
Homemade Ice Cream

With three grandchildren around, I am all about making memories for them! One of those memories is Grandma’s old fashion homemade chocolate ice cream!

I remember as a little girl my parents had an old crank ice cream maker, ( I admit I use an electric ice cream maker these days) and when the summers grew hot and muggy we would spend a day making homemade ice cream.  We lived near a dairy farm, so the supply of fresh cream was always available.  Today, I am blessed to have a fellow homesteader who milks, and I am able to get fresh milk with heavy cream weekly.

I start this recipe the night before I want to serve this yummy dessert, but it is so worth the wait.

This old fashion ice cream recipe will be one you will want to save and pass on to your children’s families!

Old Fashion Homemade Chocolate Ice Cream

2014-09-22 11:43:40

Yields 2

Yummy summer time old fashion recipe.

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2 eggs, well beaten

1 cup sugar

2 1/2 cups milk

2 cups heavy cream

1/4 cup chocolate syrup

2 teaspoons vanilla

1/4 teaspoon salt


Combine eggs, sugar, and 1 cup of milk in a double boiler and cook until thickened, stirring frequently. Cool for 30 minutes and then cover and place in refrigerator for 8 hours or overnight.

Once mixture has cooled for at least eight hours combine thickened milk, remaining 1 1/2 cups milk, heavy cream, vanilla, chocolate syrup, and salt in ice cream freezer container.

Freeze according to your ice cream makers directions.

By Tracy @ OurSimpleLifeSC

Living a simple life by homesteading & homemaking http://oursimplelife-sc.com/


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