The Send Off (2011) from Michael Berliner on Vimeo.
An achingly beautiful story of two former lovers who meet up again over a pint and rehash some painful personal history. Declan Feenan’s writing is deliberately spare as the pair skirt around the real issues that are on the table and as the tension ratchets up towards the end, there’s still a very powerful use of poetic language, almost hypnotic in its telling. It helps that my newest crush Liz White is the one detailing what was done to her as a bedraggled Con O’Neill hangs his head in shame, and Jonathan Humphrey’s direction ensures a beautiful sense of imagery permeates the film, whether in profile shots or the dream-like reminiscences that can never be forgotten. Highly recommended.
Hell Bent For Leather from Connected Pictures on Vimeo.
Written and directed by James Wood and based on Seb Hunter’s book, this is a sweetly hilarious memoir of a teenage obsession with heavy metal and the lengths Seb Hunter will go to to become a professional musician as he battles audience apathy, a sceptical father (a neat turn from a jazz-lovin’ Tim McInnerny) and troublesome bandmates (Ben Mansfield’s wild-haired Owen particularly good fun). Nothing too demanding here, just an appealing performance from Julian Barratt as the adult Seb as he reflects on his ‘career’ and a wry tone of amusement from those watching him from the sidelines.
The Cottage from Little City Pictures on Vimeo.
Neil Rolland’s The Cottage centres on the difficulties of moving on after the loss of a child as a couple separated by work battle the intimations of something sinister plaguing their new village home. Romana Abercromby does most of the heavy lifting as the isolated Sarah, unsure of who she can trust – Andrew Rothney’s epic beard looks like a good place to start… - when even the neighbours seem to be more than a little creepy. An attempt at a twisty ending doesn’t quite come off but it is still an attractive film to look at.
T Police Field from Capgemini (Full Version) from Rebecca Gore on Vimeo.
I really don’t understand what this is an extended commercial for - T Police Field from Capgemini – some private sector police thing? I was most disappointed though as I was looking forward to seeing Jade Anouka in something interesting.
PANTS from rebecca coley on Vimeo.
And a bit of whimsy to finish off on with Rebecca Coley’s Pants, a short but affectionate riff on an old but iconic advertisement as Dominic Burke’s Bob meets Ria Zmitrowicz’s Billy in a laundrette.