New Posts: April 18, 2013
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Hawaii: Bill to Require Background Checks on Already Owned Firearms Goes to Conference Committee
Last Thursday, House amendments to Senate Bill 69 were rejected by the state Senate, sending it to a conference committee. This conference committee will meet to resolve differences between the House and Senate versions of this bill tomorrow at 10:30am in Conference Room 312 of the State Capitol. No public testimony will be accepted at this meeting.
South Carolina: Delay Tactics Being Used in the State Senate in an Attempt to Prevent Passage of Critical Self-Defense Legislation
Some misguided state senators in South Carolina are working to delay passage of Senate Bill 308, the Restaurant Carry bill introduced by state Senator Sean Bennett. By introducing countless frivolous amendments, several senators are delaying passage of this critical self-defense bill.
Texas: Legislature Moving On School Security Measures
Several measures to increase school security in Texas are moving through the state House. Contact your state Representative in support of House Bill 1009 and Senate Bills 17 and 1857.
Several Pro- and Anti-Gun Bills Still Moving Forward in Carson City
April 12 was the deadline for all legislation to pass out of the committee in its chamber of origin, absent an exception. Several pro- and anti-gun bills will be continuing to move unless they fail to pass by the next legislative deadline on Tuesday, April 23. Please call AND e-mail your state legislators urging them to SUPPORT the pro-gun bills and OPPOSE the anti-gun bills listed below.
Anti-Gun Legislators Vote to Destroy Hunting and the Second Amendment in California
Earlier this week, several anti-gun bills and one extreme anti-hunting bill passed in their respective committees and will be next referred to their respective Committee on Appropriations. Hearing dates have not been set in those committees and your NRA will inform you of those dates when they become available.
Gun control: Obama’s biggest loss
Never before had President Barack Obama put the moral force and political muscle of his presidency behind an issue quite this big — and lost quite this badly.
A good day for the Second Amendment
The president raged. The mayor of New York frothed. Joe Biden cried. But at the end of the day, common sense prevailed. The Senate killed the effort to unreasonably expand background checks for buyers of guns.The measure is not quite graveyard dead; it can be brought up again, but prospects for that are remote. The vote was a bone-jarring setback for the gun-control lobby, and a decisive victory for the National Rifle Association (NRA), which led the fight to protect the rights of all. It was most of all a resounding victory for the plain and simple language of the Second Amendment to the Constitution, “A well regulated militia being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed.”
Kopel: The Problems of Toomey-Manchin
Today, the U.S. Senate will vote on the Manchin-Toomey amendment to Senator Reid’s gun-control package. In a Monday post on the Volokh Comspiracy, I criticized the amendment because two of the important pro-gun-rights provisions in the amendment were misdrafted, and had the opposite effect of what was claimed.
Gun Controllers: Wide of the Mark
The gun bill is dead, but for the shouting. That will come now, thick and fast. “Shame on you, political cowards!” its crestfallen supporters will say, and then they will lash out at the NRA, the Republican party, and, very probably, the Senate itself. This will no doubt be cathartic. But those who indulge such temptations will have drawn the wrong conclusion. With a toxic combination of wishful thinking and mistaken reading of polls, the advocates of stricter control had managed to convince themselves that America was changing in their favor. As recently as last week, Eleanor Clift prophesied on The McLaughlin Group that “the culture of guns is beginning to go through a transformation in this country.” Clift, who appears to be stuck in a bubble, had not yet caught up to reality.
Sen. Lautenberg wants background checks to buy gunpowder
I suppose it was inevitable that, after Monday's horrific Boston bombing attack turned out to be the result of crude chemistry and hardware supplies clamped into a pressure cooker, somebody would propose restrictions on anything that can go BANG! And, strictly speaking, we should probably be thankful that, rather than limit the cooks of the nation to hot plates and sterno, Sen. Frank R. Lautenberg (D-God's Waiting Room) proposes "to require that sales of explosive powder be subject to a background check." If this profoundly silly proposal makes it into the law books, it might well slightly inconvenience the nation's reloading hobbyists, who purchase gunpowder to save money on ammunition. But there's no reason to believe it would constitute even a minor speedbump for terrorists, or that the perpetrator of Monday's horror show would have been stopped by such a check.
Senate Scuttles Gun Limits
The biggest push in nearly two decades to restrict firearms in the U.S., touched off by the emotional response to December's mass shooting of schoolchildren, collapsed in the Senate on Wednesday, scuttling a major element of President Barack Obama's second-term agenda.
Opponents of Maryland gun-control bill say they plan to challenge in court
Opponents of Maryland’s recently passed gun-control bill say they will challenge the measure in court, not on the ballot.
Reid pulls gun bill, lawmakers gear up for protracted battle on background checks
Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid effectively pulled his party's gun control bill Thursday after a critical background check amendment failed to garner enough support, as he and other Democrats vowed to resume their push for new gun laws in the months ahead.
Illinois: State House to Vote on NRA-Backed Right to Carry Bill Tomorrow
Tomorrow, your state Representative will be voting on a bill to bring Right to Carry to Illinois, as ordered by the United States Court of Appeals for the Seventh Circuit in Shepard v. Madigan. NRA-backed House Bill 997 would provide strong shall-issue Right to Carry in Illinois, the lone state in the nation without any form of concealed carry for self-defense.