
Here's the Spaniard blogging, so make sure you have Google translator with you!

As many of you know, I spent the last two weeks in Colombia doing some Christian Peacemaking work with the Mennonite World Conference. And what happened was that instead of teaching, I learnt a lot. Specially about being thankful with what we have: families with 6 kids making around AUD2000 per year and being thankful because they have something to eat almost everyday!

So my idea for today is to have the B&B thanksgiving day. I'll start:

I'm really thankful to Rusty for the day he asked me to join the swim group. One of the best decisions ever!! Thanks!

And here we have some other examples of grateful people this morning:

Sarah, John and Drinkie are thankful because they never let themselves down at 6:30am, even when it's rainy!

Alex is thankful to Tim because he is not putting more pressure in that hug.

They are not thankful, it was cold and they were trying to warm up...

Julia is thankful for her new tv show in ABC!! Make sure you watch it at 5:30pm!

So... What are you thankful for today?! Share it!

Another topic... This Saturday starts the Winter Triple Crown and this time even with a trophy! The rules are:
- Top 8 place getters get points 8 through 1.
- Special Winter Triple rule: half points if you wear a wetsuit and you are 'The Bishop', 'The Spaniard', 'Irish the Alex' or 'Scrappy'.
- We will have a pink buoy to mark the finish line.


To show how the trainings are going, here you have a series of pictures of the rocky area this morning...


Shalom everyone!

Marc - The Spaniard


Bottom of the Blog - the very useful stuff

Monthly Dinner - Bluewater Cafe, Tuesday 10th June at 6.30 pm

This month's guest speaker, Chris Miller, is a freelance cameraman who worked on the TV program Getaway for 20 years. Chris has travelled to many exotic locations where he has filmed both above and below the water. Chris will talk about his experiences swimming with Whale Sharks in Western Australia and cage diving with Great White Sharks in South Australia.

The cost will be only $20 a head and includes shared entrees, a selection of main to choose (incl a vegetarian option) and corkage (for byo wine only) and a little thank you for the staff.  All beers (including four pines beers!), wine and deserts an optional extra at the special price of only $5 each. BOOKINGS ARE ESSENTIAL, so book here now!! 


Winter Badge season kicked off 1 June.

You know you want one!  There are 14 weeks in the winter season.  To qualify for the prized Cold & Bold Badge you simply need to swim 20 times within the season ensuring you have swum in a minimum of 7 different weeks.  So, attempting to do it all in the first few weeks does not count!! 

The Biggest Morning Tea ever

Help B&B regular Miguel Maestre (aka the Crazy Bull) fight cancer this May and June, and make this year’s Biggest Morning Tea the biggest ever!  Please share his video or maybe even organise one with as many friends as possible. 



B&B i-Log

Really if you haven’t been using the B&B i-Log then you must be new!!  Almost 75% of swimmers are now using the B&B i-Log. Log your swim ANYTIME of day using this really efficient and easy way to ensure your swim is recorded in the daily attendance and on the Pacific Challenge. To get started, send an email to Ian Forster ugoboyo@gmail.com (This is not a link so please copy and paste into your email). He will check that your email address is activated on the attendance register then send you info on how to get started.

Staying safe

We have had seen the return of some serious waves and rips this past week!  Were you prepared? Remember that there are no badges for scaring yourself silly!  While it is great to extend your boundaries, it is important to know your limits.  Do read these excellent tips on staying safe in the surf.  To read, or even download, click here.

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