
In his 10 years in Ottawa, chef Joe Thottungal has been quietly cooking the coconut-rich cuisine of his native Kerala. But it seems that now, the coconut craze is catching up with him.

The courses he teaches at the LCBO are suddenly fully enrolled. His St. Laurent Boulevard restaurant, Coconut Lagoon, where 80 per cent of the dishes contain coconut, is getting more and more popular, with two seatings most weekend dinners and more than 100 customers showing up for weekday lunches. And in March, he will lead a second sold-out culinary tour to Kerala, a state in south-west India, where his parents still live.

“When I first opened, people would say they didn’t want coconut, because they thought it was bad for you, for cholesterol. But we knew that our parents and grandparents all lived more than 100 years and they were cooking with coconut oil and coconut milk and coconut meat. Now everybody loves coconut.”

The coconut pendulum has swung so far, coconut oil is now considered one of the new “super foods.” Health advocates say coconut oil is a heart-healthier option than many other types of fat since it raises the good kind of cholesterol. Some research shows that it might even help with weight management since its medium-chain triglycerides are better at converting to energy, as opposed to being stored as fat.

Sales of coconut oil have skyrocketed while sales of coconut water — touted as an electrolyte-rich source of hydration that’s lower in calories than sports drinks and pop — went from nearly zero to more than $35 million in the United States from 2004 to 2009. And it’s not just about nutrition: last week a website called Spoon University published an article called “50 Unsuspected Uses for Coconut Oil,” saying “it has strange magical powers that will make your life better in almost every way” including treating ear infections and keeping tattoos from fading.

Thottungal — arguably Canada’s king of Keralan coconut cuisine — takes it all in stride, if with a bit of wonderment.

“Twenty years ago, when I was a student in India, we harvested coconut from our property and got only five rupees — or about 10 cents — per coconut. That really didn’t go up, in spite of inflation, until very recently. Now the price has nearly doubled. Ten years ago, when I came here, I could hardly find fresh coconuts. Now everybody wants coconut, they want to know how to open them and how to make coconut milk.”

Here, he shares his secrets as well as two of his best and easiest coconut-rich recipes. Find videos of Thottungal demonstrating how to choose a coconut, how to open a coconut and how to make to coconut milk, at ottawacitizen.com/food.

How to choose a coconut

“Every coconut has three eyes,” says Thottungal. “Check the eyes. If they are dark or discoloured or if they’re damp, don’t choose that coconut. It may be rotten. Next, check for weight. It should be heavy with coconut water. Shake it. You should hear the water inside.”

How to open a coconut

Opening a coconut is easy, and you don’t need any special tools, says Thottungal. Hold the coconut in one hand over a bowl (to catch the water when the coconut cracks open.) Hold a large knife in your other hand, but with the dull side of the blade toward the coconut. Whack the coconut sharply and repeatedly as you turn it (if the ends of the coconut are the north and south poles, you’re hitting it along the equator.) You may need to rotate the coconut as many as three or four times, but eventually it will crack easily into two.

“Drink the water to make sure it is sweet,” says Thottungal. “You can use one of the halves as a bowl, for example for serving a dipping sauce on a platter of appetizers.”

To remove the meat from the shell, whack the outside of the halved shell again with the dull side of knife blade until it breaks into large pieces. Some of the meat will likely fall away from the shell; you can use the tip of a knife blade to pry the rest out.

“Peel off the dark membrane with a knife,” advises Thottungal. “It’s difficult to digest and will discolour the coconut milk or meat.”

You will now have large pieces of fresh coconut meat, ready for grating or making coconut milk.

How to make coconut milk

“Don’t use canned coconut milk,” advises Thottungal. “It has additives and leaves an aftertaste. Making your own coconut milk is a little bit more work, but I tell you, it’s better than any canned or powdered coconut milk. This is the freshest and sweetest you can get.”

Many brands of canned coconut milk also use Bisphenol A in the can linings, which health experts say is best avoided. Thottungal says if can’t make your own, he prefers reconstituted powdered coconut milk to canned.

To make your own coconut milk, put pieces of peeled coconut meat in a blender or food processor. Add just enough warm water to emulsify as you process. Pour the mixture through a strainer set over a bowl. You can return what’s left in the strainer to blender to process again with a bit more warm water before straining again.

Cabbage Thoran

Thoran, made above with cabbage, is a signature dish of India’s Kerala region.

This delicious, fresh-tasting and traditional dish is usually on the buffet at Coconut Lagoon and is always popular. Thottungal says you can use the same method and spices for stir-frying green beans instead of cabbage.

Makes: 4 servings

Preparation time: about 10 minutes

2 tbsp (30 ml) vegetable oil

1 tbsp (15 mL) black mustard seeds

2 dry red chili peppers, chopped

1 tbsp (15 mL) urad dal (white lentils)

2 tbsp (30 mL) chopped onion

2 Thai green chili peppers, seeded and minced

1 sprig curry leaves (about 10 leaves)

2 cups (500 mL) finely shredded cabbage

1/2 cup (125 mL) fresh grated coconut

Salt to taste

1. In pan, heat the oil. Add the mustard seeds, red dry chili and urad dal and heat until the mustard seeds pop and the oil becomes fragrant (a mesh splash guard over the pan will keep the mustard seeds from jumping all over your stove.)

2. Add the onion, chopped fresh chili and curry leaves to the pan and sauté for a few minutes.

3. Add the shredded cabbage and coconut and cook for just a few minutes more, until hot through and tender.

4. Season with salt and serve warm or cold with rice.

Steamed Mussels in Exotic Sauce

The secret ingredient in this dish by Coconut Lagoon chef Joe Thottungal is Clamato juice.

Thottungal developed this luscious recipe for his restaurant’s appetizer menu. He offers this streamlined version, which he says will be easy for home cooks.

Makes: 4 servings

Preparation time: about 20 minutes

2 tbsp (30 mL) coconut oil

3 tbsp (45 mL) sliced onion

2 tbsp (30 ml) julienned garlic

2 tbsp (30 ml) peeled and julienned ginger root

2 Thai green chili, each cut in two lengthwise and seeded

2 sprigs curry leaves (about 20 leaves)

Pinch turmeric powder

1 tsp (5 mL) Indian red chili powder

2 cups (500 mL) Clamato juice

2 pieces smoked black tamarind

2 lbs (900 g) fresh mussels, rinsed and checked over

1 cup (250 mL) fresh coconut milk

Salt to taste

1/2 tsp (2.5 mL) fresh coriander leaves, chopped fine

1. Heat a pan and add the coconut oil. Sauté the onion, garlic, ginger, green chilies and curry leaves.

2. Once onion mixture is browned, add turmeric and chili powder. Once the spices are fragrant, add the Clamato juice and tamarind.

3. Once juice is hot, add the mussels and cover with a lid to simmer. After about 5 minutes, once the mussels are all open, add the coconut milk and bring the liquid to a boil; let simmer for 2 minutes.

4. Check the seasonings, adding salt to taste. Garnish with fresh coriander and serve hot.

Where to get the ingredients

Thottungal says you can find all the Indian ingredients, such as curry leaves and black tamarind, at the following shops:

Thana Store

386 Bank St. (at James Street)

http://www.thanastore.com; 613-567-2963

Vaishali Super Store

63 Wylie Ave. (off Carling, across from the Coliseum cinemas)

Find Vaishali’s Super Store on Facebook; 613-721-0318

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