The U.S. government’s watchdog agency, Special Inspector General for Afghanistan Reconstruction, released an update Wednesday to Congress. Here are some of the key points it raised:
— NATO’s mission in Afghanistan is the largest and longest operation in the alliance’s history.
— The numbers of the Afghan security forces are decreasing, while both casualties and the number of districts under insurgent control or influence are increasing.
— U.S. Forces Afghanistan (USFOR-A) reported that approximately 57.2% of the country’s 407 districts are under Afghan government control or influence as of November 15, 2016, a 6.2% decrease from the 63.4% reported last quarter in late August, and a nearly 15% decrease since November 2015.
— The United Nations Assistance Mission in Afghanistan (UNAMA) reported that 8,397 conflict-related civilian casualties occurred between January 1 and September 30, 2016. Of civilian casualties, some 23% were attributed to pro-government forces (which includes the ANDSF and Coalition forces).
— UNAMA reported a 67% increase in the number of casualties caused by unexploded ordnance; 84% of the 510 casualties were children.
— An Asia Foundation survey found that in 2016, 29.3% of respondents nationwide say their country is moving in the right direction, down from 36.7% in 2015. This represents the lowest level of optimism recorded since the survey began in 2004.
— According to the UN, 583,000 people in Afghanistan fled their homes due to conflict in 2016 – the highest number of displacements since record keeping started in 2008.
— According to the Minister of Education, after adjusting numbers for more than three million permanently absent students from school records, only six million students were actually attending classes in Afghanistan. The former Deputy Minister of Education added that the numbers touted by the Karzai administration added two million students, including those whose schools had been closed.
— Afghan opium production rose 43% over 2015’s levels, to an estimated 4,800 tons. However, UNODC may have underestimated national opium production as it delivers estimates for only a single harvest, yet credible reports indicate that Afghan farmers have been reaping multiple harvests in recent years.
— According to UNODC, poppy eradication results were the lowest this decade at 355 hectares – a 91% decrease from 2015.
— In a meeting with the U.S. Department of Justice, the Afghan attorney general said he was disinclined to enforce or pursue current judgments or investigate the Kabul Bank case any further.
— A MEC pilot report seeking to estimate the amount of merit- versus patronage-based appointments to the top 100 government positions in Badakhshan Province estimated that 31% were based on competence whereas 69% were based on patronage.
— Procurement accounts for nearly 50% of the Afghan national budget. From the standpoint of U.S. objectives, aid flowing through poor procurement processes risks inadequately funding security forces, strengthening corrupt networks, enriching insurgent sympathizers, and alienating U.S. public support for foreign-policy objectives.
— Over the past five years, SIGAR investigators have uncovered a widespread, intricate pattern of criminal activity that pervaded the Humanitarian Assistance Yard at Bagram Airfield. U.S. military personnel, stateside contacts, and local Afghans had conspired in bribery, fraud, kickbacks, and money laundering for years as new personnel were assigned there and, in some cases, adopted the corrupt practices of their predecessors or new colleagues.
— SIGAR remains the largest U.S. oversight entity operating in Afghanistan, with a unique institutional memory supported by its long-term staff presence.