
How thrilling is Saturday morning?  For 215 pink capped swimmers plunging into the 22.1 degree calm, clear sea this morning – it's the only way to start the weekend.

Something else you don’t want to miss is the first B&B Dinner for 2015.  This one comes with a wine admiration – how can you not admire the skill and passion that goes into creating these wonderful blends of luscious aromas.  It’s on this coming Tuesday so click HEREto book.

There may not have been a fabulous sunrise to greet the B&B central gathering, but this is more than recompensed by the warm smiles and delicious hugs. Having recently made the transition to being a Weekend Warrior from Weekday Layabout, Saturday is the chance to reconnect, relax and restore.

The gathering pre-swim was a buzz with preparations for this summer’s final 6km and 10km swims. Ian tells me he is nervously excited at the prospect of doing his first 10km!

JK was making sure that none of those sun’s rays (should they appear) would have a chance to damage is perfect English complexion.

A noticeable absence is the tables!!  Have no fear, management is onto it.

A few little waves splashed about as we made our way to the point.

Mr Bond checks the conditions for the last time before the long swims.  The prospect of reduced visibility – due to rain – and swell from Queenscliff onwards had convinced him that maybe the way to go was for the swims to take place between North Steyne and Shelly.

The visibility has improved!  Not that I saw much marine life, but it is great to be able to watch the sea bed as you swim across the bay.

Today we celebrated Tomas’s birthday in the usual way. Don’t you think that having 215 people sing happy birthday to you at 7.15am is much better than breakfast in bed?  And how lucky are the local residents of Shelly to hear our happy chants nearly every day!!

On the return the group splits into long distance swimmers, doublers, the speedy team heading for the showers and the rest of us meandering over rocks.

With the drizzle the benches were deserted, but a warm cheerful gathering enjoyed the yummy Bluewater breakfast.  All round, a perfect start to the weekend.

Have a great Saturday


Really useful stuff below

B&B Monthly Dinner The first B&B monthly dinner for the year will be held on Tuesday 10th March at 6.30 pm at Bluewater Restaurant, and will include an exclusive wine tasting for B&B members and their friends. Bluewater Restaurant and Fesq Fine Wine Distributors have combined to provide a fabulous meal with four excellent wines to taste during the evening. Ryan, a wine specialist from Fesq, will be on hand to explain the subtleties of each wine.

The cost of the dinner is great value at only $30 a head, which includes the wine plus shared entrees, and a selection of mains to choose from (including a vegetarian option). Glasses of beer or (additional) wine and desserts are also available at the special price of only $5 each. Numbers are limited, so bookings are essential:  These dinners are very popular and a lot of fun, they are a great way to socialise looking half decent with your fellow B&B's but they sell out fast so book your spot by click HERE

Help Support Shelly the Turtle

A Baking Day will be held on Saturday 14th March to raise funds for Shelly the Turtle's tracking tag so we can watch where she goes once released, and contribute to research into Green Turtle migration. Any extra funds will go towards turtle rehabilitation programs at SEA LIFE Sanctuary.  Please contribute if you can. Sharnie will be hanging out by the benches on the day please bring baked goods there. Any non-bakers can contribute as consumers on the day!

The Next B&B Swim School

It's that time again! Join Pacific Jules coaches Warren and Sarah Anne for an hour in the ocean and learn  to swim with less fight and more flow! This one hour session in the water will help you understand the way your body relates to the water, how to slice through with minimal effort and  naturally build up speed and endurance.

When : Saturday 14 March 9:45-10:45am
Cost : $25
Location : Shelly Beach
Open to everyone and all abilities welcome. What to bring: swim suit, cap, goggles, wetsuit compulsory, water and money for a hot cuppa afterwards! Please email info@pacificjules.com.au for more information or to reserve  your place.

2014 Summer Badge Ceremony – Sunday 22nd March

You’ve done the hard yards and got your Summer Badge(s), now come and collect your badges with all the pomp and ceremony the B&B can muster.  Bring along $10 for each badge you have earned (correct money appreciated). The venue is the Royal Far West Children’s Home (opposite the beach) on Sunday 22nd March, straight after the regular swim! Everyone is welcome, family, friends and swimmers alike.

A $5 donation will be payable to the RFW at the gate for hosting this event, Plus RFW will provide a FREE breakfast (bacon and egg sandwich and a coffee/tea). Bookings are essential to ensure there is enough food.  Book here for Badge Breakfast

All 2014 summer badge qualifiers will be presented with their well earned badge(s), so whether you are getting one personally or you want to enjoy the celebrations of your fellow swimmers, a great morning is guaranteed so come along, soak up the atmosphere and get inspired for the upcoming winter badges.

Staying safe

Remember that there are no badges for scaring yourself silly! While it is great to extend your boundaries, it is important to know your limits.  Also, if you have a bit more experience, keep an eye out for new swimmers who might need company. Do read these excellent tips on staying safe in the surf. To read, or even download, click here.

The Stats

Regulars:     215

Newbies:     11

Temp:           22.1

Sunrise:       6.48am

Sunset:         7.25pm

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