
Tara Swiger gives us her perspective on being a Christian who doesn’t fit the stereotypes of Christians, and how her beliefs affect her business without being overt or preachy.

Tara Swiger began spinning twine*

And now she helps you redefine

Your biz as exploring.

And if that’s too boring,

She also adores Deep Space Nine.


When people think “Christian” they think of Ned Flanders from The Simpsons

“For me, it’s about love.” -Tara Swiger

Being a spiritual entrepreneur doesn’t necessarily mean bringing your spirituality into your business in an obvious way.

authenticity does not mean turning on the identity firehose

Are we innately deserving of love or do we need to be forgiven?

Fire and brimstone in religion and in business

features vs. benefits

marketing with confidence

what Christmas means to Tara and how she brings it into her business


Tara has also been on our other podcast, Wild Crazy Meaningful Life, talking about coming out as yourself. Here’s the link!

*actually yarn. I plead poetic license.

You can find Tara at TaraSwiger.com.

To subscribe or listen to past episodes of the Spiritual Entrepreneur Podcast, visit SpiritualEntrepreneurPodcast.com.

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