A pilot project, part of a municipal push to increase transparency in the development process, will let registered community associations inside meetings usually held exclusively between developers and city planners.
Details of the one-year pilot, including which information has to be kept secret by community representatives, will be worked out before the project starts this August in Capital ward, south of downtown. Even if the new idea needs tweaks in a year, when the results are tabled at planning committee, councillors said it’s worth giving the idea a shot.
“If we don’t experiment with new approaches to our planning processes, then we’ll just be exactly where we are right now,” said Capital ward Coun. David Chernushenko after Monday’s announcement. “We’ve heard loud and clear from the public that what we are right now isn’t good enough.”
The pilot involves inviting a representative from a registered a community association to pre-application meetings, which cover planning policies and requirements, such as studies and plans, before developers file formal applications.
Determining what passes as a community association was one of his first questions, Chernushenko said, and for now the project will be limited to registered groups. How to keep sensitive commercial information private, while allowing community feedback is another question, he said, adding “some kind of confidentiality agreement” seems likely for attendees.
“It will be a challenge,” he said.
President Sylvia Milne of the Glebe Annex Community Association, one of several community groups in the ward, said she welcomes the chance to get involved before development applications are filed. But Milne said she wants to know more about whether representatives will be allowed to discuss developers’ ideas with the wider community.
“I’ve got some issues with that, but I’d like to see how it all plays out,” Milne said, adding she would be concerned about “withholding information” from her community.
Coun. Peter Hume, chair of the planning committee, said inviting associations to meetings could be “incredibly complicated” because of sensitive information. City staff will spend the summer working out how to navigate that “fine line”, he said.
Inviting reps to meetings should help development applications get processed faster and get rid of myths about what happens in private between city staff and developers, Hume said. “There has been lots of speculation that (those meetings) are where super secret deals are made and that we have a special handshake and there may be special code words that would give everyone the approval to go forward,” Hume said. “Well, that’s not the case.”
In a year, Hume said, planning committee could look to other cities if the pilot project in Capital ward hasn’t worked well enough to send it throughout the city.
Other transparency steps announced Monday:
New signs
Watch out for new colourful development signs, complete with renderings, replacing the old black and white signs previously placed on sites under development. Signs will also have plainer language.
New lingo
Plain, regular language will be used throughout planning documents instead of jargon. “It’s true, we should have been speaking in plain language from the very beginning, but in any profession or field of expertise, technical language always has a tendency to creep back in,” Hume said.
New reports
A new report template will make it clearer how to contact the planner who worked on a particular file, and to find relevant information and an overview of the application.