
If libraries did as well as town hall meetings about them, we’d be building one on every block.

More than 150 impassioned citizens filled the council chambers at city hall Wednesday night to discuss plans for Ottawa’s new central library. The open house, hosted by councillors Catherine McKenney, David Chernushenko, Mathieu Fleury, Tobi Nussbaum and Jeff Leiper, attracted a crowd that skewed in the senior range.

Eighty per cent or more, judging by a show of hands, lived in McKenney’s Somerset ward, most arriving by foot, public transit or bicycle, with not a single person claiming to support the current recommended site at 557 Wellington Street, in LeBreton Flats just west of Bronson Avenue.

On hand, too, was a panel of three speakers, including retired architect Tony Griffiths, who commanded the greatest applause of the evening when told the audience that “I believe the site at 557 Wellington is too remote from the city’s core. I feel it should be rejected out of hand.”

“This building,” he added, “could be the jewel in the crown of the nation’s capital.”

And this, after all, was the central issue dominating the discussion: whether the proposed site, which would see the Ottawa Public Library and Library and Archives Canada share a $168-million, four-storey, 216,000 square-foot super-library at the site just west of the downtown core, or whether a central library should be more, well, central.

Panelist Elizabeth Kristjansson spoke eloquently about the significance of a library as a community hub, while Ecology Ottawa executive director Graham Saul reminded everyone of the importance of access and walkability of such institutions.

“We think libraries are incredibly important,” said Joyce Crago, who attended the meeting with her 10-year-old niece, Madelyn Haines. “And the site that’s been suggested is not appropriate for people who are low-income or who are disabled. They’re not going to be able to get there, and that’s not appropriate for the capital city.”

Crago further added that she believed the recommendation regarding the new location — the only site among the dozen considered that is owned by the city — was steered by a desire to sell condominiums on LeBreton Flats. “And that’s rubbish.”

McKenney, who sits on the city’s library board, said that her main concern regarding a site for the new facility is that it optimizes the library’s use. “I want the library to be located where it’s going to be used the most, and I believe that that’s where most people live, where most people work, and where most people visit. There are more than 100,000 office workers in the central core (where the current library is located, at Metcalfe and Slater). And 24 per cent of current library users come from their offices – more than 500 people a day. But will they walk, can they walk, this far?

“Some 20 million people a year go to the Rideau Centre, so we have to ask: what is the central part, what is the busiest part of our city, every single day? And I believe that’s where a central library should be located.”

Others in the room clearly echoed that sentiment, as the Q&A segment of the evening, which was short on actual questions and even shorter on answers, saw no lack of emotional pleas to keep the library between Bronson and the Rideau Canal. Many favoured the notion of building the new library in Confederation Park.

“I can’t see how anybody would not support (Confederation Park),” said Theo Geraets, emeritus professor of philosophy at the University of Ottawa, who only decided to attend the open house after reading an opinion piece in the Citizen supporting the site. “This is an issue that is important to the future of the city, and this is by far a preferred choice for the public.”

Whether the opinions of those on hand will sway any forthcoming decisions is uncertain. Officials from the Ottawa Public Library declined an invitation to attend Wednesday’s meeting.

“But I want to hear from folks,” said McKenney. “This is not my library; this is everybody’s library.”


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