
Federal Liberal leader Justin Trudeau recently sat down with Ottawa Citizen parliamentary bureau chief Mark Kennedy to discuss his new memoir, Common Ground, which goes on sale Monday.

Q. Did you write this book, or did you have a ghostwriter?

A. I wrote this book. I’ve always had challenges with a blank page. Even when it comes to speeches for me to deliver I always ask for a draft to be put up. I have a conversation. Someone draws up a draft and then I completely transform it. This book — with the pressures on my time, with the awesome challenge of putting together a book — I sat down and dictated. I told stories, I talked about my childhood. I talked about various things to an editor who then transcribed it into a bit of a narrative with the different chapters. Then I sat down and rewrote every chapter. I said, ‘I don’t need this, I need this.’ I had editorial help but every single word in this book I played with and put down. My love of language and of literature meant that if I’m actually to write a book I was going to do it fully. Much like my love of boxing meant if I was going to get into the ring, I was going to do it fully. And that’s a really important part about who I am.

One of the extra challenges on this was not only do I have a full-time job that takes up all my time at the same time as I was doing this, and a family that doesn’t see enough of me. But I got to do it twice, because I did it in French as well.

Q. So how did that work? In which language did you write the book first?

A. Because of the way things were set up, I told most of the stories in English and that formed the first draft. Once I had rewritten and reworked every chapter with an editor working it out, we then sent it to a translator. Then I got back the translation and put it into my words. So it was a little extra work but it was important for me that this book be as authentically me in English as in French.

Q. We learn a lot about you at 24 Sussex, growing up in that bubble. And you’re now in politics. For someone who hasn’t been raised in that milieu, what do they need to know about what you went through as a child?

A. I think what’s most important to me as I look back, but also as I look forward to what I might be putting my kids through in the coming years — what was essential was how my parents raised me to understand that what we were surrounded with came with a responsibility. That we couldn’t start thinking as kids that we were better than any of our classmates at Rockcliffe Park Public School. That this was something that had to do with service. That we were in that house because my father was serving our country. And that we had a responsibility to live up to that service. We couldn’t take it for granted.

Q. You write in your book that although you may have been privileged, you weren’t spoiled.

A. There was only one TV that we actually ever got to watch at 24 Sussex until we left and I was 13. And that was downstairs in the staff room off the kitchen. Saturday mornings we got to watch some cartoons, but no TV. In terms of never being allowed to think that we were any better than any of our classmates.

I remember I specific moment where I said, “Dad you are the boss of Canada, you are the government and this is the government’s house, so we own this house. This is our house.” He said, “No, no, no. We only get to be in this house because of the job that I am doing. This house doesn’t belong to us.” That was something that I grappled with for a while, but I did understand that ultimately this was a privilege and a responsibility that we had. And that approach of having parents who drilled into me the importance of respect to everyone — whether they be the important people who came for lunch or dinner from time to time, or the small staff that was around the house as we grew up. The absolute respect for individuals, regardless of their position or stature was something that was drilled into me from a young age.


Justin Trudeau goes public with personal aspects of his life in new memoir (with video)

Justin Trudeau book excerpt: A commission, a convention – and a decision

Q. So what do you make of the argument that if one is to say, as you have elsewhere and in this book, that the middle class needs to be helped – that somehow you need to have experienced that middle-class background. Which you haven’t. Does that disable you from doing the job?

A. I think first of all that’s a very, very dangerous argument to be set up. Because the extension of that is that no man can ever properly defend women’s rights. Or someone of a majority can never really understand what it is to stand up for a minority. But on the other hand I understand that if truly my experience had been completely devoid of any friendships, contact, life experiences that are similar to so many Canadians’ life experiences, that might be an argument that one could make.

But as I highlight in this book, my story — from taking the school bus to school, albeit with an RCMP car following, to being a child of divorce, to working as a schoolteacher, to making the choices that I was able to make but also having the experiences that I’ve had across my life, means that I understand what it is to stand up for people who maybe need a little more help than I was lucky enough to not need.

The lens that I’ve always taken is “Wow, I recognize that I’ve been incredibly lucky in my life.” And I highlight a lot of that in the book. But that comes with it a responsibility to put what I’ve received in service of the people who need it. And that’s exactly what my life and my choice of public service is. That was my original choice of being a high school teacher. People said to me, “Justin, you could do anything. Why would you become a teacher? In my 20s, people were saying that. I said the answer is in the question. If I can do anything, which I know I could, what better thing than to become than a teacher?”

Q. Why did your dad speak French to you? Why was that the chosen language between the two of you?

A. My mom spoke English and he wanted to make sure that we were raised bilingual. It was that simple. It was a choice he made.”

Q. Your mom emphasized to you boys the importance of good manners and not being phoney. What did you learn from that?

A. Good manners are about courtesy that we show to other people. Being polite is about respect you offer to another human being. And that’s what the lesson is. Ultimately, everyone has rights, everyone has value. And what we do and how we behave needs to be folded into a level of mindfulness about each other. I think that’s one of the great successes of Canada. We sort of shrug and say we’re similar to Americans except we’re more polite. Well, that politeness isn’t just saying “excuse me” when someone bumps you. That politeness is showing a level of respect for the value of the other person and an openness to their worth.

Q. She also said that if you are phoney, people spot that and eventually they’re not going to trust you. But you’re a politician, right?

A. Yeah, but I was a teacher first. And as anyone who has ever taught before a classroom filled with teenagers (knows), you can’t be phoney. You need to be genuine. You need to be real if you’re going to get any level of respect from them.

Q. The book goes into a lot of detail about the marital breakdown. How the media got it wrong in some ways, didn’t have the full story, and you were shaped by it as a child. You didn’t, as some children do, blame yourself. But it did affect your self-worth. How did it shape you?

A. One of the lessons was in the futility of trying to please everyone around you. I sort of locked into the idea that if I could be the perfect son to both of my parents, well maybe that would be enough to keep them together. And ultimately, obviously, it wasn’t. Regardless of what I tried to do. That was a lesson about limitations.

But it was also a lesson about not allowing yourself to be defined and driven by how you are perceived or how others are impacted positively or negatively by your actions. What matters are what you do and how you do (it). And that’s certainly something that I bring forward in politics, where I’m not in this to try and be popular. I’m in this to try and serve.

Q. You write about the pain, drawing inward to a certain extent and finding books, starting with Archie, dreaming of living in Riverdale, then becoming a bookworm.

A. Yeah, I think Archie, for me, represented a normal childhood. One that wasn’t living in a huge house with a big fence and security guards. One in which I could wander around the streets with my friends and go to the malt shop. I mean, it was very much an aspirational idea for me – that I could have just a normal life. One of the wonderful ironies was that once we left politics and I moved to Montreal, my life was very much normal for many years. In that we didn’t have security, there wasn’t a tremendous amount of publicity, there was no celebrity factor. And I was pretty much unrecognized unless I was out with my dad.”

Q. There was a large gap in age between your parents. Your mom was also struggling with mental illness. When did you or the family even have a sense that “My gosh, this is what’s causing this.”

A. It wasn’t until I was probably in my 20s when I heard my mom talking about her struggles with depression in an offhand way. She said she was down, was struggling with depression when we were young. It sort of took me by surprise. It was this, “Oh, really. Was that part of what it was?” Of course now, with all the work she has done and all the awareness we are beginning to have, of course it’s obvious. But it was never really clear back then to me. It might have been clear to my father or to others, but to us as kids it wasn’t until much later that we began to look back and say, “Ok, that’s what was happening then.”

Q. Has society grappled with this itself? You know people out there sometimes say you are your “mother’s son.” And your opponents would use that as a weapon against you, right?

A. Yeah, yeah. And that’s one of the classic cases in which an insult says much more about the person doing the insulting than the object of it. I mean, those kinds of attitudes, unfortunately, are still around there. But I’m incredibly proud of being my mother’s son as much as I’m proud of being my father’s son. And that people would try to twist that and attack on that, I see what they’re doing and quite frankly it’s not something that worries me very much.”

Q. What did you get from each of them?

A. Balance. They were very much opposites on a number of different levels. My mother is brilliant but emotional and very much gregarious and connected to people. My father was brilliant but focused and driven and very narrow-casted. I like to think that I have drawn on parts of both of them for whom I am.

Q. When you were out west, you were a teacher, but you were also a doorman for a while (at a nightclub). There were episodes where you were employed as a bouncer. You tell a fascinating anecdote about how you got a guy out of a bar by telling him that if he doesn’t come with you now, these bigger fellows are going to come over and rough him up. You get him outside and leave him there. You make the argument that that skill can be transposed to politics, that often times in conflicts, it’s ego.

A. It’s ego. Being a good bouncer isn’t about physical skill. It’s about being diplomatic and unintimidatable. And also confident enough – I guess this is part of the diplomacy – to not worry that you’re going to be defined or even provoked by the person you’re engaging with. So many people in that situation want to fight, want to show how tough they are and are just looking for a convenient foil. And the authority figure that comes over and says, “Settle down, stop pushing these people around,” whatever, is a great person to turn against. And (you have to understand) where they’re coming from. You don’t resolve the situation when you defeat and beat up the other guy. You resolve the situation when calm returns to the workplace that you’re providing for.”

Q. Is this politics?

A. This is very much politics. This is about understanding what my job is. My job isn’t scoring – I was on a panel a number of years ago with some Conservatives who talked about the hockey analogy and talked about the partisanship. (They said) “Listen, we’re all playing a game of hockey here and the point of the game we’re playing is to shoot the puck in the net. And the person who shoots the puck in the net wins.” And that actually really offended to me. I said to the panel, “No, that’s not the point of hockey. The point of hockey is to showcase good competition that brings participants to the stands, viewers at home so people actually get an enjoyment from the solid, competitive contest. Or else you’d have lop-sided teams playing against each other and everyone would be just as happy when the Yankees beat a little league team.” It would make no sense, to mix my sports metaphors.

The point of politics is not to score points against the other guy. The point of politics is to serve our country, to build a better future. And that’s what I keep in mind when someone wants to get a rise in a contest or in a war of words or attack ads. The point isn’t to put out a better attack ad that’s going to sway more people your way. The point is to think, “How do I pursue this goal – the goal of winning an election and serving and governing this country properly?” And removing the ego from “Oh, he said a terrible thing about you. Are you going to let him get away with that?” My answer is, “I’m going to beat him and govern this country better, but I’m going to do it the right way.”

Q. You never drank a lot and you write that you saw that people were being ruined by alcohol and drugs and you were determined to never let it ruin your life.

A. I’ve never been someone who needed external stimulation. Whether it was alcohol in copious amounts or pharmaceuticals or drugs of any kind. I had a youth in university, so I tried different things but it just never stuck with me. It was never something that appealed. I got a lot more benefit out of staying sober or having one drink and nursing it through the whole party than ending up face down and wondering, what’s the point of that night?

Q. There will be Conservatives who will say, “How can he say that – How he doesn’t want to become ruined by drugs when this is the man who wants to put drugs into the hands of my children by legalizing it.”

A. Well, you know what? What the whole marijuana policy thing has become for me is a perfect example of evidence-based policy. Of saying, look, the current situation isn’t protecting our kids from marijuana. We’re at the top of the developed world in terms of teen marijuana use. And the fact that CAMH (Centre for Addiction and Mental Health) just came out with a big study, this world-class organization, a research organization, saying, “Yes, we should legalize it to prevent people from having easy access to it and to prevent the criminal organizations from making millions off of it” is a vindication. But it’s not one that I’m shouting to the rooftops so much. I’m pleased to support it, and we highlighted it but our position was based on evidence of the type that CAMH is relying on.

That’s the issue for me – about why I went from in the beginning saying “Oh no, we’re going to talk about pot again every time a reporter asked me about it,” to say, “You know what? This has become a really important proxy for how you make good public policy.” Do you do it on a knee-jerk ideological, emotional level? Or do you actually look at what’s going to be best for our society? And the fact of the matter of this that this government doesn’t do the latter very well at all.

Q. I know you don’t want this to be the issue of the election campaign, but it’s going to be an issue. What kind of societal debate are we going to have on this?

A. The next election is going to be on the economy. There’s no if, and, or but about it. It’s going to be about how we build an economy that works for Canadians. How we reassure people that the next generation is going to have greater opportunities, greater quality of life than the past. And that’s something that I get into in this book: How our openness, our diversity, our capacity to pull together on the shared hopes and dreams and our common values is ultimately what is going to get us ahead. And the fact that for the past eight years we’ve had a government that is focused on dividing Canadians, of picking and choosing the area or the issue that they want to play to is leaving this country with a crisis of governance. Because nobody can pull it together.

Q. Michel (your brother) got charged with having pot in the car in a crash. What happened with that case?

A. Well, when he died, it disappeared. It was pending. It was before the courts. Dad got a lawyer. It really highlights, as well, that we were fairly confident that with the right lawyer we were going to be able to make it go away. But it also highlighted that if Miche (the family’s nickname for Michel) had been any other kid, or an aboriginal kid or someone from a different minority, he would have a criminal record and it would have followed him all his life. And there’s a fundamental unfairness, as well, in that. Because kids with connections or with good family who get caught with this don’t end up with a criminal record that less fortunate do. And that was also a little piece of my mind – at the unfairness.”

Q. You went through an amazing period of sorrow when Michel died (in an avalanche in 1998 while skiing) and when your dad died (in 2000). How did that period change you?

A. The loss of my father had an impact on me in a predictable, but almost in an appropriate way. It was in moving on. He was 80. He had lived a full life, he had given us everything he could give us. We talked and debated all my whole life. He gave me every bit of knowledge and mostly process that I would need to live a full life as a complete human being. It was his life that impacted on me.

Miche impacted me most with his death. The idea that we must not waste time. That you might not have another year or another decade in which to do things. The lesson that I learned from Miche’s life was very much that he was doing what he wanted, what he loved, what defined him. Yes, he would have had a full and wonderful life with incredible experiences throughout. But he didn’t waste any time in hoping that one day he might be able to follow his dream. He was doing it. And that is a powerful, powerful lesson for all of us.

Q. Your dad, who was deeply Catholic, doubted his faith for a while because of this horrific thing that had happened. And you write that the reverse happened with you. What happened?

A. I was raised with both a deep faith and a regular practice of Catholicism. We were in church every Sunday that we were with my dad. We read the Bible as a family every Sunday night. And we said our prayers just about every night together as a family. And then when I turned 18 I realized that, you know what, there was too much of my day-to-day life that was not the slightest addressed by what I was receiving from the church, from the formality, from the structure. So like so many Catholics across this country, I said, ‘OK, I’m Catholic, I’m of faith but I’m just not really going to go to church. Maybe on Easter, maybe midnight mass at Christmas.”

Q. You became a lapsed Catholic.

A. Exactly, like so many of us. And then when Miche died, I had a friend who said to me, “Come with me to this Alpha course.” I said sure. I was schooled by Jesuits to a certain extent and my father certainly was Jesuitical in his thinking. So I’m always up for a great theological conversation and debate. The Alpha course – the message there was: Don’t feel you have to do it all alone. Put your trust in God every now and then. Be comfortable about saying I need help. And recognize that.

It came at exactly the right time. Trusting in God’s plan. For someone as rational and scientific and logical and rigorous as I am to accept the unknowable and to re-anchor myself in faith was really, really important to me. And ended up being of solace at a very difficult time. Since that moment, I still consider myself and have re-found myself of a deep faith and belief in God. But obviously very aware of the separation of church and state in my political thinking.

Q. There’s one person in your life to whom you dedicate the book: your wife, Sophie Grégoire. You write a lot about her. You write that she grounds you. She’s everything to you. Before you did anything, you consulted her. Tell me about you and her, and what she does for you in your life.

A. Sophie has an incredibly deep conception of service, of connection, and of responsibility towards the world. I’ve rarely seen someone so affected by news stories, by terrible things happening around the world. Politicians to a certain extent – I guess like journalists, like surgeons – have to learn a certain level of professional detachment. And she does an incredible job of bringing me back from that detachment and saying these are real lives, these are real families. She’s recently stepped up in her involvement with women’s issues, specifically around the missing and murdered indigenous women that she’s going to become more active with, because it’s a cause that just so touching to her.

And she grounds me in what matters. Whether it’s the lives that are touched by the decisions we take, or the decisions that we choose not to take. But she also keeps me away from getting too worked up about the surface contests of politics. She’s very, very good at, “So how was your day?” And if I start on, “He said this and we answered that,” she’ll say none of that matters. “What did you do?” That perspective is so important to me.”

Q. You also say the marriage has its ups and downs and you are very honest with each other, even when it can be painful. What do you mean by that?

A. Listen, a real marriage is always going to have difficult moments. But ultimately, the openness, the honesty, the belief in each other, the belief in the service that we’re trying to not just give to our kids but model for our kids is essential.

Q. We’ve had Ezra Levant say one thing and make insinuations about you and later apologize through his network, although he didn’t. I’m wondering whether you worry that someone is going to take a shot at you and your family and the state of your marriage.

A. I’m open and honest about the fact that it’s a real marriage. Which means that we have good days and we have bad days. And she has days where she hates that I’m doing this job. And we have days where we feel blessed that we have this opportunity. And it’s going to be like that forever.

Q. Do you worry about rumors that could hurt people in your life?

A. I would worry more if they had any real credence. People are always going to be trying to weaken, trying to attack, trying to spread nasty things. I’ve had that all my life. I know how strongly Sophie and I stand together. I know we’ve been through tough times but I know we’ve been through those tough times and we stand together.

Q. A couple more questions on politics and policy. You’re like your grandfather, Jimmy Sinclair (who served as MP for Vancouver North for almost two decades, starting in 1940), aren’t you?

A. He was a classic people politician. He was someone who understood that a politician’s fundamental job is to be a strong voice for his neighbours, his community. To speak up, to defend the community that he’s part of. He was a passionate British Columbian as the way one might imagine. And he loved the give and take and the hustle and bustle of political campaigns.

Q. Last question. The “rabid form of partisanship” that you say Stephen Harper has brought to the country, particularly after the majority: How do you – one guy – change it?

A. You get elected in a way that draws people together, first of all. You fight against the cynicism. Because rabid partisanship has created the cynicism around politics that is impeding our capacity to govern for the whole of the country. So you first of all say I’m not going to encourage cynicism — which means no nasty personal attacks, no negative attack ads. Strong contrasts. Absolutely there will be strong contrasts in whatever ads we put out, as there have been. But not that negative, nasty tone.

And then when – if – one gains power, you actually respect the institutions, you respect the voice for 338 ridings that was sent to Parliament, you allow for real debate and real process. You have ministers who are actually ministers of their department and not just spokespeople for their departments as approved by the PMO. I had a great chat with (independent MP) Brent Rathgeber. I went to his book launch a few days ago. I said there’s so many of the policies put forward now, such as (Tory MP) Michael Chong’s, that are designed to bring what is a broken parliamentary partisan-heavy system up to a decent level of functioning.

Well, if it’s down here, the things you need to bring it up here are not necessarily the things that you would have if you had a prime minister who actually set things on a respectful, decent level. I mean, maybe those tools which are designed around Stephen Harper’s Ottawa will no longer be necessary if you have someone who fundamentally trusts Canadians, trusts our institutions – from the Supreme Court to Statistics Canada to the officers of Parliament. And maybe then, the discussion we can have is “How do we then improve in meaningful ways on what our Parliament is doing?” And that’s the lens I’m taking on this and that’s what rose through my book.

If we want Canadians again to trust their governments, we need a government that’s going to trust Canadians.

This transcript has been edited for length and clarity.


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