

Agriculture-Nutrition Impact
The UK Department for International Development (DFID) and the Bill AND Melinda Gates Foundation invite applications for innovative large-scale studies in agriculture to improve nutrition and health. The priority is studies that will take place in one or more of the 34 countries suffering from the highest burden of stunting in childhood, with a particular interest in Sub-Saharan Africa and South Asia, and focusing on the potential nutrition impact of food from animal sources. The deadline for concept notes is 28 October 2015.

Drivers of Food Choice
Competitive Grants Program. Drivers of Food Choice solicits applications for research projects that will provide a deep understanding of the drivers of food choice and the relationship with agriculture among the poor in the world's low- and middle-income countries. Research grants can be awarded to any organization (e.g., research organizations, NGOs, government institutions, and private-sector organizations) committed to improving food and nutrition security in one or more of the 34 countries that account for 90% of global under-nutrition. The program expects to fund 15 research grants of up to US$300 thousand each, to be awarded in two rounds. An Informational Webinar was held on September 30th, 2015 to review the Request for Proposals and answer questions about the program and submission process.The deadline for concept memos is 01 November 2015

Revitalizing Agriculture in Areas Affected by Ebola
USAID's Bureau for Food Security invites concept papers to revitalize agriculture and livelihoods affected by the ebola outbreak in West Africa, focusing preferentially on Guinea, Liberia, and Sierra Leone. The Feed the Future Ebola Recovery Partnership aims to mobilize the expertise, infrastructures, and resources of the private sector, foundations, and other partners -- including in-country partners -- to achieve a rapid and robust recovery from the ebola outbreak and to foster broad-based food security. Funding is up to US$1 million. Funding Opportunity RFA-OAA-15-000022. The deadline for applications is 06 November 2015.

Strengthening Smallholder Rice Farmers in Tanzania
The EC will fund projects to increase competitiveness and improve the post-harvest value chain of small holder farmers in Morogoro and Iringa regions. Projects should particularly target rice as one of the most important food and commercial crops in the area. Grants will range from €750 thousand to €1.5 million, varying with cost shares. Eligibility for funding extends to non-profit organizations in EU member states and candidate countries; the European Economic Area; the OECD countries; the ACP countries (including Tanzania); and international organizations. Reference EuropeAid/137556/ID/ACT/TZ. The deadline for concept notes is 16 November 2015

Research on Environment and Health
The Wellcome Trust announces "Our Planet, Our Health" as a program of transdisciplinary research on how environmental challenges affect human health. Specific research themes are the global food system and health; and urbanisation and health. Participating organisations may be located in any country, and the lead applicant may be employed in any sector. Grants will be up to £2 million a year for up to five years. The deadline for preliminary applications is 29 January 2016

Sustainable Agricultural Intensification Research and Learning in Africa
RESEARCH WYG and Natural Resources Institute (NRI) launched the call for concept notes for the Sustainable Agricultural Intensification Research and Learning Programme in sub-Saharan Africa (SAIRLA) research opportunity. SAIRLA’s research projects will generate new evidence and decision-making support tools to help decision makers create an enabling environment for poorer smallholder farmers, especially women and youth, to engage in Sustainable Agricultural Intensification. The research grants will be funded by DFID and each will be awarded between £400,000 and £750,000. Concept notes will be required to respond to one or two of the research questions as per the SAIRLA website, and to cover at least two priority countries. Applicants must include at least one African organisation in each country. In addition to completing the proposed research, successful applicants will be expected to participate in SAIRLA’s Learning Alliances to inform, generate and share research among stakeholders and engage with decision makers. The deadline for submissions is November 19th 2015. Short-listed applicants will subsequently be requested to submit full proposals by 30th January 2016.

The new Horizon 2020 calls for proposals
The 2016-2017 calls for proposals are open to international cooperation and contain several topics of particular interest to researchers in Africa: 3 complementary topics will support the implementation of the EU-AFRICA Partnership of Food and Nutrition Security and Sustainable Agriculture:

1) EU-Africa Research and Innovation partnership on food and nutrition security and sustainable agriculture;

2) Promoting food and nutrition security and sustainable agriculture in Africa: the role of innovation; 3) Earth observation services for the monitoring of agricultural production in Africa

Deadline: 17 February 2016.


Biodiversity Conservation in Africa
The ARCOS Small Grants enhance collaboration to develop sustainable solutions for biodiversity and people, focusing on critical landscapes and watersheds of the Albertine Rift, the Great Lakes Region, and the African mountains. The grants program is open to civil society organizations. Governments and for-profit organizations may participate as project partners, or in coalitions where a civil society organization is the main applicant. The maximum grant is US$5 thousand. Applications (English, French): 01 October to 15 November.

Research in Central Africa
French Institute of Development Research (IRD) and AUF (L'Agence universitaire de la Francophonie) jointly call for research projects in Central Africa on three themes: population health and well-being; biodiversity and biosphere sciences; and water and sanitation. The objective is to build greater research capacity in the forested zones of the region, particularly through strong North-South consortia. The focus countries are Cameroon, Dem Rep Congo, and Gabon. The deadline for applications is 31 October 2015

Biodiversity Information for Development
Global Biodiversity Information Facility (GBIF) invites proposals for funding from Sub-Saharan Africa: (i) national grants of up to €60 thousand that seek to establish or strengthen national biodiversity information facilities, and to increase the biodiversity data about the country to respond to national priorities; (ii) regional grants of up to €30 thousand that establish or strengthen international partnerships of three or more partners per consortium to increase biodiversity data relevant for regional biodiversity conservation priorities; and (iii) small biodiversity data mobilization grants of up to €5 thousand that seek to mobilize biodiversity data relevant for biodiversity conservation priorities. The deadline for initial concept notes is 20 November 2015

Fish and Wildlife Africa Program 2016
The program "Wildlife Without Borders" includes a regional component for Africa. Funding in 2016 will focus on projects that impact wildlife populations in the following countries: Burundi, Cameroon, Chad, Central African Republic, Congo, Dem Rep Congo, Equatorial Guinea, Gabon, Rwanda, and São Tomé and Príncipe. The announcement defines themes by country, sub-region, and wildlife species. Applications are open to qualified individuals; multi-national secretariats; institutions of higher education; and nonprofit NGOs. The application deadline is 15 January 2016


Borlaug Fellowships 2016
The U.S. Department of Agriculture welcomes applications for the 2016 Norman E. Borlaug International Agricultural Science and Technology Fellowship Program. The program offers training and collaborative research opportunities to scientists, researchers, and policymakers from 32 developing countries. Themes include soil and water management; agricultural genetics and breeding; livestock health and management; agricultural processing; biotechnology; climate change; biofuels; and others (varying by eligible countries). Fellows work with a mentor at a U.S. university, research center, or government agency -- usually for 8-12 weeks. The U.S. mentor later visits the fellow’s home institution to continue collaboration. The application deadline is 15 November 2015

TROPIMUNDO Masters Program in Tropical Biodiversity and Ecosystems
TROPIMUNDO 2016-2017 is a 2-year Erasmus Mundus masters program in tropical biodiversity and ecosystems. Students alternate their semesters between consortium universities in Europe (Belgium, France, Italy) and tropical regions outside Europe (Malaysia, Australia, Cameroon). Applicants should have an internationally accepted bachelor’s degree in biology, natural sciences, environmental sciences, or equivalent. The EC provides a certain number of full scholarships for EU and non-EU students. The deadline for applications (with scholarships) is 29 November 2015

African Diaspora Fellowships
The Carnegie African Diaspora Fellowship Program offers short-term fellowships to African-born academics at universities in the USA and Canada to collaborate with African universities in research, curriculum co-development, and/or graduate student training. Project requests to host scholars are submitted online by African higher education institutions in Ghana, Kenya, Nigeria, South Africa, Tanzania, and Uganda. Scholars whose discipline and expertise fit the activities and objectives proposed in a project request may be matched with the project. Scholars need to apply by 08 December 2015.

International Fellowships
Rothamsted International is a charity supporting sustainable agriculture in developing countries. The Rothamsted International Fellowship Scheme has supported around 140 scientists from more than 30 different countries. The program seeks to promote the exchange of skills and technologies between scientists from developing countries and Rothamsted Research. Applications are completed jointly by the candidate and a Rothamsted Project Leader. The next deadline for applications is 14 December 2015

Partnerships for Enhanced Engagement in Research (PEER)
PEER brings together the U.S. Agency for International Development, the U.S. National Academy of Sciences, and other agencies of the U.S. government to address critical challenges in international development. PEER invites scientists in developing countries to work with U.S. collaborators in research and capacity building on priority topics defined by regions, countries, and subject areas. The subject areas include transboundary water resources, renewable energy, fisheries, biodiversity, and others. Applicants must be based at academic institutions, non-profit organizations, or government-managed research laboratories, centers, or institutes in eligible countries. Applicants need to have at least one research partner in the U.S. that has grant funding from the U.S. government. Awards for single institutions are anticipated to range from US$40 thousand to US$80 thousand per year for one to three years. Multiple-institution awards may range from US$80 thousand to US$100 thousand per year for up to three years. The deadline for pre-proposals is 15 January 2016

Postdoctoral Fellowships on Innovative Methods and Metrics for Agriculture and Nutrition
The Leverhulme Center for Integrative Research on Agriculture and Health supports the research partnership, "Innovative Methods and Metrics for Agriculture and Nutrition Actions" (IMMANA). IMMANA intends to accelerate the scientific evidence needed to guide changes in global agriculture to feed the world’s population. Most of the fellowships will focus on fieldwork in Sub-Saharan Africa and South Asia, developing and applying new measurement techniques adapted to the analysis of specific interventions. Eligible applicants will have completed a doctorate in any field related to agriculture, nutrition, and health within three years of the proposed start date. IMMANA strongly encourages applications from female candidates who are citizens of low- and middle-income countries. The deadline for concept notes is 01 February 2016

Graduate Studies for Africans at Michigan State University 2016
The MasterCard Foundation funds citizens and residents of Sub-Saharan Africa for graduate studies at Michigan State University, USA. The fields of study at MSU include agriculture and natural resources; veterinary medicine; natural sciences; and many others. The deadline for completed applications is 01 February 2016

Scholarships and Training Grants 2016-2017
The French-language universities of Belgium award 130 scholarships and about 70 training grants each year in the ARES program to applicants from developing countries. Subjects include aquaculture; tropical animal and plant resources; environmental management; management of natural hazards; and others. Eligibility requirements are defined by age, previous education, and nationality. The eligible countries are Benin, Bolivia, Burkina Faso, Burundi, Cambodia, Cameroon, Cuba, Dem Rep Congo, Ecuador, Haïti, Indonesia, Madagascar, Mali, Morocco, Niger, Peru, Philippines, Rwanda, Senegal, and Vietnam. The deadline for applications (French, English) is 10 February 2016

Call International Master Programmes (ICP) 2016
Flemish universities in Belgium also propose training programmes and courses for key-persons from developing countries. Deadline submission project proposals at the level of the Flemish universities (ICOS of the university). The applications will open approximately in October-November 2015. The to-year Master programmes include: Nutrition and Rural Development ; Physical Land Resources ; Aquaculture ; Biology - Specialisation Human Ecology ; Statistics - Specialisation Biostatistics ; Environmental Sanitation ; Nematology ; Food Technology ; Molecular Biology ; Water Resources Engineering ; Marine and Lacustrine Science and Management (Oceans & Lakes). The deadline for applications is 10 February 2016. Training programmes (1-4 months): The programme for training programmes 2016 will be announced on this page in December 2015.


Sustainable Living Young Entrepreneur Awards
Ashoka, Unilever, and their partners welcome innovations from young innovators (ages 18 to 35) worldwide who are tackling one or more of the following UN Millennium Development Goals: no poverty; zero hunger; gender equality; clean water and sanitation; affordable and clean energy; decent work and economic growth; responsible consumption and production; and climate action. Six finalists will each receive cash prizes of €10 thousand, along with support and mentoring. One winner will receive €50 thousand and will be awarded the HRH The Prince of Wales Young Sustainability Entrepreneur Prize, plus support and mentoring. The application deadline is 18 November 2015

Canadian Collaboration for Innovative Research and Knowledge Sharing
Canada's IDRC aims to support one or a group of Canadian civil society organization(s) in their engagement with partner organizations in low- and middle-income countries and/or in Canada to build knowledge, research, and skills in areas related to IDRC’s strategic and thematic priorities. These priorities include environment, agriculture, natural resources, and others. Eligibility for funding extends to Canadian civil society organizations that are incorporated and headquartered in Canada (excluding universities, colleges, and hospitals), and that produce research and share knowledge for development. The grant is CAD$1 million for three years. The deadline for applications is 18 November 2015

Awards for African Conservation 2016
The Tusk Conservation Awards highlight achievements of individuals working for conservation in Sub-Saharan Africa. The Prince William Award for Conservation in Africa is awarded to a distinguished individual for exceptional contribution over a minimum of ten years. The Tusk Award for Conservation in Africa is awarded to an individual with a minimum of five years experience who has demonstrated a considerable commitment to conservation, and who has already made a significant impact. The Tusk Wildlife Ranger Award recognises the dedication and commitment of an individual who works in the field on a daily basis protecting Africa’s wildlife. The deadline for nominations is 01 March 2016.

Africa Techno
This is an annual event organized by CVT Valorisation Sud and its partners in Africa. It is a unique regional forum about innovation, promotion and transfer of technologies in Africa. The 7th edition of Africa TECHNO, enhanced by the 6 previous technological B2B meetings in West and Central Africa (Senegal, Burkina Faso, Cameroon), takes place this year in South Africa: *23-27 November 2015* During this event, technologies from Africa, France and Europe will be made available to the various economic Actors. The holders of technologies interested must submit their applications on the site (in EN or FR): by 30 October 2015

Approvisionnement des unités de transformation agroalimentaire en Afrique de l'Ouest
Comité Français pour la Solidarité Internationale anime un processus participatif de capitalisation d’innovations locales et paysannes, autour de la question du « Consommer local » : comment l’agriculture familiale durable peut-elle nourrir les villes ouest-africaines ? Une discussion en ligne a eu lieu au printemps dernier. Y ont participé des membres du réseau Pafao (du nom du programme conjoint CFSI / Fondation de France de Promotion de l’agriculture familiale en Afrique de l’Ouest. Le thème en était : l’approvisionnement des unités de transformation. Elle abordait des problèmes communs qui sont des obstacles au changement d’échelle des innovations portées par les projets. Suite à la trentaine de contributions, nous avons produit une synthèse de 6 pages. Elle se trouve en ligne ici

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