Bring drug addiction out into the open
Re: ‘I can’t let them kill themselves,’ Feb. 23.
Recent reported cases of tragic drug overdoses in Ottawa have only highlighted the tip of a much larger problem, especially among young people. There is no part of society not affected by this epidemic, particularly when combined with the rise in fentanyl use. In Ontario alone, 625 people died of opioid overdoses generally in 2013. Fentanyl was involved in 133 of them and, each year, it now kills twice as many people as heroin.
If you think this is an isolated problem, think again. According to the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, in 2008 drug overdoses passed fatal vehicle accidents nationwide for the first time in the U.S. The majority of overdoses were the result of opiates, many of which were prescription painkillers. A much larger proportion of the American population has been exposed to opiates than was the case in the 1970s with the heroin epidemic.
Drug addiction is a health issue. Like mental health in the past, addiction carries with it a stigma often leading to a cloak of secrecy within communities and families. While unfortunate, these recent tragic cases of overdose may have finally brought this epidemic to the forefront. It’s time Ottawa engaged people, families, governments, health-care services and others to do away with the cloak of secrecy surrounding addiction.
Brian Curry, Ottawa
Legalizing drugs a potential solution to crisis
Re: ‘People are still dying,’ Feb. 22.
The gathering of the Canadian Association of People Who Use Drugs, at the Centennial Flame, was a meaningful protest. Most all of humanity are drug users, whether Aspirin, heart medication, thyroid medication, diabetic medication, sleeping pills, diet pills, cocaine or other drugs. We have no idea how many people have died from prescription medications.
It has taken governments too long to realize that the “war on drugs” is an abysmal failure. Legalizing all drugs may not be a perfect solution, but it has to be better than the disastrous drug situation facing society today.
Shirley Webb, Ottawa
‘Just say no’ the best line on drugs for kids
Re: Facts, not fear, advised in talks with kids, Feb. 22.
Jacquie Miller has reflected fairly well on how to talk to our kids about drugs. But in one major respect, I strongly disagree.
In talking to her own 12-year-old, Miller clearly had in mind the crucial need to deter “the allure of a friend offering (her) a little green pill” and how best to do that.
For what it’s worth, I was a 12-year-old in 1956 (you do the math!) and I’ve helped raise a number of 12-year-olds since then. No matter which decade was involved, not one of us ever took that little pill when, inevitably, it was offered. But why?
Without exception, the parenting involved left no room for any doubt on the youngster’s part but that using drugs was absolutely unacceptable. No, nyet, nada, zippo, never! This was the “just say no” message, uttered repeatedly and firmly and without a hint of humour or flexibility. For the great majority of pre-teens and teens (but not all, of course), I am certain it works quite effectively.
While I mean no personal disrespect here, we need a lot more academic research before trivializing the “just say no” approach to deterring drugs experimentation by our precious and vulnerable children.
John M.A. McKay, Ottawa
Support network for addicts in Ottawa
Re: ‘Chloe had a spark of life in her that was pure sunshine,’ Feb. 17; A father’s emotional open letter about teen drug overdoses in Kanata, Feb. 20.
I was deeply moved by the death on Valentine’s Day of 14-year-old Chloe Kotval, and by Sean O’Leary’s open letter on his daughter’s drug use. As someone who has wrestled with addiction issues in her family for years, I know that treatment and recovery are a lifelong journey. While detox and 21-day drug and alcohol programs are crucial, they make up only the first, essential, step on that voyage. Fortunately, the journey need not be undertaken alone.
A local charity, Serenity Renewal for Families (SRF), has been of great benefit to me and my loved ones. By helping the individual deal with some of the issues that often underlie addiction, SRF offers the person and his or her family tools to strengthen an often-fragile recovery and prevent a relapse.
As a charity, Serenity Renewal for Families turns no one away because of lack of funds. Clients are asked to pay what they can, but SRF offers its services on the basis of need, not the ability to pay. One of the greatest strengths of the organization is the warm and supportive environment created by the many volunteers – often former clients – who make the place run. They know, as perhaps few non-addicted persons can, that recovery is an ongoing process that can only be sustained by sharing it freely with others.
Kathy Godding, vice-president, Serenity Renewal for Families
Far more than education critical to policing
Re: Police Academy: Do officers need more schooling? Feb. 21.
Certainly post-secondary education will provide global knowledge of issues and legal matters relevant to policing, but it may not be essential to become a good cop.
What is lacking and absolutely essential is hiring people with good character, solid values and a desire to serve the community. The police force has to understand Canadian values and work with the diverse nature of our citizens, enforcing laws while respecting various cultures, age and gender groups and social status of people they serve.
Therefore, police must be educated in cultural diversity, age and gender issues, ethical standards of honesty and transparency and be able to communicate in multiple languages. This should be a part of the curriculum or training prior to wearing the badge of honour.
Nona Nalley, Orléans
Policing isn’t just about degrees
Higher education for any profession is always better. Policing is a profession. But not everyone with higher education would make a better police officer.
Would the officer be prepared to perform mundane duties Would the officer be able speak to that part of the public who was angry, afraid or mentally ill? Approximately 90 per cent of what a police officer does is verbal intervention. Do the officers know how to talk to people?
Education is good, no question. But we have to make sure officers are not educated beyond their intelligence.
Calvin Lawrence, 36-year police officer, Ottawa
Work on transit with Clarence-Rockland
Re: Why not add a lane and sabotage rail? Feb. 18.
I noticed David Reevely made no mention of the portion of Highway 174 between Trim Road going east towards the municipality of Clarence-Rockland. s
Both municipalities of Ottawa and Clarence-Rockland should be working hand-in-hand to find a solution to the unsafe and slow travelling conditions that this portion of Highway 174 is currently creating. It is in a terrible state of disrepair and is no longer sufficient for the volume of traffic created by the growing population in Clarence-Rockland.
In fact, Highway 174 is used quite a lot by commuter traffic taking public transportation from Clarence-Rockland to downtown. There are buses commuting every day from Clarence-Rockland, and from as far away as Hawkesbury. In terms of the impact on Ottawa transit ridership, suffice to say that including Clarence-Rockland public transit ridership in the equation would offset any potential reduction in Ottawa transit ridership.
Linda Diodati, Clarence-Rockland
Shuttle to airport better than LRT spur
Re: LRT users will have to switch trains twice between downtown, airport, Feb. 18.
Rather than spending a lot of precious money developing an LRT spur to the airport (that may be of little use), why doesn’t the city invest in a decent shuttle-bus operation from the airport to downtown and back, with some strategic stops along the way?
It would probably be much cheaper to run and better frequented.
Yvon Durocher, Ottawa
City hall the root of problems with LRT plans
Re: Ottawa’s LRT experience offers lesson in perils of public-private partnerships, Feb. 21.
David Reevely missed possibly the greatest risk to LRT: the experience and competence of city hall. From this flow the missteps he describes.
For a complex project, with so little defined at the beginning, you must have contingency: at least 10 per cent and, more properly, 20 per cent. Then, there’s inflation. Who left this out? It’s always an issue for multi-year contracts.
Operating and upkeep costs can be, over 30 years, twice to three times the purchase price. How can these not be considered in the bid?
This all smacks of city hall being so desperate for LRT, it left out all the safeguards. The mayor talks of all the risk being with the contractor. Does he know that a risk premium will have been included in the bid?
If this report is an inside job, as Reevely tells us, and it, on its own, sets alarm bells ringing, what lies beneath?
David Morris, Nepean
Council, please fix our roads
Ottawa’s roads are failing apart. Several years ago, the Citizen reported that according to the city itself, only 20 per cent of its roads were considered to be in good condition.
For the first few years, this was more of an esthetic problem than anything else. More recently, it became a major annoyance and financial drain as more vehicles became damaged by driving into deep open ruts and potholes.
It has now become a safety concern. I recently witnessed a car veer sharply into the oncoming lane to avoid hitting a deep pothole. There was a car in the oncoming lane which then veered sharply away, almost hitting a bicycle.
It is very difficult to win reimbursement from the city when your vehicle is damaged from a poorly maintained road.
We are beyond pothole-repair Band-Aids. We need regular resurfacing and major maintenance. LRT and buses may be nice, but good roads will be needed for decades. If fatalities happen that are attributed to the city’s poorly maintained roads, at what point does the city become negligent and liable?
Bruce H. Wolfgram, Ottawa
Bold choices needed to create fairer economy
Re: How bold will Wynne be on new labour laws? Feb. 23.
Employment laws in Ontario are woefully out of date and too many people are falling through the cracks. Some 1.7 million workers across Ontario have low-income jobs, no workplace benefits (such as a pension plan, health insurance or prescription drug coverage), little job security, uncertain work schedules and no protection through unions. Everyone either knows someone who is insecurely employed or has lived through it themselves – even here in Ottawa.
The Ontario government is taking a hard look at the employment landscape, through the Changing Workplaces Review. The government must now use the review as an opportunity to raise the bar for all workers, including making it easier to join a union.
Ontario workers are looking to government to lead by making the bold choices that are needed to protect the most vulnerable workers and create a fairer economy for everyone.
Sean McKenny, president, Ottawa and District Labour Council
Funeral selfies are just selfish
Re: Over my dead body, Feb. 18.
The current disturbing trend of taking selfies at funeral homes is just another example of the narcissistic and mannerless world we now seem to inhabit. It is true that photographing the recently departed has a long tradition, but the current trend is not steeped in that tradition.
There is nothing traditional about blatant displays of the “it’s all about me” syndrome that is quickly having the effect of de-civilizing and dumbing down society. Narcissism is the new herpes; it should be looked upon as a disease, not as a trendy thing to do.
Whether it’s taking a selfie in front of the Mona Lisa, or near your dearly departed Aunt Rose, the real purpose of the photo is to centre on the “self,” not on the object of the photo.
Hopefully, the fall of the selfie empire will soon be upon us, and this selfish (not “selfie”) trend will be pleasantly behind us.
Douglas Cornish, Ottawa
Trudeau must bolster aid budget
Recently in Washington, Prime Minister Justin Trudeau was rather subdued in his defence of Canadian generosity with regard to the Syrian refugee crisis. One could really wonder whether the slogan “Canada is back” still applied.
Trudeau has the opportunity to lift any uncertainty in the next budget by finally increasing the government’s aid budget, which has been in free fall. After all, it is our investments rather than our rhetoric that will determine whether or not Canada is truly back on the world stage.
Jean-François Tardif, Gatineau
Don’t belittle Christians who oppose sex-ed curriculum
Re: Patrick Brown sidesteps Islamophobia trap, Feb. 22.
How is it OK to call a Christian group opposing the new sex-ed curriculum “liars for God” and “crazy” while at the same time defending a government motion condemning Islamophobia? The hypocrisy of the secular humanists in our media is astounding.
Here is some news for David Reevely: Many different faith groups opposed the sex-ed curriculum, including Muslims. And it may also be news to him to know that many Muslims consider homosexuality to be a sin, that marriage is for one man and one woman only and that abortion is wrong.
We live in a diverse society with many viewpoints. It does no good to name-call and belittle others for their time-honoured beliefs.
Bob Cooper, Metcalfe