


Here is an interesting find that I came across some time ago, and thought I would pass it along to those here, as something interesting to look at. It is based on Neo4j graph database. I am not to familiar with it and am very new. I havn't spent much time, yet with it, but I find it very interesting.

It allows you to visualize visual networks of ideas, and concepts, and uses natural language for composition which makes it extremely fast and quick to input information and use.

It offers a bookmarklet as well to include information from the web. Can work with Evernote and Twitter posts, too. That part I don't have experience with, though.

It can be installed on your own instance locally on your own computer, that part I did on Linux, I just never knew how to login. Neo4j runs on Windows, too.

It is free and open source software. Makes for something rather unique that I think is fitting for posting here.

developed by Nodus Labs - http://noduslabs.com/

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