What’s Happening – send dated church, school, social or non-profit event information (50 words or less) to the Owego Pennysaver, ATTN: Wendy Post, P.O. Box 149, Owego, N.Y. 13827, e-mail wpost@owegopennysaver.com or drop it off at our office, 181-183 Front St., Owego. Space available, your event will appear.
Farm to Fork Market and Supper Series, every Thurs., 4 to 8 p.m. from June 18 until the end of September, Gateway Park, Front Street, Owego.
Woman’s Club of Endicott Monthly Meeting, last Mon. of each month, 1 to 3 p.m., First Presbyterian Church of Endicott, Grant & Monroe, Grant Avenue entrance downstairs meeting room. All women welcome, refreshments are served.
Candor Food Pantry, Wednesdays, 3 to 5:30 p.m., 1 Water St., Candor. Bring proof of residency to sign up.
Nichols Senior Citizens Club Meetings, 2nd Mon. at 10 a.m. for bingo, bag lunch (from home) and brief business meeting. Also the 4th Mon. at Noon with a dish to pass lunch, entertainment and brief meeting. They collect $.50 at each meeting, if interested or for questions call Janet 699-6039 or Art 699-3114.
Free Supper Among Friends, 3rd Thurs. of every month, 4:30 to 6 p.m., Nichols United Methodist Church, Nichols. Donations accepted.
Garden Tractor and Antique Tractor Pulls, North Barton Grange, 1363 Ellis Creek Rd., Waverly. Garden Tractor pulls Fri. nights, 5 p.m. weigh in, pulls at 6 p.m., Antique & Classic Tractors pulls Sat., weigh 9 a.m., pulls at 10 a.m., last Garden Tractor date is 10/16. Last Antique & Classic date is 10/17. Must be a member to pull, for info call Randy (570) 265-4557 or Dave (607) 857-9738.
Pancake Breakfast, 2nd Sat. of the month, 8 to 10 a.m., Owego United Methodist Church, 261 Main St., Owego.
Owego Rotary Club Luncheon, Tuesdays at Noon, Owego Treadway, Inn, Route 17C, Owego. $9/person, public is invited.
Blind or Visually Impaired Support Group, 3rd Thurs. of the month, 10 a.m., Countryside Community Center, Sheldon Guile Boulevard, Owego.
Lockheed Martin Owego Toastmasters Meeting, 2nd and 4th Tuesday of each month, 7 to 8 a.m., St. Patrick’s Church, 300 Main St., Owego. Open to all, for info call 953-9844.
Weekly Meditation Circle, 9:15 to 9:45 a.m., Unitarian Universalist Church, 112 North St., Athens. For questions call Marcia 596-4674 or email uucas.mail@gmail.com.
Twin Tiers Antique Tractor and Machinery Association members meeting, 3rd Thursday of each month at 6 p.m., meeting located at the Stoll building, 200 Lake Rd., Towanda, Pa. Monthly tractor pulls April thru October. For questions call Bob or Joan Ely (570) 746-1794 or contact by email jdfluffy9@gmail.com.
Faced with a drinking problem? Perhaps AA can help, 1-800-307-4285, Alcoholics Anonymous Tioga County 24-Hour Hotline, www.ny-aa.org.
Meal on the Run – Eat-In or Take-out, 3rd Friday of every month, 4:30 to 7 p.m., Westbrook Lodge, 150 S. Main St., Nichols. Cost is $6 per person.
All You Can Eat Pancake Breakfast, 2nd Saturday of every month, 8 to 10 a.m., Owego United Methodist Church Fellowship Hall, 261 Main St., Owego. Adults $5, 12 and under $3, sponsored by OUMC Men.
Free Dinner every Thursday Night, 6 p.m., Owego United Methodist Church, Main Street, Owego. All are welcomed, sponsored by Allied Christians of Tioga.
Wing Night, every Tuesday 5:30 to 7:30 p.m., VFW Post 1371, 207 Main St., Owego.
Story Hour, every Wednesday, 10:15 a.m., Coburn Free Library, 275 Main St., Owego.
Fiber Arts Club (knitting, crocheting, etc.), every Thursday 6:30 to 8 p.m., Coburn Free Library, 275 Main St., Owego.
Emerging Writers, 3rd Thursday of the month, 6:30 to 8 p.m., Coburn Free Library, 275 Main St., Owego.
Mystery Book Club, 4th Thursday of the month, 6:30 to 8 p.m., Coburn Free Library, 275 Main St., Owego.
Monday Afternoon Book Club, 2nd Monday of the month, 1 to 2 p.m., Coburn Free Library, 275 Main St., Owego.
Fish Fry, 1st Friday of every month, 4:30 to 7 p.m., Caroline Center Church, 719 Buffalo Rd., Brooktondale – $10 eat-in or carry out.
Bluegrass Gospel Jam, 2nd Saturday of the Month, 7 to 9 p.m., Our Saviour Lutheran Church, 731 Hooper Rd., Endwell.
Community Education Ceramics Classes, Wednesdays, 6 to 8:30 p.m., Candor High School (CHS) Room 219, Candor, $10/Students K-12, $20/adults, CHS employees/$15. For info call Jodi 768-4072 or email joellenriggsphotography@gmail.com.
Open Studio, 2nd and 4th Thursday, 4 to 7:30 p.m., Tappan Spaulding Library, Newark Valley. Bring your artwork crafts, knitting, etc. to work on.
The Valley “Acoustic” Circle, every Monday, 6:30 to 8 p.m., Sayre Christian Church, 427 S. Keystone Ave., Sayre. For info call (570) 886-0006.
Endicott Toastmasters Club Meeting, 1st and 3rd Wednesday of each month, 6:30 to 7:30 p.m., basement of George F. Johnson Library, 1001 Park St., Endicott. For info call 953-9844.
Tioga County Soil and Water Conservation District (SWCD) Board of Directors Meeting, 3rd Wednesday of the month at 9 a.m., Tioga County SWCD office, 183 Corporate Dr., Owego. For questions call 687-3553 or email tcswcd@co.tioga.ny.us.
Bingo every Thursday night except the 1st Thursday of the month and holidays, 6:30 – 9:30 p.m. VFW Post 1371, 207 Main St., Owego.
The Newark Valley Senior Citizens Club meets the 3rd Thurs. of each month, 5 p.m. at the Newark Valley Fire Station, dish to pass supper and program. Age 50 and over welcome. For questions call Carol 642-5213.
GED (Adult Education) Classes, Tuesday and Thursday 5 to 8 p.m., Candor High School, Academy Street, Candor. For info call Sally 659-5968.
Food Addicts In Recovery Anonymous Weekly Meetings, for information on times and locations call (607) 595-7381, (607) 351-9504 or go to foodaddicts.org.
Quilting Classes, Mondays at 1 p.m., FCF Church, 27 Beach Rd., Apalachin, $7/session, for information call (570) 623-4402.
Sweet Adeline’s Carousel Harmony Chorus Rehearsal, Tuesdays, 7 p.m., Calvary United Methodist Church, 3505 Vestal Parkway East, Vestal. For info call Linda 669-4233 or go to carouselharmony.org.
Be Creative at Van Etten Library, every other Wednesday, 1 to 3 p.m., Van Etten Library, 83 Main St., Van Etten. For info call 589-4755 ext. 3.
American Red Cross Blood Drives, call 1-800-RED-CROSS or visit redcrossblood.org for dates, times and locations.
Write Now Writers Group, 1st Wednesday of the Month, 7 to 9 p.m., Candor Free Library, corner of Bank Street and Main Street, Candor. For more information call Carol 659-7661 or email carolhenry@frontiernet.net.
Library Story Hour, Tuesdays 10:15 a.m., Candor Free Library, Bank Street, Candor.
Candor Town Board Meeting, 2nd Tuesday of the month, review and sign vouchers 6:30 p.m., meeting begins at 7 p.m., Candor Town Hall, Route 96B, Candor.
Open Hearts Dinner, every Wednesday 5 to 6:30 p.m., McKendree UMC, 224 Owego St., Candor.
Candor Fire District Regular Meetings, 2nd and last Tuesday of the month, 7 p.m., Candor Fire Station, 74 Owego Rd., Candor. For more info call Tim 659-3341.
Village of Candor Board Meeting, 1st and 3rd Tuesday of the month, 6:30 p.m., Candor Village Hall, Main Street, Candor.
TOPS Chapter 418, every Friday 10 a.m., Calvary United Methodist Church, 3505 Vestal Parkway West, Vestal. For questions call Barbara 748-3443.
TOPS Chapter 306 (Take Off Pounds Sensibly), every Thursday, weigh-in starts 5:45 p.m., meeting 6:30 p.m., Union Presbyterian Wesley Methodist Church, 1000 Day Hollow Rd., corner of Day Hollow Road and Boswell Hill Road, Endicott. For information call 754-6913.
TOPS – Take Off Pounds Sensibly, Saturdays 7 a.m., Van Etten Town Hall, Van Etten. For info call Ruth 589-4515 or Judy 972-1092.
TOPS – Take Off Pounds Sensibly Chapter 1036, every Tues. 5:30 to 7 p.m., Newark Valley Post Office, Newark Valley.
TOPS – Take Off Pounds Sensibly Chapter 1128, every Thurs., 6 p.m., Candor Town Hall, 101 Owego Rd., Candor. For info call Jean at 659-9969.
Friends of the Library Meeting, last Thursday of the month, downstairs meeting room. Candor Free Library, Bank Street, Candor.
Candor Free Library Board of Trustees Meeting, 1st Wednesday of the month (except for July and August), 6 p.m., Candor Free Library, Corner of Bank and Main Street, Candor. For more info call Sue 659-3022 or email candorwriter@yahoo.com.
Newark Valley Food Pantry, Tuesdays and Thursdays 3 to 4 p.m., Senior Pantry every 2nd Wednesday 10 to 11 a.m., Methodist Church Ministry Center, Newark Valley. Open to people in the 13811 area. For more info or anyone wishing to volunteer call 642-8102 or 642-8587.
The Clothing Center, Tuesday 10 a.m. to noon, Wednesday 11 a.m. to 1 p.m., Central United Methodist Church, 17 Nanticoke Ave., Endicott. Free clothing and various items, they also accept donations. For questions call MaryAnn 786-9040.
Candor MOPS (for moms of infants through kindergarten age), 1st and 3rd Thursdays of the month, Candor Congregational Church parsonage, Main Street, Candor. For info call Maryalice 659-5191.
Constitution Chat, 2nd Thursday of every month, 7 p.m., Candor Congregational Church, Main Street, Candor. For questions call Melvin 659-4785.
Annual Tioga County POW/MIA 24-Hour Vigil, 3 p.m. Saturday to 3 p.m. Sunday. Tioga County Courthouse Square, Owego. Tioga County Veteran organizations will provide honor guards that will stand watch in shifts during this 24-hour time.
10th Annual Olde Time Cruise-In and Family Day, 9 a.m., Warren Township Community Center, Warren Center, Pa. Free admission, no entry fee. Live Music, Great Food! Donations are greatly appreciated! For more info call (570) 395-3221 or email TREAD40@yahoo.com.
New England Style Contradance with some Squares, 4 to 7 p.m., Tioga Trails Cafe, corner of Lake & Main, Owego. Music by Smash The Windows. $7/General Admission, $5/students & seniors (55+), $15/family maximum. For info call Stu 687-4034 or April 687-7195.
Earth Renewal Ceremony, prayers for all land & life, Van Etten, held by the Big Horn Lenape Tribe, for info & directions email hittak@yahoo.com.
Alzheimer’s Association Upcoming Program, 10 to 11 a.m., Countryside Community Center, 9 Sheldon Guile Blvd., Owego. Free to the public but registration is required. Call 687-4120, ext. 331 to reserve your seat.
EPIC Program Presentation, 1 p.m., Tioga Opportunities Department of Aging, 9 Sheldon Guile Blvd., Owego. EPIC helps eligible older adults save on cost of their prescription drugs. To RSVP call Arline at 687-4120, ext. 344.
Americans for Restoring the Constitution (AFRTC) Monthly Meeting, 7 p.m., Vestal Public Library, Vestal.
How to Edit and Enhance Your Photos (2 Part Class) Free Workshop, 10 a.m. to 12 p.m., George F. Johnson Library, Endicott. For more info go to gfjlibrary.org or all 757-5350.
League of Women Voters’ program on “Issues in Education”, 6:45 p.m., Vestal Public Library, 320 Vestal Pkwy. East, Vestal. Free and open to the public.
Searching the Internet Using Google and Other Search Engines Free Workshop, 6 p.m., George F. Johnson Library, Endicott. For more info go to gfjlibrary.org or all 757-5350.
Forest Insect Pest First Detector Training, 8:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m., Waterman Conservation Education Center, 403 Hilton Rd., Apalachin. For info call 584-9966 or to register email clf62@cornell.edu.
Turkey Dinner, 6 p.m., Owego Moose Lodge 1595, 3 Goodrich Rd., Owego.
Farewell Party for Wade and Glenna Wickline, 7 to 8 p.m., Candor Free Library, Candor. Live music courtesy of Trish Engelhard and Friends.
Easy Email Free Workshop, 4 p.m., George F. Johnson Library, Endicott. For more info go to gfjlibrary.org or all 757-5350.
FREE Mammograms for those who qualify, Guthrie Robert Packer Hospital, Sayre. For information call 1-877-626-6648.
Southern Tier Veteran Information Day, 11 a.m. to 3 p.m., American Legion Post 1645, 177 Robinson St., Binghamton. For more info call 205-8332 or email info@stvsg.org.
Happy Tails Animal Rescue Book Sale, 9 a.m., to 5 p.m., Owego United Methodist Church Fellowship Hall.
More Apps for iPad and iPhone Free Workshop, 2 p.m., George F. Johnson Library, Endicott. For more info go to gfjlibrary.org or all 757-5350.
BBQ Baby Back Ribs, 2 Sides, Soup & Salad Bar, 5:30 to 7:30 p.m., VFW Post 1371, 207 Main St., Owego. Regular Menu also available.
Garden Tractor Pull, Weigh in 5 p.m., Pulls begin at 6 p.m., North Barton Grange, 1363 Ellis Creek Rd., Waverly. Admission is Free food will be available.
Learning to Skype Free Workshop, 10 a.m., George F. Johnson Library, Endicott. For more info go to gfjlibrary.org or all 757-5350.
Seneca Niagara Casino Bus Trip, $42/person, get back $20 in coins & $5 Food bonuses (with valid picture ID). For reservations or more info call (607) 598-2358 or email dcurtis1971@yahoo.com.
Chicken BBQ, 10 a.m. until sold out, 1st Presbyterian Church of JC, corner of Main Street & Floral Avenue, Johnson City. Cost is $5 for 1 half, $7 for dinners.
6th Annual Candor Emergency Squad Captain & Crew Golf Tournament, 8:30 a.m. shotgun start, Catatonk Golf Course, Catatonk. Cost is $65 per person, registration deadline is Sept. 16. Call 659-5529 or visit candoremergencysquad.org.
“The Edge” – Casual, Informal Worship Service, 7 p.m., 4th Saturday of each month, Vestal Center UMC, 478 West Hill Rd., Vestal Center.
Chicken BBQ, Vintage Goods & Bake Sale, 11 a.m. to 2 p.m., Helping Hands Furniture Warehouse, 515 Chemung St., Waverly. $6 halves, $8 dinner
Living Among the Dead Cemetery Walk, 11 a.m., 12 p.m. & 1 p.m., Tours begin at the Museum, 110 Front St., Owego. Call or stop in for tickets, $10 adults, $8 seniors 62 and older, $5 ages 12 & under, $35 groups of 4. Complimentary dessert at the Parkview!
Lehigh Valley RR Postcards Presentation, 2 p.m., Sayre Historical Society, 103 S. Lehigh Ave., Sayre, Pa.
Covered Dish Picnic, Noon, Goodrich Settlement Grange Hall, Glenmary Drive, Owego. Come meet the County Dairy Princess. Every welcome!
Antique Tractor Pull, Weigh in 9 a.m., Pulls begin at 10 a.m., North Barton
Grange, 1363 Ellis Creek Rd., Waverly. Admission is free, food will be available.
Pumpkin Patch Fundraiser, 9:30 a.m. to 6 p.m., Sundays until 4 p.m., Our Lady of Sorrows Church, 801 Main St., West Vestal.
OA Foundation Music Festival, 1 to 7 p.m., Hickories Park Bandshell, Owego. $10/adults, $5/students, 5 years & under Free. For more info go to OAFoundation.com.
“Help Raise the Barn” Pasta Dinner & Trivia Benefit for Martin Horse Barn in Nichols, 11 a.m. to 6 p.m., Owego VFW, 207 Main St., Owego. Trivia begins at 3 p.m., $10 donation.
Pork Chop BBQ w/Trimmings, begins at noon, Owego Moose Club, Goodrich Road, Owego. $10 per person, eat in or carry out.
Defensive Driving Course Online, 10 a.m., George F. Johnson Library, Endicott. For more info go to gfjlibrary.org or all 757-5350. $20 fee.
Alternatives to a Cable Subscription: What you need to know, 2 p.m., George F. Johnson Library, Endicott. For more info go to gfjlibrary.org or all 757-5350.
Prayer Meeting Revival, 7 p.m., Tree Of Life, Day Hollow Road, Owego.
Riverside Cemetery Association Lot Owners Meeting, 6:30 p.m., Apalachin Library, 719 Main St., Apalachin. For questions call Roger 625-3056.
iPad/iPhone Basics, Part 1 Free Workshop, 6 p.m., George F. Johnson Library, Endicott. For more info go to gfjlibrary.org or all 757-5350.
Spaghetti & Meatball Dinner, 6 p.m., Owego Moose Lodge 1595, 3 Goodrich Rd., Owego.
Bake Sale, 9 a.m. to 3 p.m., Community Bank, 50 West Main St., Owego. Proceeds go to Tioga County Rural Ministry.
Rummage Sale, Thurs. 5 to 7:30 p.m., Friday 9 a.m. to 2:30 p.m. $2.00 Bag Sale, Owego First Presbyterian Church, Corner of Temple & North Avenue, Owego.
Rummage & White Elephant Sale, Thurs. 4 to 7 p.m., Fri. 9 a.m. to 3 p.m., Owego United Methodist Church, Owego.
The Valley Social Dance, 7 to 11 p.m., VFW Post 1536 Banquet Room, 932 W. Lockhart St., Sayre, Pa. Music by DJ, refreshments, fee. For info call (570) 888-0145.
Rummage Sale, Fri. 5 to 9 p.m., Sat. 9 a.m. to noon, Vestal Center UMC, 478 West Hill Rd., Vestal.
OCTOBER 2, 3 & 4
Oktoberfest, Most Holy Rosary Catholic Church, Route 26, Town of Maine. For info call 862-3216 or email mrosarychurch@stny.rr.com.
2015 Cornell Sheep & Goat SymposiumMorrison Hall, Cornell Campus, Ithaca. Fri. $10/person, Sat. $50 for the first farm member with $40 for each additional farm or family member, Sunday tour $10/person with own transportation or $30/person in Cornell van. For more info call Barbara 255-7712.
To Kill a Mockingbird, Fri. & Sat. 9 to 11 p.m., Sun. 2 p.m., Ti-Ahwaga Performing Arts Center, 42 Delphine St., Owego. $20/person, $18/students & seniors. For tickets go to tiahwaga.com or call 687-2130.
Happy Tails Yard Sale, 8 a.m. to 2 p.m., 1922 Pennsylvania Ave., Sayre, Pa.
Bridge for Literacy Game Day, 1 to 5 p.m., Patterson Building Auditorium on the Guthrie Campus in Sayre. $15 per player, to reserve a seat call (570) 297-3375 or email bwcliteracy@bradfordco.org.
Rummage & Bake Sale, 9 a.m. to 2 p.m., Bag Sale 12 to 2 p.m., Nichols United Methodist Church, Nichols.
Annual Fall Harvest Roast Pork Supper, Richford Congregational Church Fellowship Hall, Richford.
12th Annual Traci’s Hope Annual BBQ & 9th Annual Motorcycle Ride, noon to 6 p.m., Apalachin Fairgrounds, Apalachin. $12/adults, $5/ages 6-12. Come Rain or Shine! For ride, register from 10:30 a.m. to Noon at Hiawatha Mororcycles, 3000 Rte. 434 between Apalachin & Owego. Riders $15, Passenger $10, for info call 761-7290.
The Apalachin-Little Meadows Senior Citizens Meeting, Noon, Fellowship Hall of Apalachin United Methodist Church, 303 Pennsylvania Ave., Apalachin. Bring a dish to pass & own tableware. All welcome! For info call 625-3955.
Johnny Appleseed Returns to Apple Festival, Bement-Billings Farmstead, Newark Valley. For info go to nvhistory.org or call 642-9516.
Antiques Bottles Collectibles Show & Sale, 9 a.m. to 3 p.m., Dryden Fire Hall, route 13, Dryden. $2 admission. Free bottle appraisal!