thousand for up to 36 months. Each project requires at least 20% co-funding. The next application deadlines are 05 July 2016 and 06 December 2016.

African Agribusiness Incubation Fund

African Agribusiness Incubators Network (AAIN) is soliciting for business ideas and solutions from organizations and individuals focused on innovative agribusiness incubation. The investment ­financing is to help support solutions or start small scale agribusiness incubators along different value chains. The investment ranges from 5,000 - 50,000 USD. The deadline for receipt of your application for this stage is no later than 30 June 2016

Innovative approaches of food processing in sub-Saharan Africa and Southeast Asia

The German Ministry for Food and Agriculture (BMEL) and The Federal Office for Agriculture and Food (BLE) are planning to launch a call (June 2016) on food processing and packaging end of May, begin of June 2016. The research project is to start begin of 2017. Duration: 3 years. Structure of the proposal: (a) German coordination ; (b) Partners from research institutes from partner countries and other German partners ; (c) CGIAR research partners are possible but based on self-funding basis ; (d) If appropriate non-research partners can be involved ; (e) the total budget per project is expected to be around 1 million Euro ; (f) BLE can assist as contact mediator. A total of 8 million Euro should be available for this call (TBC) which means about 8 research projects will be selected. The concept note should be submitted mid-September 2016.

Bio-diversity, environment, climate change

Water and Sanitation in Ethiopia

USAID invites applications from U.S. and non-U.S. organizations to support a program on improved water, sanitation, and hygiene (WASH) in Ethiopia. The focus is improved governance and management in WASH at local levels; increased supply of and demand for WASH products and services; and expanded knowledge to bring WASH innovations to scale. Eligibility to compete for funding is completely unrestricted. USAID anticipates making one award of US$24 million over five years. Funding Opportunity RFA-663-16-000007. The deadline for applications is 19 May 2016.

Climate Initiative 2017

Germany's BMU (Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation, and Nuclear Safety) funds the International Climate Initiative (IKI) to support projects on climate change mitigation and adaptation, and biodiversity projects that have climate relevance. Most projects are led by German and international organizations with partners in developing and emerging countries. Grants are generally over €200 thousand, and sometimes much larger, for projects that are usually two to four years. The closing date for project outlines (German, English) is 06 June 2016

Conservation in South Sudan

USAID-Juba announces funding to build foundations for conservation, wildlife protection and anti-poaching, land and natural resource management, and related themes. The program includes support for livelihoods in fishing, vegetable gardening, and micro-enterprises to disengage local populations from wildlife poaching. It will also fund pilot community conservancies. Concept papers may address one or all of the target regions including Boma, Jongeli, and the Equatorias. USAID anticipates that approximately US$23 million may be available to support the five-year program. Eligibility to compete for funding is unrestricted. The deadline for concept notes is 26 September 2016.

Improved Livelihoods in South Sudan

USAID’s Livelihoods, Vulnerability, and Resilience Program (LVRP) aims to improve livelihoods in conflict-affected areas of South Sudan struggling with food insecurity. Among other objectives, the program will support the initiation, development, and capacity building of community-led groups engaged in agriculture, livestock, forestry, and fishery production. It will also address how to build community capacity for increased resilience to shocks and disasters, and how to alleviate problems in water, sanitation, and hygiene (WASH) for improved livelihoods. Eligibility for funding is unrestricted. The closing date for applications is 10 October 2016.

Grants for Biodiversity, Climate Change, and Sustainable Development

Spain's Biodiversity Foundation funds conservation field projects, research, education and training, and public awareness. Most grants are made in Spain.  However, the Foundation is willing to consider international projects proposed by Spanish nonprofit NGOs; by large international nonprofit NGOs; by nonprofit organizations in other EU member states; and projects co-funded by AECID (Spain's agency for international development cooperation). Grants are up to €60 thousand for one year. The closing date for the main program of competitive grants is 15 July 2016.


Agriculture, Nutrition and Health Academy

From 20-24 June 2016, ANH is organizing a week-long programme for researchers in these fields to be held in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia. Participants will have opportunities to select - according to their needs and preference – from numerous training sessions in specialist research skills delivered by leading mentors. They will participate in an international conference with over 90 presentations from the global research community working at the intersection of agriculture, nutrition and health. Keynote speeches from internationally-recognised figures in these fields and topical panel discussions will be interspersed among many opportunities to network and foster new research collaborations. Participants will need to sponsor their own travel and accommodation. There are 100 places for the two-day Learning Labs and 150 for the three day Conference on Agri-Health Research. Participation is strictly first come, first served.

Product, Energy and Resource Recovery from Wastewater

15 PHD fellowships @one of the five academic partners: Ghent University (Belgium); TU Delft (the Netherlands) ;  RWTH Aachen University (Germany) ; University of Chemistry and Technology Prague (Czech Republic) ; Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya-BarcelonaTech (Spain). Strong collaboration with non-academic partners all over Europe (industrial partners in technology development, consulting/engineering SMEs, service providers, governmental agencies). Deadline 15 May 2016

Ecological Agriculture and Biological Medicine

The Ekhaga Foundation makes grants for research in ecological agriculture and biological medicine. Universities, research institutes, etc., from all over the world are invited to apply. Ekhaga requires cooperation with a Swedish institution for applications that do not come from Europe or North America. The deadline for applications is 20 May 2016.

Capacity of research teams in collaboration with IRD

The French Institute for Development Research (IRD) makes grants of up to €50 thousand for periods of three years to build the capacity of research teams in the developing world in collaboration with IRD's research units. Thematic areas include sustainable energy; water resources; climate change; ecosystems and biodiversity; agriculture and food safety; and several others. The leader is a full-time researcher with a research institution in a country of the global South. He/she is the initiator of the application. The deadline for concept notes (French, English) is 30 May 2016

Doctoral fellowships in the natural sciences

The Organization for Women in Science for the Developing World (OWSD) supports female scientists in Sub-Saharan Africa and Least Developed Countries (LDCs) with doctoral fellowships in the natural sciences. The fellowships are for the pursuit of a doctoral degree at a host institution in a developing country, but not in the applicant's home country. Applicants should be qualified young women science graduates (generally below 40 years of age), who have an M.Sc. degree or outstanding B.Sc. in the natural sciences. The eligible scientific fields include agricultural sciences; biological systems and organisms; and many others. The application deadline is 31 May 2016.

International Training in Sustainable Urban Water and Sanitation

The Swedish International Development Agency (Sida)  funds short-term training in selected development topics for participants from developing countries. The Global program includes a course on integrated processes for sustainable urban water and sanitation open to applicants from Bangladesh, Kenya, Myanmar, Tanzania, and Uganda. The training will be provided in two parts, first in Sweden and then Uganda. The closing date for applications is 10 June 2016

Agricultural Research for Early-Career Women Scientists in the MENA Region

CRDF Global welcomes proposals to support collaborate research in agricultural sciences between young Arab female scientists in the Middle East and North Africa in partnership with U.S. researchers. This initiative is jointly funded by CRDF Global and the International Center for Biosaline Agriculture. The supported research areas are: (i) Breeding and genomics of important food crops for resilience to climate change and salinity; and (ii) Water, soil, and nutrient management to enhance resilience to climate change and salinity. Eligible MENA countries are Algeria, Bahrain, Egypt, Iraq, Jordan, Kuwait, Lebanon, Libya, Mauritania, Morocco, Oman, Palestinian Territories, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, Tunisia, United Arab Emirates, and Yemen. Proposals are submitted jointly by one principal investigator from MENA and one principal investigator from the USA. The deadline for proposals is 15 June 2016

Grants for Masters Studies in Water and Sanitation.

The Rotary Foundation partners with UNESCO to offer funding for masters studies in water and sanitation. Applicants for Rotary's support must be provisionally admitted to one of the three participating degree programs at UNESCO's Institute for Water Education (IHE). Students apply via their local Rotary club or district. Each award is approximately €34 thousand, paid directly to UNESCO-IHE. The application deadline is 15 June

IFDC Agro-Input Training

The International Fertilizer Development Center will hold a five-day training, Developing Private Sector Agro-Input Markets, which will cover how to develop and implement targeted subsidies for fertilizer. The workshop is from May 30-June 3 in Arusha, Tanzania.

Livestock Emissions Research

The government of New Zealand sponsors LEARN as a program to build international capability in livestock emissions research. The program is New Zealand's contribution to the Global Research Alliance on Agricultural Greenhouse Gases, which seeks to reduce the emissions intensity of agriculture and increase its potential for soil carbon sequestration. The program offers a co-funded PhD scholarship; postdoctoral fellowship; technical training award; and Global Research Alliance Senior Scientist (GRASS) award. The next deadlines for full applications are June, and October

Master in Feed and Food Safety for Human Health (F2SH2)
Master program, offered in English by the Department of Veterinary Medicine at the University of Perugia, Italy. The - The maximum number of students who can be admitted is established at 50 and the minimum at 20. The Master will be held from September 2016 to September 2017. Deadline for application: 20th June 2016.

International Training and Study Tour on Technology Advances in Agricultural Production, Water and Nutrient Management

Organised by IFDC. Venue: USA (Alabama, Arkansas, Iowa, Missouri, Tennessee and Washington, D.C.). Dates: August 22 – September 2, 2016. Registration and Payment by 22 July 2016: $2,500

Young Earth Solutions

This is an international competition for PhD and post-doctoral researchers to present their projects and concrete solutions on the themes of food and sustainability. The competition encourages research that might be considered ground-breaking, withpotential to be of high impact for the sustainability of the agri-food system. The Barilla Center for Food and Nutrition (BCFN) accepts submissions of either new or ongoing research projects, whether currently unfunded or co-financed. Proposals can be submitted by individuals or teams. All participants must be under the age of 35. The winning proposal will be awarded a research grant of €20 thousand for one year. The period to submit proposals is 22 April 2016 through 27 July 2016.

Professional Training Courses 2017

The Center for Development Innovation (CDI) at Wageningen University in the Netherlands helps build the capacities of individuals and organizations that are addressing the global challenges of sustainability and food security. Services at CDI include professional short courses in subject areas related to agriculture, genetic resources, pest management, water management, climate change, natural disasters, rural entrepreneurship, and others. Funding for most courses can be applied for through the Netherlands Fellowship Program (NFP) and/or the MENA Scholarship Program (MSP). Many courses in 2017 have NFP/MSP scholarship deadlines on 19 July 2016 or 18 October 2016.

Research on Water Availability.

The Ernest du Bois Prize of the King Boudouin Foundation offers €20 thousand for doctoral studies on the theme of water availability. The awards are for young engineers who are carrying out research on the theme of water and its availability -- including issues of protecting reserves, managing pollution, developing processing techniques, and others. Applications need to be submitted in French or Dutch. The application deadline is until 19 October 2016


IDRC Doctoral Research Awards 2016

Canada's International Development Research Center (IDRC) offers doctoral research awards in priority themes that include Agriculture and Environment, Inclusive Economies, Technology and Innovation. The program is open to Canadians, permanent residents of Canada, and nationals of developing countries who are pursuing doctoral studies at Canadian universities. Approximately 20 grants of a maximum of CA$20,000 each. The deadline is 18 May 2016.

Seminar on the results of EU support to Research and Innovation for development in partner countries

Lessons learned and recommendations for the future. This seminar will take place in Brussels, Belgium on 26 May 2016. Register your participation before 23 May 2016.

The 3rd African Congress for Conservation Biology (ACCB 2016)

This Congress (El Jadida, Morocco, at the Faculty of Science of the University of Chouaib Doukkalii from 4 – 8th September 2016) is themed "Conservation Biology in Africa: Challenges of Globalization." The abstract submission deadline is 30th May.

Grants for International Meetings 2016

The Academy of Sciences for the Developing World (TWAS) makes grants to support the organization of high-level international and regional scientific activities in developing countries by offering financial assistance for conferences, workshops, symposia, and special meetings. Eligible fields include agricultural, biological, geological, and other sciences. Support is normally in the form of travel grants for principal speakers from abroad and/or participants from developing countries other than the country where the meeting is held. The amount provided normally does not exceed US$5 thousand. The next application deadline is 01 June 2016

Biomass feedstocks today and in the future

The nova Session on biomass feedstocks today and in the future will take place on 30 June 2016 at the Airport Cologne/Bonn. The number of participants is limited (max. 20 people). Places will be offered on a ‘first-come – first-serve’ basis.

Youth employment challenge in Africa

The MasterCard Foundation and Institute of Development Studies have joined forces to launch the Matasa Fellows Network. This initiative will develop cohorts of young African researchers with the skills and commitment to bring their research into policy processes that address the challenges of young people and employment in Africa. To kick-start the Network, ten fellowships will be awarded in 2016.

Improvement of underutilized plant species

Question 3 in the 2017 competition of the Belgium Royal Academy for Overseas Science is: "A study is requested on the possibilities of improvement of underutilized plant species based on characterization of their genetic diversity, with the aim of solving problems of food security, poverty or climate change adaptation." Each award-winning work in the yearly competition is granted a prize of €2,500. The competition is open to all scientists worldwide without age restrictions. The deadline for submissions is 01 March 2017

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