
After being spoiled last fall with numerous rarities, we finally had a good run of exciting birds over the past week.

This is the part of birding I really enjoy, as do other keen birders. Even after birding for almost 50 years, I still get caught up in the excitement of finding or seeing a new species or something different.

The excitement started on Nov. 25 when I observed 226 Red-throated Loons along the Ottawa River on Lake Deschênes. With good viewing conditions I was able to count all 226 loons. They were out on the river and occasionally would take flight but would land shortly after.

Since 1983 I’ve witnessed numerous Red-throated Loon fallouts and flights. These are birds likely moving out of James Bay and Hudson Bay or the Gulf of the St. Lawrence and due to weather or ice conditions are forced out of their areas.

One of the largest inland fallouts occurred on Nov. 12, 1984 with up to 3,000 Red-throated Loons observed on Lake Deschênes. This massive concentration flew over the lake, landing for a while before taking flight again. This continued for most of the day.

Interestingly on most of these fallouts the loons were gone the following day. Numerous observers checked on Nov.26 only to find one Red-throated Loon.

Also on Nov. 25, Burke Korol observed a Thick-billed Murre on Muskrat Lake at Cobden. The alert went out mid-morning and anyone able made his or her way to Muskrat Lake. The murre was relocated and seen by many over the next few days.

On Nov. 28 I watched the murre off the boat launch as it passed by and slowly made its way onto the lake. It was seen later in the day but by late afternoon it could not be located.

During the late 1800s and early 1900s, flights of Thick-billed Murres appeared almost every few years along the Ottawa River and nearby inland lakes during mid-November to late December. Sometimes large numbers were sighted and occasionally hundreds were reported. Since the early 1950s there have been only a few documented records in Ontario including one along the Ottawa River at Deschênes Rapids, Ottawa on Dec. 5 and 6, 1995, and another more recent record from the Kingston waterfront on December 3 and 4, 2013.

On Nov. 26, an Eared Grebe was found on Lake Dore as birders checked other locations in the county. The Eared Grebe is a very rare visitor to our region from the prairies, with most records during the early fall.

Finally on Nov. 27, with more birders searching for the Thick-billed Murre, another rarity, a Pacific Loon, was discovered on Muskrat Lake. This species is casual in Eastern Ontario with all records from the Kingston area and Lake Ontario.

When you have a large concentration of birders looking for a rarity, it’s not unusual for other goodies to be found as more and more birders visit a region. In birding terms this is regarded as the Patagonia Picnic Table effect.

This term was coined back in 1971 when birders lunching there discovered the first Black-capped Gnatcatcher ever recorded in the United States, and with the influx of birders searching for the gnatcatcher, the first North American record of Yellow Grosbeak was found. Thus was born the Patagonia Picnic Table Effect. This scenario plays out several times a year everywhere in the birding world.

In the birding world, expect the unexpected. A Crested Caracara was found near Wawa in northern Ontario on Nov. 28. and was still present Dec.1.  This is one of a few records for Canada of a species that normally ranges in Mexico and just enters into southern United States with a limited range in Florida, Texas and Arizona.

Even though we’ve had snow on the ground, the feeder reports are still showing a small number of birds visiting feeders. Over the past week I’ve received reports of Pileated Woodpeckers, Red-bellied Woodpeckers, White-throated Sparrows, Fox Sparrows, along with the regular White-breasted Nuthatches, Red-breasted Nuthatches, Downy Woodpeckers, Hairy Woodpeckers, Dark-eyed Juncos, and Northern Cardinals.

Remember to keep a watch on your feeder and if you notice an odd looking bird try to photograph it. Anything is possible at this time of year.

Further afield, three female King Eiders were observed at Campbellford along the Trent River while a couple of others were sighted in Prince Edward County at Prince Edward Point. At Presqu’ile Provincial Park there were reports of Snowy Owls, Purple Sandpipers and Harlequin Ducks over the past week.

A record late Green Heron was discovered on Nov. 24 west of Ottawa. Unfortunately this individual appeared injured and attempts to capture it failed. A least two Great Blue Herons were reported on Nov.25 in the Shirley’s Bay area and a flock of 23 Sandhill Cranes were still present off Milton Road near Navan on Nov. 26. The Snow Goose concentration east of Ottawa has dropped in numbers but there were still a few hundred observed off Boundary Road on Nov.30.

Christmas is the season for bird counts. Don’t forget the Christmas Bird Count period runs from Wednesday, Dec. 14, 2016 to Thursday, Jan. 5, 2017.  There are numerous bird counts throughout Eastern Ontario and the Outaouais as well across Canada and United States. Both field observers and feeder watchers are needed to participate by counting birds in the field or at your feeder.  If you are interested in participating in a bird count in your area, check out the Bird Studies Canada website, bsc-eoc.org/volunteer/cbc/ .

I’d like to thank all birders, photographers and feeder watchers that sent reports and/or photographs during the past week.

Please email bird observations and/or photographs to: dilabiobirding@gmail.com  Subject line: “Ottawa Citizen Birds.” For photos, please provide date, location, and photographer’s name and for bird reports, observer, date and location.  The birding Code of Ethics and guidelines of the Ottawa Field-Naturalists’ Club can be found at ofnc.ca/birding/Code-of-Conduct.pdf. Access to Shirley’s Bay is restricted and you must be an OFNC member and obtain permission from the Range Control Office before entering the area. Please call 613-991-5740 before entering the Shirley’s Bay causeway area. To reach the Wild Bird Care Centre for orphaned and injured birds call 613-828-2849. Report bird bands to pwrc.usgs.gov/BBL/bblretrv/. View more great photos online at ottawacitizen.com/category/life/world-of-birds

Numerous late lingering ducks have been reported including American Wigeon. Carefully check through flocks of Mallards for Northern Pintails, Wood Ducks, Green-winged Teals, Northern Shovelers and other duck species.

A Great Blue Herons continue to enjoy the somewhat mild early winter. Once cold temperatures return these birds will move south.

A Thick-billed Murre on Muskrat Lake at Cobden was a main attraction over the past weekend as many birders from eastern and southern Ontario ventured up to added this rarity to their lifer list. It was last reported on Nov. 28.

A few Peregrine Falcons overwinter in the region and are reported sitting on downtown building and hunting ducks and pigeons in the area.

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