
We need more shanks in the stocking at oz_magi! This is Oz's big holiday exchange, and one of the highlights of the year for our little fandom. I know, I know, you're already overbooked doing other holiday exchanges, but your story won't be due until December 27th, the day after Christmas. You'll have plenty of time to write and/or do artwork.

SIGN UP NOW!!! or you'll wipe the smile off Adebisi's face. Look at that icon! Do you really want to mess with that guy?


Yes, Oz big bang is LIVE!

Three amazing, and very long stories, and a ton of gorgeous artwork! We have the most excellent writers and artists producing great stuff for you to enjoy. GO LOOK!

And don't forget to leave comments! They really worked hard. Let them know how much you appreciate their hard work!

The deadline for spook_me is on October 26th. The Master List will open, and you can post your links. Even if you're a day or two late, I'll still be around to put the stories up on the list. I hope everyone is having fun!

Posted from Dreamwidth. Reply here or there.

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