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Horizon 2020

The Work Programme on ‘Food security, sustainable agriculture and forestry, marine and maritime and inland water research and the bioeconomy’ offers opportunities in finding diverse

and innovative solutions to well-identified challenges in key EU policy priorities. Through generic or dedicated topics, a broad multidisciplinary participation is welcomed in these efforts.Specific topics related to Africa:

SFS-1C-2014/2015: Sustainable terrestrial livestock production: Assessing sustainability of terrestrial livestock production (page 8)

SFS-2B-2014/2015: Sustainable crop production: Assessing soil-improving cropping systems (page 10)

SFS-3-2014: Practical solutions for native and alien pests affecting plants (page 13)

SFS-13-2015: Biological contamination of crops and the food chain (page 23)

SFS-18-2015: Small farms but global markets: the role of small and family farms in food and nutrition security (page 29)

Deadline First stage 3 February 2015

2nd Open Call on Global Issues.

The Swiss Program for Research on Global Issues for Development (r4d Program) makes grants for transnational and interdisciplinary research focusing on poverty reduction, global risks, and the provision of public goods. Applications are invited from nonprofit Swiss research institutions in partnerships with research institutions in the developing countries of Africa, Asia, and Latin America. Grants are up to CHF 500 thousand for up to three years. The application deadline for pre-proposals is 6 February 2015.

Clean Energy for Agriculture

USAID invites applications for "Powering Agriculture: An Energy Grand Challenge for Development." The program aims to accelerate the development and deployment of clean energy to increase agriculture productivity and/or value in developing countries.

Applications are invited from any category of organization or institution worldwide. The size of grants is up to US$500 thousand (Window 1), and US$500 thousand to US$2 million (Window 2). Deadline: 12 February 2015

Diaspora Marketplace III

The African Diaspora Marketplace is sponsored by the U.S. Agency for International Development and Western Union to support the start-up and expansion of businesses in Sub-Saharan Africa. This refers to enterprises in agribusiness, water supply, energy, fisheries, livestock, tourism, environmental services, and various other sectors. Eligibility for grants in ADM III extends to U.S. citizens and permanent residents who own at least 25 percent of the business, and who will be an active member of the business management team. Applications must provide a minimum of one-to-one match funding. The deadline for concept notes is 13 February 2015.

Geodata for Agriculture and Water (G4AW)

G4AW is a program by the Dutch Ministry of Foreign Affairs, executed by the Netherlands Space Office, to support private investments for satellite-based information servicesthat improve the output of agriculture, livestock, and fishing in 26 emerging and developing countries. Grants will range from €500 thousand to €5 million for consortia of Dutch organizations in partnerships with organizations in Angola, Bangladesh, Benin, Burkina Faso, Burundi, Cambodia, Colombia, Ethiopia, Ghana, Indonesia, Kenya, Laos, Malawi, Mali, Mozambique, Myanmar, Niger, Rwanda, Senegal, South Africa, South Sudan, Tanzania, Uganda, Vietnam, Zambia, and Zimbabwe. The application deadline is 27 February 2015

Livelihoods in South Sudan

USAID will make grants to improve livelihoods in the areas of South Sudan most severely affected by conflict. Interventions should address agriculture; livestock and fisheries; water and sanitation; reduced disaster risks; and other thematic areas identified in the announcement. Eligibility for funding extends to nonprofit organizations and colleges and universities, either individually or in consortia. USAID anticipates making up to four cooperative agreements of at least US$10 million per award for up to three years. Reference APS-OFDA-15-000004. The deadline for proposals is 27 February 2015.

PACE for Enterprise Development

Partnering to Accelerate Entrepreneurship (PACE) is a program in USAID's Global Development Alliance to direct private investment to early-stage enterprises in developing countries. Thematic areas may include agriculture, energy, and water - among others. USAID invites concept papers to propose public-private partnerships for a single country or multiple countries in which USAID is present. Details are found in the FAQ of the announcement. The deadline for concept papers is 27 February 2015.

Food and Business  Applied Research Fund

The Food and Business Applied Research Fund provides grants to applied research contributing to innovation for food security and private sector development in the 15 partner countries of Dutch development cooperation. Proposals may be submitted by consortia consisting of at least one private or public practitioners organisation active in the partner countries and one research or higher education organisation. One Dutch partner is required. Application form 2nd Call for proposals 2014/2015 – Round 2. Deadline:  last round 12 May 2015.

International Wheat Yield Partnership

This program of CIMMYT is initiating its first competitive funding call. The aim is to to substantially increase the genetic yield potential of wheat by focusing on the four research topics identified in the call. Grants (cash and in-kind) are up to US$2 million over three years. The application period for pre-proposals is 15 January through 15 March 2015.

Global Center for Food Systems

In partnership with other organizations, Michigan State University invites applications to the Global Center for Food Systems Innovation. The program seeks science-based solutions to the challenges of food systems in relation to ten thematic areas. Eligibility for funding extends to universities; government and private laboratories; research organizations; and companies. Individuals may be eligible under some circumstances. Proposals are invited worldwide for implementation (testing, evaluation, scaling) including following African countries : Ethiopia,  Kenya, Malawi, Mozambique, Rwanda, Tanzania, Uganda, or Zambia. The application deadline is 16 March 2015.

Irwin Andrew Porter Foundation

The Foundation's international grant making includes projects for agriculture, natural resources, and grassroots conservation. Grants range from US$500 to US$30 thousand per year for projects of 1-2 years. Applicants must have tax-exempt status or a tax-exempt fiscal agent in the USA. The deadline for applications is 30 April.

Presbyterian Hunger Program

This program supports nonprofit organizations for projects that provide food relief, development assistance, and improved public policy in the fight against hunger. Activities in international development assistance include agricultural production, livestock development, land rights, soil and water conservation, and others. PHP gives preference to applications submitted by organizations based in the geographic area of the proposed activities. The average grant is about US$7 thousand. The deadline is 30 April.

The Agri-Tech Catalyst.

The £70m ‘Agri-Tech Catalyst' funding scheme has been launched to help businesses and researchers develop innovative solutions to global challenges in the agricultural technology (‘agri-tech') sector.

Early-stage projects will explore the commercial potential of an early-stage scientific idea through feasibility studies. Deadline: 17 June 2015.

Industrial research projects aim to develop innovative solutions, eg through technology development, lab-based prototyping, product development planning, field trials, and market testing. Deadline: 1 April 2015.

Late-stage projects evaluate or trial the commercial potential of an innovative concept in a real-life environment ahead of deployment. This can be through pre-experimental feasibility studies or experimental development. Deadline: 17 June 2015.


Climate Projects in Developing Countries

The Nordic Climate Facility has launched a 5th call for proposals on the theme of "Climate Resilience in Urban and Private Sector Contexts." Grants ranging from €250 thousand to €500 thousand will be made to partnerships between relevant Nordic institutions and qualified local partners in eligible low-income countries. The eligible African countries are: Benin, Burkina Faso, Cape Verde, Ethiopia, Ghana, Kenya, Malawi, Mozambique, Rwanda, Senegal, Tanzania, Uganda, Zambia, and Zimbabwe. Deadline: 30 January 2015.

Global Environmental Change

In collaboration with the International Council for Science (ICSU), the Swedish Secretariat for Environmental Earth System Sciences (SSEESS) announced funding to link researchers in Sweden with partners in Africa, Asia-Pacific, and Latin America and the Caribbean. Research themes are global environmental change, including climate change and adaptation; urban health and well-being in a changing environment; sustainable energy; and natural and human-induced hazards and disaster risk management. Swedish scientists apply for SEK 90 thousand in order to network with partners in the developing regions. Deadline: 31 Jan 2015.


Business Services to Advance Energy Projects in Africa

ENEA Access will provide 30-100 days of pro bono consulting services for selected energy projects in Africa. Projects must contribute to the reduction of poverty and/or the impacts of climate change as a result of improved access to energy. The range of available services includes market studies, feasibility studies, pilot structuring, business modeling, impact assessments, and others. The deadline for applications (French, English) is 15 February 2015.

Award for Research on Biodiversity to Improve Human Nutrition

Each year, the Belgian Royal Academy for Overseas Sciences sponsors a competition to stimulate high-quality research regarding problems inherent in the developing world. The questions for 2015 include one on the potential contributions of plant and/or animal biodiversity to improve nutrition security and health in developing countries. Each award-winning work is granted a prize of €2,500. The deadline is 01 March 2015.


Agris Mundus 2015-2017

Agris Mundus invites qualified individuals worldwide for two-year master's degrees oriented towards agriculture and natural resources in the developing world. The courses are given at the member universities of Agris Mundus in Europe. Applicants can apply for scholarships to offset fees and living expenses. The Agris Mundus MSc is a product of AGRINATURA. The whole course is coordinated by Montpellier SupAgro. The program is funded by the European Commission. Deadline: 31 Jan 2015.

Graduate Studies for Africans at Michigan State University 2015.

The MasterCard Foundation funds citizens and residents of Sub-Saharan Africa for graduate studies at Michigan State University, USA. The fields of study at MSU include agriculture and natural resources; veterinary medicine; natural sciences; and many others. The deadline for completed applications is 02 February 2015.

Scholarships and Training Grants 2015-2016.

The French-language universities of Belgium award 150 scholarships and 70 training grants each year in the ARES program to applicants from developing countries. Subjects include aquaculture; tropical animal and plant resources; environmental management; management of natural hazards; and others. The deadline for applications (French or English) is 11 February 2015.

Scholarships and Training Grants 2015-2016.

Trainings (7) or Master programmes (15) taught in English at a Belgian Flemish university or university college. Deadlines vary according to the course.

Doctoral Studies in Social and Agricultural Sciences

The University of Kassel in Germany collaborates with partner universities in Brazil, Ghana, India, Kenya, Pakistan, and South Africa to comprise the International Center for Development and Decent Work (ICDD) as an interdisciplinary scientific network. With funding by the German government, ICDD offers doctoral fellowships at the network's eight member universities in themes that integrate agricultural development, livelihoods, and rural welfare. Applications are accepted from qualified citizens of all aid-recipient countries. The selected PhD students will be based at the partner university they choose. Funding is for three years, with a possibility to extend for a fourth year. The application deadline is 15 February 2015

University Studies in Germany 2015.

The Heinrich Böll Foundation annually funds approximately 1,000 undergraduate, graduate, and doctoral students across all subjects and nationalities for university studies in Germany. Preference is for applicants working in the subject areas of the Foundation such as climate and energy, resource governance, and ecology and green development (among others). The geographical scope (but not exclusive) for international students is Central and Eastern Europe; EU neighborhood countries and the CIS; the Middle East and North Africa; transition and newly industrialized countries; and conflict regions worldwide. Applicants should be capable in German language. The deadline for international applications (i.e., from outside Germany) is 01 March 2015.

International Climate Protection Fellowships.

The Alexander von Humboldt Foundation offers 20 fellowships for young climate experts from developing countries interested in conducting a project in Germany and pursuing long-term collaboration. The fellowship allows future leaders to spend a year in Germany working on a research-based project of their own choice in the field of climate protection. Fellows choose their own hosts. The fellowship includes intensive language training and an orientation program at the introduction. The deadline for applications is 15 March 2015.

Grants for Research in Environmental Topics

The Eppley Foundation supports advanced scientific research by scientists and medical doctors with established records of publications in their specialties. These specialties include endangered animals and ecosystems; climate change; and others. Past grants include examples related to conservation and ecology in Africa, China, and elsewhere. Grants may be awarded for research internationally when applicants are based in the USA, or are associated with U.S. institutions that will administer the grants. Most grants are under US$25 thousand. The deadlines for letters of inquiry are 15 March and 15 September 2015.

International Master of Science in Rural Development

This two-year master's program in rural development and agricultural economics, focuses on socioeconomic and institutional aspects. The IMRD comprises a consortium of 16 participating universities in the EU, China, Ecuador, India, South Africa, and the USA. The program invites qualified individuals from around the world to apply. The program offers Erasmus Mundus Scholarships as well as IMRD Consortium Scholarships. The deadline to apply for scholarships is 15 March 2015.

Taiwan Scholarships

Taiwan's program of development assistance includes scholarships for university students in eligible developing countries to study in Taiwan. The program provides full scholarships for applicants from selected countries in the Asia-Pacific region, West Asia, Eastern Europe, Sub-Saharan Africa, and Latin America and Caribbean. Subject areas at Taiwan's participating universities include tropical agriculture, renewable energy, environmental sciences, conservation and wildlife management, and others. The application period each year is 01 January through 15 March.

Fellowships for Agricultural Research

The Norman E. Borlaug Leadership Enhancement in Agriculture Program (Borlaug LEAP) offers fellowships for graduate students from developing countries for agricultural research at universities in the USA. The program currently invites applications from citizens of USAID-assisted countries in sub-Saharan Africa. Each research project is coordinated by a university in the student's home country, a university in the USA, and a mentor in the Consultative Group for International Agricultural Research (CGIAR). The next application deadline is 31 March 2015.

New Zealand Aid Program

Development Scholarships 2016. New Zealand's government provides a variety of opportunities for training and university study through the New Zealand Aid Program, Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade. The priorities often include agriculture, renewable energy, fisheries, disaster risk management, and other areas related to natural resources and environment. For individuals intending to pursue tertiary studies at any of the ten eligible New Zealand universities and institutes of technology, NZAID recommends applying for admission before 30 April.


Awards for African Conservation

The Tusk Conservation Awards highlight achievements of individuals working for conservation in Sub-Saharan Africa. The Prince William Award for Conservation in Africa is awarded to a distinguished individual for exceptional contribution over a minimum of ten years. The Tusk Award for Conservation in Africa is awarded to an individual with a minimum of five years’ experience who has demonstrated a considerable commitment to conservation, and who has already made a significant impact. In both categories, the winner receives a trophy and a grant to support further work. The deadline for nominations is 06 February 2015.

Private Enterprise Development

UK Center for Economic and Policy Research (CEPR) and the UK's Department for International Development (DFID) jointly sponsor research on Private Enterprise Developmentin Low-Income Countries (PEDL). PEDL encourages proposals which address cross-cutting issues such as climate, environment, and social compliance -- among others. Major Research Grants average about £300 thousand for up to three years. The deadline for submissions is 13 April 2015.

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