Though I disagree with where he ended up on the issue of Shopify’s continuing relationship with Breitbart News, let me begin by applauding CEO Tobias Lütke’s willingness to engage on the issue recently. As controversy built around Shopify’s decision to keep ties, Lütke wrote a short essay explaining the reasoning behind that choice, and later continued the discussion at length on Twitter. How many other CEOs would do that?
Three points stand out from Lütke’s argument. The first is that we ought to “preserve some of the grey in the world,” as he puts it, between camps that see things in black and white. I agree wholeheartedly – indeed, our inability to talk across political divides constitutes a fundamental challenge to our democracy.
Second, Lütke argues that commerce is a form of communication, one with the potential to bridge some of those divides. This, too, I agree with, though with the caveat that we need to think about how such “conversations” actually play out.
Guns, weed, escorts: Shopify sites offering much more than Breitbart
For commerce to be effective communication, the exchanges must be multi-directional. Businesses try to sell stuff. Other businesses and consumers, in turn, decide whether to work with or buy from them – or not. They can make those decisions quietly, or loudly; that’s part of the conversation too. Free speech is the freedom to talk; there’s no guarantee of freedom from any consequences that follow. Indeed, it’s often in those consequences that the conversation really gets going.
Third, Lütke asserts that Shopify has a duty, given its role in the online economy, to stand with vendors – protect their freedom to sell as a form of speech. So long as the business is lawful, Shopify will work with them.
In taking that stance, the company is effectively trying to absent itself from that conversation described above, claiming a status as neutral facilitator. In this case, I don’t think that’s a sustainable position. That’s because permitting Breitbart to use the Shopify platform not only tolerates its right to speech; it amplifies (and, it must be said, profits from) its message. In that way, Breitbart is distinct from the other controversial venders on Shopify.
As long as it permits Breitbart to use its software to distribute its products and the views they are associated with and support – views that many find personally threatening, and that are arguably intended to deepen that black/white divide – Shopify is going to be in that conversation. There is no escaping the moral choice between either enabling Breitbart’s speech, or stepping away from it to stand with those who feel targeted by it. So long as Shopify opts for the former, many will see it as taking Breitbart’s side, and act accordingly.
Let me conclude by returning to the original point of agreement: increasingly, we live in separate bubbles of knowledge and understanding, and it’s a fundamental problem for our democracy. Indeed, the present example is a case in point, given the language with which some have objected to Shopify’s decision. As we retreat into camps, we are losing the arts of listening and civil disagreement.
There are many reasons for these developments. As traditional journalism declines, online commentary has exploded, along with various kinds of advocacy journalism; all are now filtered through personalized algorithms and friend groups. The result is a world of bespoke facts and arguments, where one’s political tastes and opinion never have to face serious challenge from anyone with reason to disagree.
Given that the sources of such changes are in part technological, the solutions will likely have a technological component as well. It might be innovating a more viable business model for investigative reporting, engineering new spaces online where some grey can exist, or something else entirely. Regardless, Lütke is the sort of resourceful, engaged actor who could make a difference on such fronts.
That’s a conversation I’d like to see happen.
Stewart Prest is a postdoctoral fellow at Carleton University’s Norman Paterson School of International Affairs. (Personal disclosure: Prest attended graduate school with Tobias Lütke’s spouse.)