
Claims are now open for the 2013 Oz Magi holiday gift exchange! A big welcome to all of the fresh faces we've got participating this year -- it's always nice to see some new prags around here. ;)

Remember that if you made a Wish, you must also claim one! However, you do not need to have submitted a Wish in order to claim one -- some people just like the writing/creating part of this fest. That's cool by us!

If you're just coming across this community for the first time today and see a Wish you'd like to fulfill? Thought you wouldn't have time to participate, but now realize you really love a prompt? Honestly, no one minds if a Wish gets more than one fulfiller, so go ahead and send in a claim if you're feeling inspired. We'll love you for it!

In order to claim a Wish:

Please comment here with the numbers of the THREE Wishes you'd most like to fulfill, in order of preference.

Remember, you're only fulfilling -one- request in the Wish pair -- so three separate Wish numbers, please. If you truly have no preference, feel free to note that. You do not need to specify which request of the two you prefer -- for your assigned Wish, you can fulfill either request. You don't need to copy and paste the text of the Wishes, just the numbers are fine.

I will do my best to give everybody their top pick, but please let's keep the spirit of generosity in mind and try to be happy with whichever Wish you get -- it will still be one of your own choosing, after all!

Your claim should look something like this:

Claim #1:
Claim #2:
Claim #3:

Comments will be screened so only you and I can see what you've written. Feel free to edit your choices at any point before the deadline of midnight anywhere, Sunday, November 3rd, 2013. Assignment notifications will be sent out by Tuesday, November 5th, 2013.

Things to Remember:

→ Not every Wish might get claimed in the initial phase, but please don't worry! Every year we've held Oz Magi, every Wish has been claimed by the end, and our dropout rate has been impressively low.

→ Please keep in mind that by claiming a Wish, you are promising to do your very best to fulfill that Wish! A story need only be 500 words, an art request 3 icons or one banner, wallpaper, or illustration/graphic -- we'd much rather have you meet the minimum than default because you got too ambitious and ran out of time. You will have nearly two months to fulfill your Wish, but please account for other holiday obligations and activities you may be participating in.

→ Stories/art are due by midnight (anywhere) on Sunday, December 22, 2013. If you know you will not be able to fulfill your Wish for any reason, and you need to drop out, please do everyone the courtesy of letting me know as soon as possible so that I may find a pinch-hitter to step in.

→ Contact me with questions at any time: trillingstar [@] gmail [dot] com or PM me on LJ/DW.

ALL RIGHT! Here are this year's Wishes! :D

Wish #1.

Request 1:
Pairing/Character(s): Miguel Alvarez/Ryan O’Reily.
Keyword/Prompt Phrase: "You know, alone is alone. It's the way I've been my whole fucking life. I just don't belong in this world." Miguel finally finds somewhere he belongs, and Ryan finally starts thinking he’s been given redemption for everything thing that happened in the past.
Canon/AU/Either: Either - post-series canon could work, or maybe an AU where Miguel is a street kid and meets Ryan. Or anything, really, I’d just like some angsty Miguel falling in love.
Special Requests: No character death or non-con/dub-con, please. Happy ending preferred.
Story/Art/Either: Story (but wouldn’t turn down art!).

Request 2:
Pairing/Character(s): Chris Keller/Tobias Beecher
Keyword/Prompt Phrase: “I am worthless. As bad as they come, and to have someone keep loving me, no matter how bad…”
Canon/AU/Either: Canon, but wouldn’t turn down an AU.
Special Requests: No character death or non-con/dub-con, please. Happy ending preferred.
Story/Art/Either: Story (but wouldn’t turn down art!).

Wish #2.

Request 1:
Pairing/Character(s): Miguel Alvarez/Ryan O'Reily(Preferred) - or - Beecher Keller
Keyword/Prompt Phrase: The Apocalypse (Any kind you want)
Canon/AU/Either: AU
Special Requests: slash, CROSSOVER with the included pairing IF possible - Supernatural (Dean/Cas), Buffy the Vampire Slayer (Spike/Xander) - OR - Firefly (Mal/Wash). Can have both B/K and M/R pairing, if you want. Take it anyway you want to.
Story/Art/Either: story

Request 2:
Pairing/Character(s): Miguel Alvarez/Ray Mukada(Preferred) - or - Beecher/Keller
Keyword/Prompt Phrase: Homeless, then saved.
Canon/AU/Either: AU
Special Requests: slash, no non-con with main pairing, but with any other pairing is okay. Can have both pairings, if you want. Take it anyway you want to.
Story/Art/Either: story

Wish #3.

Request 1:
Pairing/Character(s): Beecher/Keller
Keyword/Prompt Phrase: "Well, here's another fine mess you've gotten me into." (from Laurel & Hardy)
Canon/AU/Either: Either
Special Requests: Something light-hearted and/or humorous. Crack!fic and/or bad!fic welcome (but not essential). With, of course, a happy ending!
Story/Art/Either: Story

Request 2:
Pairing/Character(s): Sean Murphy, Claire Howell
Keyword/Prompt Phrase: Nice guys CAN finish first.
Canon/AU/Either: Canon
Special Requests: A story where everyone's favorite CO in Oz (Murphy) is victorious in some way over everyone's least favorite CO (Howell). Perhaps with assistance from other Oz characters if needed. (A B/K cameo would be a lovely bonus.)
Story/Art/Either: Story

Wish #4.

Request 1:
Pairing/Character(s): Elliot Stabler/any male character(s) from Oz, Supernatural, & Queer As Folk (or other fandoms)
Keyword/Prompt Phrase: Leather fetish, handcuffs, & blindfolds
Canon/AU/Either: Well, it can only be AU.
Special Requests: prefer a bottom!Stabler and slut!Stabler. Threesome or moresome are optional, but not required. If you do not want to use Elliot Stabler, then you can substitute him for Chris Keller.
Story/Art/Either: Story.

Request 2:
Pairing/Character(s): Chris Keller/Tobias Beecher (or Elliot Stabler/Eddie Drake)
Keyword/Prompt Phrase: “I love a man in uniform...and covered in tattoos"
Canon/AU/Either: Well, it can only be AU.
Special Requests: prefer a bottom!Keller (or bottom!Stabler). Can switch the pairings around (e.g. Elliot/Tobias, Chris/Eddie, Tobias/Eddie, or Elliot/Chris).
Story/Art/Either: Story.

Wish #5.

Request 1:
Pairing/Character(s): Chris Keller/Tobias Beecher
Keyword/Prompt Phrase: Forced orgasm!
Canon/AU/Either: AU
Special Requests: So, remember that scene in Junkyard Dawgz where Chris ties Toby to a chair? What would be really nice for the holidays is a kinky sex scene.
Story/Art/Either: Story, but if someone wants to draw a comic type scene where Chris makes Toby his sex toy, I'm totally down with that.

Request 2:
Pairing/Character(s): Shirley Bellinger/Simon Adebisi
Keyword/Prompt Phrase: Blowjob!
Canon/AU/Either: AU
Special Requests: I will forever be disappointed that Adebisi didn't get that blowjob from Shirley. So a sex scene with Shirley and Simon would be the best thing ever. But you know, if you feel up for it, Shirley and Simon developing a weird twisted relationship would be damn fine too! Bonus points if Shirley eventually persuades Simon to kill someone for her. Anyone! Wow, can't believe I'm asking for deathfic for Christmas!
Story/Art/Either: Same as above, Story unless you can do a story type artwork.

Wish #6.

Request 1:
Pairing: Miguel Alvarez/Donald Groves
Prompt Phrase: “Now I know why McManus put us in the same cell together. You're the only motherfucker in Em City more fucked up than I am.”
Canon/AU/Either: Canon
Special Requests: NC17, please. A nice, slow relationship fic, culminating in a hot sex scene would be wonderful, or maybe a PWP in which Miguel and Donald take that acid together, and decide to have some fun during lockdown, or maybe some hot, impulsive sex in a closet somewhere. However you get them there, I’d like to see them having some sexy times.
Story/Art/Either: Fic

Request 2:
Character: Dino Ortolani
Prompt Phrase: “He’s on self-destruct.”
Canon/AU/Either: Canon
Special Requests: I’d love some art with Dino on it. A collection of icons, or a color bar with matching icons, or a banner (if you choose a banner, I’d love it if the word “Self-Destruct” was somewhere on it.) Or, if you wanted to go that way, a vid would be awesome.
Story/Art/Either: Art/Vid

Wish #7.

Request 1:
Pairing/Character(s): Toby/Chris or Toby/Elliot
Keyword/Prompt Phrase: "Where the hell did you learn that, Beecher? They don't teach that in law school," he asked incredulously.
Canon/AU/Either: Either
Special Requests: -
Story/Art/Either: Either

Request 2:
Pairing/Character(s): Toby/Chris or Toby/Elliot
Keyword/Prompt Phrase: Toby was fighting him, too furious to listen to anything he said, so he had no choice but to tie him up and actually show him how much he wanted him.
Canon/AU/Either: Either
Special Requests: something hot and passionate, if possible, please
Story/Art/Either: Either

Wish #8.

Request 1:
Pairing/Character(s): Any combination of Beecher, Keller, Barlog.
Keyword/Prompt Phrase: Barlog doesn't get an FBI offer (or he refuses it). Where might the story have gone, with him as unwitting pawn between Chris and Toby?
Canon/AU/Either: Either.
Special Requests:
Story/Art/Either: Story please.

Request 2:
Pairing/Character(s): Robson/anyone.
Keyword/Prompt Phrase: Post-Aryan-expulsion, in that season 6 period where we actually feel sorry for the little bastard, he develops some kind of relationship with someone.
Canon/AU/Either: Either.
Special Requests: Slash preferred.
Story/Art/Either: Story please.

Wish #9.

Request 1:
Pairing/Character(s): Miguel/Torquemada
Keyword/Prompt Phrase: depression/angst
Canon/AU/Either: either
Special Requests: I would like it to be as angsty as can be. not a love fic where they are lovey-dovey and live happily ever after. But rather more realistic feel to it. (like the canon miguel who is a tortured soul, battered by life, prone to depression and violence)
Story/Art/Either: story

Request 2:
Pairing/Character(s): miguel/ryan
Keyword/Prompt Phrase: "Who knew that dying would be harder to do than living?"
Canon/AU/Either: prefer canon (AU is fine)
Special Requests: Where in Miguel decided to find out if he really did have the 9 cat lives, but end up being saved by you know who each time
Story/Art/Either: Story

Wish #10.

Request 1:
Pairing/Character(s): Beecher/Schillinger
Keyword/Prompt Phrase: unlikely partnership
Canon/AU/Either: either
Special Requests: They have to work together for some reason and, as tends to happen in Oz, things get really freaking twisted.
Story/Art/Either: Story please

Request 2:
Pairing/Character(s): Alvarez/Rivera
Keyword/Prompt Phrase: there's different ways to see
Canon/AU/Either: either, preferably canon
Special Requests: Non, just... some Alvarez/Rivera
Story/Art/Either: Story

Wish #11.

Request 1:
Pairing/Character(s): Miguel Alvarez/Ryan O'Reily
Keyword/Prompt Phrase: You become responsible, forever, for what you have tamed.
Canon/AU/Either: Either
Special Requests: Please don't kill either of them!
Story/Art/Either: Story

Request 2:
Pairing/Character(s): Miguel Alvarez/Ryan O'Reily, Cyril O'Reily, Sean Murphy
Keyword/Prompt Phrase: Murphy's Law.
Canon/AU/Either: Either
Special Requests: Something funny/sarcastic would be nice.
Story/Art/Either: Story

Wish #12.

Request 1:
Pairing/Character(s): Beecher/Keller
Keyword/Prompt Phrase: “Our fates are intertwined now, there is no running away from that." (Sleepy Hollow, 2013)
Canon/AU/Either: Either
Special Requests: No non-con or mpreg
Story/Art/Either: Either

Request 2:
Pairing/Character(s): Beecher/Keller
Keyword/Prompt Phrase: Bullshit
Canon/AU/Either: Either
Special Requests: No non-con or mpreg
Story/Art/Either: Either

Wish #13.

Request 1:
Pairing/Character(s): Chris Keller/Tobias Beecher
Keyword/Prompt Phrase: Spy AU.
Canon/AU/Either: AU.
Special Requests: No character death or noncon. Chris and Toby are rivals. Hatesex ensues, then turns loving. Angst and smut welcome.
Story/Art/Either: Story.

Request 2:
Pairing/Character(s): Chris Keller/Tim Bayliss(Homicide:LOTS) or Tobias Beecher/Benton Fraser (due south) or Chris Keller/John Cooper (Southland)
Keyword/Prompt Phrase: We have nothing left to lose.
Canon/AU/Either: Either.
Special Requests: No character death or noncon. A chance encounter sparks a flame. Angst and smut welcome.
Story/Art/Either: Story

Wish #14.

Request 1:
Pairing/Character(s): Tim McManus/Ryan O’Reily
Keyword/Prompt Phrase: After Murphy is killed, McManus and O’Reily gravitate toward each other
Canon/AU/Either: either
Special Requests: I’d love a slow build if the story leads you there
Story/Art/Either: story

Request 2:
Pairing/Character(s): Claire Howell/Diane Wittlesey
Keyword/Prompt Phrase: trapped in a storage closet
Canon/AU/Either: either
Special Requests: some humor
Story/Art/Either: story

Wish #15.

Request 1:
Pairing/Character(s):Ryan, Cyril
Keyword/Prompt Phrase: a glimpse of their life pre-Oz, any age
Canon/AU/Either: canon
Special Requests: angst, if possible
Story/Art/Either: either

Request 2:
Pairing/Character(s): any
Keyword/Prompt Phrase: lockdown fic
Canon/AU/Either: canon
Special Requests: something humorous would be appreciated, but I'm good with anything
Story/Art/Either: canon

Wish #16.

Request 1:
Pairing/Character(s): Ryan/Brian (The Fast and the Furious Series); Ryan/John Rahway (Takers 2010); Ryan/Caleb Mandrake (The Skulls 2000)
Keyword/Prompt Phrase: Brian/Rahway/Caleb being sent to OZ after their operations crumble.
Canon/AU/Either: Either
Special Requests: No non-con/rape or character death for main pairings.
Story/Art/Either: Story

Request 2:
Pairing/Character(s): Miguel/Ryan(past); Miguel/Gloria
Keyword/Prompt Phrase: Miguel turns to the one person who understands what he's going through after Ryan's death (suicide or his cancer came back).
Canon/AU/Either: AU post series
Special Requests: No non-con/rape
Story/Art/Either: Story

Wish #17.

Request 1:
Pairing/Character(s): Beecher / Keller
Keyword/Prompt Phrase: Querns didn't separate B/K in S.4. Consequences.
Canon/AU/Either: AUish canon
Special Requests: no character death
Story/Art/Either: story

Request 2:
Pairing/Character(s): Becher / Keller
Keyword/Prompt Phrase: Hank's body was never found. Consequences
Canon/AU/Either: Auish canon
Special Requests: -
Story/Art/Either: story

Wish #18.

Request 1:
Pairing/Character(s): Beecher/Keller
Keyword/Prompt Phrase: Not your typical Beecher blow-out.
Canon/AU/Either: AU. No prison, but a rough life for Chris that he's slowly turning around since meeting Toby
Special Requests: Toby passes the bar exam; Chris doesn't have a lot of money but still wants to celebrate.
Story/Art/Either: Story

Request 2:
Pairing/Character(s): Beecher/Keller
Keyword/Prompt Phrase: He's afraid your love isn't unconditional
Canon/AU/Either: Very AU. No Oz for Toby, just Lardner for Chris
Special Requests: The boys are dating and Toby convinces Chris to see a therapist so he can deal with his demons. Angst-y, insecure Keller!
Story/Art/Either: Story

Wish #19.

Request 1:
Pairing/Character(s): Gen - any and all canon characters welcome
Keyword/Prompt Phrase: Gift of the Magi
Canon/AU/Either: prefer canon, but if you could work an AU with this, awesome.
Special Requests: I'd really like something with the theme from the original Gift of the Magi story... paired characters giving each other gifts, or the "usual suspects" coming together to give a gift to a hack or the staff or Sister Pete... you get the idea.
Story/Art/Either: I'd love a story, but I'd be happy with art as well.

Request 2:
Pairing/Character(s): Beecher/Keller
Keyword/Prompt Phrase: Tidings of comfort and joy... Not!
Canon/AU/Either: I'd prefer canon due to the request
Special Requests: No matter how hard they try, the holidays just can't be happy for Toby and Chris. It's always something, right? Can be as angsty as you'd like, though if you'd want to break that up with a little bit of comfort, I wouldn't mind.
Story/Art/Either: Again, I'd prefer a story, but if you could convey this through art, go for it!

Wish #20.

Request 1:
Pairing/Character(s): Tobias Beecher, Chris Keller, Ryan O'Reily, Miguel Alvarez / Rick Grimes, Daryl Dixon, (The Walking Dead); Elliot Stabler / Olivia Benson (Law and Order SVU); Charley Dixon / Sarah Connor (Terminator: The Sarah Connor Chronicles).
Keyword/Prompt Phrase: This prison is ours! We spilled blood.
Canon/AU/Either: Canon
Special Requests: I would like to see the characters of Oz meet like in season 3, episode 1 - "Seed" of The Walking Dead where Rick and his group meet the surviving prisoners for the first time. Slash would be a major bonus. I would love to see either Rick or Daryl get it on with any of the hot men from Oz.
Story/Art/Either: Story please.

Request 2:
Pairing/Character(s): Cyril O'Reily
Keyword/Prompt Phrase: I want to make my brother proud.
Canon/AU/Either: Canon
Special Requests: I want to know what Cyril's life was like before his accident or what could have been if it never happened. Was he a famous pro boxer? Was he a ruthless drug lord like his brother? Author's choice.
Story/Art/Either: Story please.

NOTE: We are currently waiting on one more Wish to be polished up & I'll add it as soon as I can, but do not let that interfere with starting to make your choices. Please come back and check the list again before making your final decisions.

Happy claiming! *g*

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