The rare bird drought continues in Eastern Ontario and the Outaouais.
Last year at this time, we were spoiled with a long list of summer and fall rarities, including the Little Egret, Yellow-crowned Night Heron, White-faced Ibis, Western Kingbird, and Long-tailed Jaeger.
Every year is different, and weather plays an important role. With no major weather events, it’s been an interesting fall for birding and photography. It doesn’t take much to change the excitement level. Hopefully, over the next few weeks some lucky observer will discover a mega rarity. Don’t get me wrong, rare birds aren’t the main focus of birding, but it’s the main driving force of many birders: Spending hours and hours in the field, week after week, and finally a reward.
One difference, nowadays, is that most rarities are now well documented from the get go. With most birders now equipped with a camera, few birds escape being photographed. Decades ago it wasn’t like that and few people had cameras. If you did find something rare and it disappeared, we all had to wait for a couple of weeks before the slide film was processed. With digital photography and the Internet, it is instant.
On Oct. 4, I birded the Westmeath Provincial Park area searching for Nelson’s Sparrows and wasn’t disappointed. I observed 14 individuals and photographed a number of birds along the shore line. This area continues to be the best location in Eastern Ontario for this species. I was first introduced to the area by the late Chris Michener of Golden Lake in the 1990s. There were also a number of Swamp Sparrows, Song Sparrows, White-crowned Sparrows and White-throated Sparrows. With lower water levels, there were a number of shorebirds, including Black-bellied Plovers and a single American Golden-Plover.
Waterfowl numbers continue to increase along the Ottawa River between Shirley’s Bay and Britannia with a total of 14 species observed on Oct. 5, including three Surf Scoters, 200 Lesser Scaups, two Common Goldeneyes and eight Red-breasted Mergansers.
With water levels continuing to recede along the Ottawa River, Shirley’s Bay continues to attract migrating waders. On Oct. 4, a Hudsonian Godwit was observed feeding on the mudflats and was still present the following day. Other species noted included one Short-billed Dowitcher, three Dunlin and two Peregrine Falcons. Fortunately for the shorebirds, the falcons were not successful hunters. Up to 10 Great Egrets and seven Great blue herons were counted feeding out along the shoreline and in the shallow water off the causeway.
The variety and numbers of ducks continue to increase along the Ottawa River. On Oct. 5, there were 15 species of waterfowl observed at Shirley’s Bay, including 200 Lesser Scaups, eight Red-breasted Mergansers, two Common Goldeneyes, three Surf Scoters, two Gadwall, 39 American Wigeon, and 126 Green-winged Teal.
Over the next month, as temperatures drop in the north, there will be a number of migrants making their way south and depending on the weather conditions locally, anything will be possible. On Nov. 12, 1984, while birding in the Woodlawn area, a group of birders watched a Northern Fulmar, an ocean species, fly over the corn fields heading east.
Bird feeder activity continues to increase with more reports of Dark-eyed Juncos, White-throated Sparrows, and American Goldfinch. If you haven’t done so yet, now is the time to put up a bird feeder and enjoy the southbound migrants as they stop by for a quick feed. Watch for a variety of sparrows, including Chipping Sparrow, White-crowned Sparrow, and Fox Sparrow. Dark-eyed Juncos continue to increase in numbers and I have had reports of young Northern Cardinals still being fed. Our local Northern Cardinals can sometimes have two broods during the spring-summer season.
I’d like to thank all birders, photographers and feeder watchers that sent reports and/or photographs during the past week.
Please e-mail bird observations and/or photographs to: Subject line: “Ottawa Citizen Birds.” For photos, please provide date, location, and photographer’s name and for bird reports, observer, date and location. The birding Code of Ethics and guidelines of the Ottawa Field-Naturalists’ Club can be found at Access to Shirley’s Bay is restricted and you must be an OFNC member and obtain permission from the Range Control Office before entering the area. Please call 613-991-5740 before entering the Shirley’s Bay causeway area. To reach the Wild Bird Care Centre for orphaned and injured birds call 613-828-2849. Report bird bands to View more great photos online at