First year was a painful, trying time for Michael Smith-Uffen, who graduates in November with his degree in mechanical engineering from Carleton University.
Depression and anxiety made it difficult for him to get to class, difficult, even, to retain and recall the volume of material presented in his lectures.
“I was struggling and I wasn’t really finding any support,” he said. “I was 500 kilometres from my family. I was meeting new people, but not knowing anyone. It was rough. That’s the best way to describe it.”
Though he wouldn’t discover it himself until his second year, Smith-Uffen was a perfect candidate for FITA, an innovative and intensive counselling program to help Carleton students who are struggling with personal and emotional issues succeed in the high-stress world of university. FITA — From Intention to Action — helps between 200 to 250 students every year.
The FITA model was originally developed to help students with learning disabilities or diagnosed mental illness, said its co-f0under, Larry McCloskey, director of the school’s Paul Menton Centre for Students with Disabilities. The program was so successful that graduation rates for students with disabilities went from about 50 per cent to more than 70 per cent, just a fraction below the university’s overall pass rate.
“We’ve been able to take students who are at high risk and, through the support that we’ve given them, managed to have them be no different than the general population,” he said.
The team decided to use the model for other “at-risk” students, in some cases incoming first-years who had been identified by their high school guidance counsellors and in others students on academic warning because of low grades. Demand is particularly high at this time of year when students face the crunch of mid-term tests and realize how tough university can be.
Now in its third year, FITA has shown similar success rates as it did with the disabled students. The Carleton program has been adapted for use at the University of Toronto and Humber College, and 10 other post-secondary institutions have also shown interest.
There are four elements to FITA. The first is that the student must make a commitment to it, agreeing to undergo a lengthy initial assessment and promising to participate in 12 weekly counselling sessions.
“We make them jump through hoops,” said McCloskey. “And it turns out that jumping through hoops actually contributes to student engagement.”
Once committed, the student undergoes an assessment, which includes a 90-minute face-to-face meeting with a psychologist and additional online tests to find their strengths and weaknesses, identify their career interest, determine their personality type, assess their study skills and seek out underlying issues the student could be dealing with.
“The assessment is crucial,” McCloskey says. “The student has had years — maybe a lifetime — of things not being quite right. And suddenly it comes into focus what they’re dealing with and how to handle it. It’s empowering in a way that they may not have ever realized before.”
“We’re looking for strengths because we already know there’s trouble, otherwise they wouldn’t be here,” said psychologist John Meisnner.
The third element is the 12 counselling sessions with interns drawn from the graduate-level psychology students. The fourth and most crucial element is the relationship between the student and the intern, and great care is taken to ensure the match is good. Face-to-face time with an understanding counsellor is essential, Meisnner said.
“The relationship makes all the difference. It’s how you lead a horse to water AND make it drink.”
McCloskey estimates the FITA program costs about $1,000 per student, a fraction of the cost to the health-care system should a student slide into full diagnosed mental disorder. The cost to the institution in lost tuition if a student drops out is also significant, he said.
Smith-Uffen has no doubt that FITA got him through his undergraduate degree, going from someone who took two years to scrape through his first-year classes to an engineering graduate with a solid B average.
“I couldn’t tell you honestly whether I would have made it through,” he said of the tools and support he was provided. “It helped me immensely.”