From rat snakes inside to “arctic ovens” outdoors, budding scientists of all ages were welcomed to explore the wonderful world of discovery at a special, once-a-year Natural Resources Canada event on Sunday.
The Cool Science Event at 580 Booth St. lets professional scientists and researchers working in various labs and government organisations share their passion for science through activities, experiments, displays and demonstrations with the public.
This included fun with magnets, vacuums, wool, examining rocks through microscopes and controlling a robot.
For more on the event, visit
Maya Kors, 13, holds a Gray Ratsnake at the Cool Science Event.
Jacob Gordon, left, age 7, and brother Alex Gordon, right, age 10, try to pull apart a metal globe held together by a vacuum while University of Ottawa physicist Christian Gigault explains the exhibit.
Dr. Jeanne Percival, a research scientist at the Geological Survey of Canada, poses for a photo in front an “arctic oven” tent at the Cool Science Event on Sunday.
Members of the public control a tracked robot.
Wool can also be cool, spectators learnt.
Christian Voyer, left, age 11, checks out a rock exhibit at the Natural Resources Canada event.
Marika Kors, right, age 11, does an experiment with magnets at an exhibit.
Christian Voyer, right, age 11, checks out a rock exhibit .