
Now that Canadians have had time to deal with the trauma of Donald Trump’s election, the thing to ponder is what impact his improbable victory will have on the Conservative party leadership race, and consequently the country.

Detestable as he is, Trump won a free and fair election, but there is also no denying that he ran a nativist, them-and-us campaign laced with bigotry and sexism – and if you are an immigrant in the United States, particularly Muslim or Hispanic, you may be in for a tough ride. You may even have cause to be afraid. And because major events in the U.S. have a way of influencing what happens here, Canadian immigrants especially have reason to wonder how Trumpism might pollute our politics.

It’s worth noting that Conservative leadership candidate Kellie Leitch has already clothed herself in Trump’s policies. So far in the race, Leitch and former public safety minister Steven Blaney have made identity politics the cornerstone of their campaigns, and Trump’s triumph could embolden them even more. Ever the opportunist, Leitch latched on to Trump Wednesday, calling the president-elect’s bigoted campaign an “exciting message that needs to be delivered in Canada as well. It’s the message I’m bringing with my campaign to be prime minister of Canada.”

I hope not. It’s hard to understand how someone like Leitch, who was once women’s minister, can support a man who boasted about kissing and groping women without consent. But that’s the path she has chosen and our job is to make clear we’ll not go along. Trump succeeded because American society, including the media, failed to confront his bigotry head-on at the beginning. Let’s not make that mistake here. Leitch and other Trump wannabes must be squashed before their poison spreads into the body politic.

Leitch’s leadership campaign, you’ll recall, plunged the country into a “values” debate over her proposal to screen immigrants and refugees for anti-Canadian values. Despite widespread criticism, she dug in her heels and for a while rode the proposal to become a frontrunners. For what it is worth, a poll found 87 per cent of Conservatives backed the idea.

Sensing an opportunity, Blaney upped the ante with his own plan to stop the “slow and steady decline of Canadian values.” He promised to preserve Canadian identity by restoring the discredited Conservative party plan to ban Muslim face coverings for federal public servants, and force women to show their faces at citizenship ceremonies and when voting.

He and Leitch believe they have tapped into something the Conservative rank and file believe in, just as Trump did with angry white working-class Americans. But here’s why this kind of campaign will not win elections in Canada, even if Conservatives embrace it.

First, we travelled this road in the last election and it got us nowhere. Stephen Harper’s injection of the niqab debate into the election blew up in his face. Secondly, Canada just doesn’t have the kind of angry, nativist, anti-government white working class that propelled Trump to the White House. While no one can gauge what the mood of the country will be three years from now, when the next federal election takes place, our political culture is such that we are more likely to be fighting over such mundane issues as deficits and federal transfers than indulging in an anti-establishment fervour.

Then again, Leitch and Blaney are not Trump. The president-elect is a one-of-a-kind force that’s unreplicable. The kind of things he got away with to become president are uniquely Trumpian, and it’s unlikely anyone will succeed with similar tactics, certainly not in Canada.

As the Conservative party slowly makes its way back from last year’s defeat, one can only hope that its members will decisively reject the likes of Leitch and Blaney and pick a more centrist leader who appeals to the best in us.

Mohammed Adam is an Ottawa writer.

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