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Espinosa, A., Walker, J. (2011). ‘A Complexity Approach to Sustainability: Theory and Application’. Invited book, Book Series on Complexity, Imperial College Press, London. ISBN. 10 1-84816-527-7
Espinosa, A., Walker, J. (2013). Complexity Management in Practice: A VSM Intervention in an Irish Eco- Community. European Journal of Operational Research. Volume 225, Issue 1, 16 February 2013, Pages 118-129. Available online at: /10.1016/j.ejor.2012.09.015.
Andrade, G., Espinosa, A., Guzman, D., Wills, E. (2012). Towards a framework for the observation, understanding, and management of socio-ecological systems: Insights from socio-ecological, institutional, and complexity theory. Special Issue. Emergence and Complexity (EcO). Vol 14(1), pp. 15-30. ISSN 15213250
Espinosa, A, Cardoso, PP, Arcaute, E, Christensen, K. (2011). Complexity approaches to self organisation: A case study in an Irish eco-village Invited paper. Special Issue. Kybernetes[1]. 40(3/4); p. 536-558 ISBN 0368-492X.
Espinosa, A., Porter, T. (2011). Sustainability, complexity and learning: insights from complex systems approaches, Learning Organization, The, Vol. 18 Iss: 1, pp.54 – 72. ISBN 0969-6474
Paucar-Caceres, A., Espinosa, A. (2011). Management Science Methodologies In Environmental Management And Sustainability: Discourses And Applications. Journal Of The Operational Research Society. Vol. 62; pp. 1601-1620. ISBN 0160-5682 Available online at []
Espinosa, A., Harnden, R., Walker, J. (2008). A Complexity Approach to Sustainability: Stafford Beer revisited. (Vol 187, pp. 636-651). European Journal of Operational Research. ISBN 0377-2217
Espinosa, A., Leonard A. (Eds), (2007). Cybernetics and Governance, Introduction. Kybernetes: The International Journal of Systems and Cybernetics. Special Issue, Vol 35 (1/2). ISSN 0368-492x .
Espinosa, A., Harnden, R., Walker, J. (2007). Beyond Hierarchy: A complexity management perspective. Invited paper. (Vol 36, No. 3/4. pp 333-347). Special issue. Kybernetes. ISBN 0368-492X.
Espinosa, A., Harnden, R. (2007) Complexity Management, Democracy and Social Consciousness: Challenges for an evolutionary learning society. (Vol 20, No. 5, pp. 401-412). Invited paper. Special issue. Systemic Practice and Action Research. ISBN 1094-429x. Online:
Espinosa, A., Harden, R. (2007). Team Syntegrity and Democratic Group Decision Making: Learning from experience. Vol 5, No. 8, pp. 1056-1064 . Journal of the Operational Research Society. ISBN 0160-5682.
Espinosa, A. (2006). A Cybernetic Re-evaluation of Socio-economic Development Programs. Vol. 35 (1/2), pp. 30-44. Kybernetes[2]. ISBN 0368-492X. Online: []
Espinosa. A., Walker J. (2006). Environmental Management revisited: Lessons from a cybernetic intervention in Colombia, Cybernetics and Systems: An international Journal, Vol 37, No 1, pp. 75-92. ISBN 0196-9722. Online []
Espinosa, A., Harnden, R., Walker, J. (2005). Cybernetics and Participation: From Theory to Practice. Systemic Practice and Action Research, Vol. 17, No. 6, pp. 573-589. ISBN 1094-429x. Online: []
Espinosa, A., Walker, J. (2005). An Effective Weapon in the Systems Armoury: applications of the Viable Systems Model to Sustainable Design. The Systemist. Vol 27, pp 73–99. ISSN 0961-8309.
Espinosa, A. (2004). Organisational Cybernetics as a toolbox to assist in the development of Evolutionary Learning Networks. Word Futures, Vol. 60, No 1-2, pp. 137-145. ISBN 0260-4027. Online []