



By: Devvy
April 4, 2016


When the National Enquirer story broke about Ted Cruz being a serial adulterer I was out of the state listening to talk radio while driving. My first thought was the ‘DC Madame’ scandal back in 2007. Deborah Jeane Palfrey ran a successful and very large Washington, DC prostitution business. Ms. Palfrey was indicted in 2008: two counts for using U.S. mail for illegal activities, racketeering and money laundering. This is a lengthy but full back story for those unfamiliar with the case.

Casualties were numerous when the names of some of her clients were released according to the Vanity Fair article linked above: Former deputy secretary of state Randall Tobias; Pentagon adviser and author Harlan K. Ullman, a top military strategist who advised the Bush Administration and U.S. senator David Vitter, a Republican from Louisiana.Here is a list of John’s but by no means all of them.

Ms. Palfrey was found hanged in her mother’s shed. Her death ruled a suicide despite the fact that she had publicly stated she would never kill herself. Deborah Jeane Palfrey was murdered. Of that I have no doubt. She played a very risky game in a town drowning in filth, corruption and yes, murder when it threatens those who carry out the agenda of the Masters of the Game, global world elites. Evil in human form most Americans simply cannot acknowledge because to do so would crumble their security blanket and bring them into a stark reality they can’t handle.

At the time, Ms. Palfrey was represented by an attorney named Montgomery Blair Sibley. It was after that crime was pushed under the rug I became aware of Montgomery in his efforts to expose the criminal impostor in the White House for usurping the office of president of these united States of America. Montgomery went the extra mile in 2012 byattempting to run for president only to hit the iron wall called federal courts filled with cowards hiding behind their black robes.

Anytime a sex scandal involving politicians from both parties pops up it’s a difficult issue to pursue because there’s usually a spouse and children involved. Former NY Governor Eliot Spitzer and former SC Governor Mark Sanford were both caught cheating. Spitzer with whores from an ‘escort’ service, Sanford with a woman he met in Argentina. Both destroyed their marriages; I’m betting their children needed counseling. Spitzer went on to get a tv gig with CNN which was eventually canceled because no one watched it. Voters in SC rewarded Sanford and all his lies by electing him to Congress. When Sanford was done using his ‘paramour’ he drop kicked her via Facebook. But, perhaps there is a happy ending after all as the two lovebirds reunited in 2015.

There’s no doubt because I have made myself clear in many columns I believe Ted Cruz is a conniving liar. He knows he’s not eligible to run for president but he’s not going to let that interfere with his personal ambitions. After all, wasn’t it Glen Beck who announced Cruz was the ‘anointed one for this time’? Know when I absolutely knew Cruz knew he was constitutionally ineligible to be on the ballot? When he said this on August 22, 2013 at an appearance: “I am secretly a citizen of Ethiopia.”

The crowd got a big laugh out of that one right along with Ted the liar. What he did was copy the fraud in the White House with his born in Kenya jokes. Right out of Saul Alinsky’s play book: Mock your enemies openly to distract from the subject at hand and keep doing it so eventually people will believe it.

The Republican Party has allowed three ineligible candidates to run for president this year: Bobby Jindal, Marco Rubio and Ted Cruz. Why? Because of their complicity in allowing Barry Soetoro aka Obama to usurp the office of president. No way are they going to open that can of toxic worms. Rotten. They’re all rotten to the core and Americans by the millions so far have continued to vote for their incumbents in the GOP controlled Congress who have allowed that massive fraud to stand.

On the day before I arrived back in W. Texas I was tuned into Sean Hannity’s radio show just to see what was being spoon fed to his audience. Hannity did not use Montgomery’s name while talking about the DC Madame and theNational Enquirer piece which I haven’t read. You know, that publication who printed the truth about JFK’s affair with Mary Pinchot Meyer (who was murdered), John Edwards, Tiger Woods and so many others. Anyway, Hannity mocked Montgomery and proclaimed there was no truth to Cruz being one of Palfrey’s John’s.

Hannity scoffed when telling his audience Montgomery had posted all the information on 815 of Palfrey’s Johns and phone records of 40 other similar operations in the Washington area on four servers around the globe and that if anything happened to him the information would be immediately released. One has to remember that Montgomery was restrained by the court from releasing what he has and when you threaten powerful people or ones that know where the bodies are buried (former Commerce Secretary Ron Brown and Vince Foster, Deputy White House Counsel for serial adulterer Bill Clinton; both murdered) you are risking your life. Shallow Sean can laugh all he wants but I find him to be a pitiful example of someone who claims to be a truth seeker.

Cruz went ballistic when ask ‘Have you ever been unfaithful to your wife’? He refused to answer. Instead, Cruz used his campaign chair, Chad Sweet to deny he had extramarital affairs although I wouldn’t really classify hiring whores as your usual run of the mill affair.

Cruz is a lawyer, a smart one and very savvy. He refuses to issue a personal denial but instead uses a surrogate. Right out of John Edwards play book. The disgraced former senator and presidential candidate denied he was the father of a child born to his paramour, Rielle Hunter, for a couple of years. Instead, his former aide, Andrew Young claimed he was the father. Well, long after the fact, Edwards came clean and owned up to being daddy. But, I always give credit where credit is due and from all appearances, Edwards takes care of his daughter financially and he and his children have a pretty good relationship with the little girl. That does not excuse all his lying, of course. Edwards romance with Hunter has long expired.

When I arrived back home I started looking at what was on the Internet. Many might remember the 2015 blow up when the disgusting cheating web site, Ashley Madison, was hacked:

“Warren Rojas reports for Roll Call, March 28, 2016, that approximately 15,000 email addresses of Ashley Madison’s subscribers have the “.mil” or “.gov” designation assigned to the armed forces and federal agencies, respectively.

“Among those are:

Nearly four dozen people who work at the White House.

The Capitol Police.

Seven individuals with ties to House offices.

The email address of Ted Cruz’s senate office: press@cruz.senate.gov.

“A Cruz aide insists that although “The email address in question is press@cruz.senate.gov,” that doesn’t mean anyone in Cruz’s senate office was an Ashley Madison subscriber because the address is “a publicly and widely available forwarding address that is often entered into web contact forms by people with no connection to our office.”

“The aide is being disingenuous because s/he would have us believe that a subscriber to Ashley Madison would use an email address with no connection to the subscriber. How would anyone interested in an adulterous “hookup” contact the subscriber then?”

Deny, deny and lie. But, since Ted Cruz is very well connected (one must read Kelleigh Nelson’s amazing research on Ted Cruz) the National Enquirer and the allegations they published was simply pushed aside in favor of the next juicy attack on Donald Trump.

I don’t think Mrs. Cruz was taking all this too well because she immediately suspended her campaign activities. Heidi Cruz Cancels New Jersey Campaign Stops This Week: “This comes after The National Enquirer accused Texas Senator Ted Cruz of multiple extramarital affairs last week.” There is a story out there in cyber land claiming a memo was sent by Mrs. Cruz that she knew Teddy was dipping his wick in someone else’s honey pot, but I have yet to see proof so I consider that to be just another rumor.

Last year Montgomery put out a request for donations. He wanted to head back to court to get the restraining order lifted on all the records he has that belonged to Ms. Palfrey. Montgomery said what he has could impact this presidential election. Well, I thought. One of the candidates, Democrat or Republican must have cheated on their spouse. At that time there were 17 candidates on the GOP side and Clinton, Sanders and a couple other losers for the Democratic/Communist Party USA.

The fact that Montgomery filed a petition with the U.S. Circuit Court last month tells me that one of the remaining candidates wins the grand prize since the race is now down to Kasich, ineligible Cruz and Donald Trump. I didn’t think it could be Kasich, but one never knows. Like Chief Justice John Roberts who is spoken of in Washington, DC circles as being homosexual, perhaps there is some truth to this: Kasich Bombshell! – Said To Be Longtime Homosexual

Donald Trump allegedly had an affair while married to his first wife which led to a divorce. At that time he was not running for the office of president. By all appearances Donald Trump and his wife, Melania, seem to have a solid marriage. Palfrey was murdered in 2008; Trump married Melania in 2005. I think Palfrey’s records go back to before Trump married Melania.

That leaves Ted Cruz on the GOP side. Of course, it could be Hillary Clinton having an affair with her shadow tied at their hips, Huma Abedin. It’s certainly no secret in Washington, DC that Bill Clinton is not the father of Chelsea. That honor goes to Web Hubbell, Hillary the Hun’s old law firm business partner. No? A picture is worth a thousand words. Clinton Issues Pardons, Clearing Deutch and McDougal, but Not Milken or Hubbell. Wisely, Hubbell has kept his mouth shut.

Sadly, Chelsea Clinton was ask that very question recently at an event which must have been very humiliating for her. She didn’t reply to the question about Hubbell being her father. Why hasn’t the puppet media ask Hillary the Hun: Is Web Hubbell Chelsea’s father? You cannot deny she looks exactly like Web Hubbell and absolutely zero resemblance to Bill Clinton who has a reputation for shooting blanks his whole life.

I truly doubt it’s the 74 year old bum, Bernie Sanders.

While I was on the road, Montgomery was busy:

Monday, March 28, 2016: And now to the Supreme Court . . .

“After waiting for two weeks for the U.S. Circuit Court to rule upon my Petition to (i) order the District Court Clerk to file my Motion to Modify the Restraining Order that prevents me from releasing the D.C. Madam’s client list and (ii) direct that I receive an expedited hearing on that Motion, I am — as I previously announced — waiting no more.

“Today I have filed at the U.S. Supreme Court my Application for a Stay of Restraining Order directed to the Honorable John G. Roberts, Jr. , Chief Justice of the Supreme Court. Notably, in that Application, I unequivocally stated the following:

” To be clear, if Sibley is not allowed to file his Motion to Modify the Restraining Order and thereafter does not promptly receive a fair and impartial hearing on that Motion, he will justifiably consider the Restraining Order void as a result of being denied such a hearing by the District Court, Circuit Court and now this Court. In that event, Sibley will simply release publicly the Verizon Wireless Subpoena Return records containing the names and addresses of eight hundred fifteen (815) Washington D.C. clients of the D.C. Madam’s escort service.

“Not a threat, but a promise. And, to date, I have been a man of my word.”

Montgomery has stated several times that time is of the essence since voters have been casting their votes and the deciding states as far as delegates are upcoming. Voters have the right to know the truth before they cast their vote.

(Incidentally, the judge who turned down Sibley’s petition is Judge Richard Roberts of the U.S. District Court for the District of Columbia. On March 16, 2016, the same Judge Roberts resigned. The 63 year-old is being sued by a woman who claims Roberts sexually assaulted her when she was 16 years old; Roberts was 27. Roberts says the relationship was mutual consent (a 27-year old with a 16 year old teen) and that the sexual assault allegations are “categorically false”. The usual denials just like former Speaker of the U.S. House of Representatives, Dennis Hastert, cutting a deal last October in the hush money cover up over allegations he sexually molested a young boy when Hastert was a high school coach. Hastert’s sentencing has been postponed due to health issues.)

On April 1, 2016, a web site posted a page allegedly from Ms. Palfrey’s ATT phone records. Montgomery states he wants to release Palfrey’s records from Verizon Wireless, not ATT. He was her lawyer and has all her records so where did the ATT come from on April Fool’s Day? You can view the alleged one page ATT phone records here. Seven phone numbers are highlighted in yellow. All 1-2 minutes with the exception of one call lasting 7 minutes but it’s to an 800 number. What can you say in one – 2 minutes? Your name as a client and which whore you want for the night? Something hinkey there.

The numbers highlighted are purported to be Ted Cruz’s private phone numbers. I emailed Montgomery and ask if that page came from him and he responded, “Wasn’t me”. I have every faith Montgomery is and has been telling the truth all along. What he knows the American people have the right to see, too – before they vote. Montgomery also believes that: “Time is of the essence because people are casting votes in primaries and caucuses,” he says. “I believe this information is relevant to that political discourse.” IF the allegations are true and a big primary is coming up tomorrow – Wisconsin with a large number of delegates – voters have a right to know the truth. IF the allegations are true how many delegates will be awarded before Ted decides to drop out of the race for whatever excuse he thinks he can sell?

I don’t think Ted Cruz supporters understand or can appreciate the risk Montgomery is taking if he defies a court order not to mention what’s happened to others who represent a threat to the guttersnipes in high places in Washington, DC. Think Deborah Jeane Palfrey and her client list.

The hacking group called Anonymous also threatened to expose Cruz if he doesn’t drop out of the race immediately. It looks like they’re trying to take credit for the ATT page cited above.

While most find this distasteful and supporters of Ted Cruz loudly object because they can’t bear the thought that their holier-than-thou candidate is a serial adulterer, Cruz is doing himself no favor by using a surrogate to deny cheating. We all know the old saying, where there’s smoke there’s fire. Well, the room is filling up with smoke while Cruz can’t seem to utter the words ‘I have never been unfaithful to my wife’. But, like I said he’s a lawyer and things have a way of coming back to bite spouses in nasty divorces.

Washington Times Fires Writer for Confirming Ted Cruz Scandal, Claimed At Least Two Mistresses Accurate. “When Johnson “came clean” on Twitter it wasn’t long before a series of Twitter users began bombarding the writer with questions about his sources and the publications who passed on the story. In response, Drew Johnson says that there were lots of rumors, and that at least one of media outlets knew the whole story but decided it was not in their interest to run it.”

And why would it not be in the best interest to run a story they (media outlet above) know to be true? Isn’t the truth in everyone’s best interest?

But what do experts say about Cruz’s denial?

Experts: Ted Cruz Appears Deceptive in His Response to Sex Scandal Story, March 27, 2016

“Phil Houston is CEO of QVerity, a training and consulting company specializing in detecting deception by employing a model he developed while at the Central Intelligence Agency. He has conducted thousands of interviews and interrogations for the CIA and other federal agencies….

“We should note that these two statements constitute the only material that we currently have at our disposal to analyze, which is far from ideal. Obviously, the more material available for analysis, the greater our confidence in our findings. With that said, however, we were struck by the volume of deceptive behavior that we identified in these statements.

“Behaviorally, when the facts are the ally of an individual, he or she almost always tends to focus on the facts of the matter at hand. In this case, if the key fact was that he had not had these affairs, Cruz would almost certainly have been much more strongly focused on the denial. That is, he very likely would have made a point of explicitly stating something along the lines of, “I did not have these affairs.”

“Yet at no point in either statement did Cruz say that. He implied it by saying the allegations are false, and that they’re lies, but behaviorally, such statements are not equivalent to saying he never had the affairs. Even if we were to overlook that fact and consider his statements to be a denial, there is an overwhelmingly higher proportion of attack behavior compared to the effort expended at denial. This type of lopsided attack-to-denial ratio is very consistent with what we have historically seen with deceptive people when allegations are levied against them.”

Not only has Ted refused to set the record straight (Old memories: Bill Clinton shaking his finger at the tv cameras stating he did not have sex with than woman and it depends on what the definition of is is) he hides behind Carly Fiorina’s skirt. But, why is the ‘strong, independent’ Fiorina stumping and covering for Teddy? Why did Ted Cruz’s PAC give half a million to Carly Fiorina’s? Oct. 1, 2015.

“The Federal Election Commission (FEC) has asked a Ted Cruz super PAC to explain why it gave $500,000 to another super PAC supporting one of his Republican rivals. According to financial disclosures from June, Keep the Promise I – one of four separate committees backing Cruz – gave half a million dollars to CARLY for America, the political action committee supporting Carly Fiorina.

“Super PACs are legally allowed to give money to other super PACs – they are only prohibited from donating directly to any political campaign. But it’s unusual for one of these groups to give money to an opponent, especially when the candidate it supports is still in the race.”

Now, if you were running for a high public office would you give a half million bux to a super PAC supporting your opponent? Teddy said it was because Fiorina had important things to say. I guess he didn’t but really, Ted, that’s the best you can come up with?

Movie stars and other famous people sue publications like the National Enquirer all the time. Blake Shelton Is Suing InTouch For Saying He’s A Drunk Mess Who Once Peed On A Mailbox, March 18, 2016. John Edwards didn’t sue the National Enquirer nor did Tiger Woods, the ‘Reverend’ Jesse Jackson (love child) or Senator Gary Hart (dipped into the honey pot while candidate for president) because the stories were true. Eventually the smoke in their cases became full blown bonfires.

I have seen or heard nothing about Ted Cruz stating he is going to sue the National Enquirer. If it were me, damn straight I would IF the allegations were lies – wouldn’t you?

Ted Cruz, if innocent of the allegations should sue but we know what that means – the genie jumping out of the bottle or one might say a bimbo eruption. That is why I believe Cruz will not sue the National Enquirer or any other publication or web site that accuses him of using high paid prostitutes to scratch his itch. Oh, he can say he doesn’t want to give the National Enquirer any credibility or that he’s too busy on the campaign trail, but you and I didn’t fall off the turnip truck yesterday. If any more questions come up he can just rely on his old standard they’re lies, blah, blah, blah. The National Enquirer has been wrong a few times. Maybe they are this time.

Donald Trump has said he hopes it isn’t true and as much as I dislike Ted Cruz, I also hope for the sake of his wife, children and the large number of Americans who have voted for him that it’s not. Glen Beck has said he would forgive Cruz for one affair but not two or more: “Beck said he could forgive one incident but not a pattern of adultery.” Beck said Cruz didn’t have “enough game” to be jumping the bones of multiple women; at least I think that’s what he meant. Beck said if the allegations were true he would drop Cruz like a hot potato. If I were Glen Beck I might consider buying those big barbeque mitts.

But, those of us who believe the allegations against Cruz could all be wrong. We are going to find out soon because I take Montgomery at his word that he will release what he has and then we’ll all know the truth. If Ted Cruz’s name and phone number(s) are in Ms. Palfrey’s records his political career and likely his marriage is over. Toast.

Because those allegations have pretty much been brushed aside by heavies like Sean Hannity and Glen Beck, Cruz doesn’t look very stressed. I caught a clip of him a couple nights ago on FOX. He was the grand poobah at the North Dakota State Republican Convention. But, we all know how cool Barry Soetoro aka Obama has been the last eight years while being dogged about his ineligibility. Cruz is a slick, practiced politician. For now he can continue acting as if he’s won the National Enquirer debate.

Cruz can keep laughing on stage, but will he have the last laugh?

Links of Interest:

1 – How Votes For Trump Could Become Delegates for Someone Else

2 – Dead Women Tell No Tales: The D.C. Madam Cover-Up

3 – Atlanta Radio Host: Source “Deep Inside” Cruz Camp Says Ted May Have Had Affairs

4 – NALC Atty – ‘Cruz Is Probably An Illegal Alien’

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