
On Tuesday evening, about two dozen well-turned-out folks attended a private function at the swank new Sens House on York Street. There, standing on the heated floor and under the opened roof, they sipped cocktails and nibbled appetizers.

And they wrote cheques for Jim Watson’s bid for re-election.

That there was a fundraising party for Watson in the middle of a campaign is hardly a surprise. But this particular party raised a few eyebrows, as it was hosted by two development industry executives — Neil Malhotra of Claridge and Ted Phillips of Taggart — who are frequent visitors to city hall.

The issue with the party is largely one of perception. There are some who believe that developers have too much influence over planning matters — and, frankly, over the way councillors vote.

If you think that’s hyperbole, then you weren’t at the Kitchissippi all-candidates’ debate on Thursday, where incumbent Katherine Hobbs somewhat stunned the audience by using some of her allotted opening statement time to address the “untrue rumours” that she was “on the take” from developers.

That Hobbs felt she had to defend her reputation speaks to two things: the fact that she’s in a hot race with lead challenger Jeff Leiper (whose supporters are often prodding Hobbs about accepting donations from developers, which is completely allowed), and the fact that these sorts of contributions anger many residents, in particular those from wards that have experienced controversial developments.

Indeed, at Thursday’s debate, one furious audience member charged that Hobbs voted in favour of a condo project on Roosevelt Avenue — in contradiction to what the community wanted — because the developer had donated to the councillor’s campaign.

This is almost certainly not true. Planning issues are complex, and Hobbs’s vote was in tandem with the recommendation of the city’s planning department. That doesn’t mean that others had to agree with her decision, but it’s not fair to suggest that her vote was influenced by one or two campaign contributions.

But the notion that those sorts of donations somehow sway councillors persists. That’s why a number of candidates are calling for a ban of corporate and union donations, as is the case in Toronto.

Watson is resisting the idea. And he makes some strong arguments for his case, chief among them that when a corporation donates to a campaign, it’s easy to see where the money came from. But who would recognize the names of the vice-presidents of all the development companies in town? (In fact, all of the fundraiser guests who spoke with us said they made their donations as individuals, not on behalf of the company they work for.)

It’s true that while forbidding corporate (and union) could be a small step toward alleviating the negative optics that come with these sorts of donations, there are some who’ll still be angry that individuals who work in these fields donate to political campaigns — and we’re hardly going to ban entire categories of people from participating in fundraising campaigns.

But maybe we’re having the wrong conversation when it comes to campaign finances. Perhaps we shouldn’t be talking about forbidding certain people from donating and instead discussing how to make it easier for voters to see who’s taking what from whom — and in a timely manner. Then folks can decide for themselves whether the types of donations their candidates received matter to them.

Consider that Hobbs told the crowd on Thursday that “everything I’ve done is fully transparent and fully documented.” And it’s true that Hobbs has followed all the rules regarding financial contributions — as they stand.

That means that the earliest anyone can examine a candidate’s donor list is next March, five months after election day. That’s hardly helpful to you if campaign financing is an issue that informs the way you vote. What we need is real-time, online disclosures of contributions. It’s possible — provincial parties have to do it for their leadership races (although there is a 20-day lag time that could surely be improved).

There’s no requirement to include a date of a donation. Surely we could add that requirement.

And while compelling candidates to put their campaign donations and expenses online was a great start — and a Watson initiative back when he was the provincial minister in charge of municipal affairs — those online filings are limited. Mostly they’re PDFs of sheets of lists of donors; they aren’t searchable. (In Toronto, the clerk’s office manually enters the data electronically, creating a fully searchable database.)

While it’s neither feasible nor desirable to exclude entire groups of people from donating to election campaigns, it is very possible to shine more timely light on campaign finance.



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