
Mike Ritze

7:29 AM (5 minutes ago)

to me

Rep. Mike Ritze, D.O., M.F.S.A.

Oklahoma State Representative District 80

State Capitol Building Room #303A

2300 North Lincoln Blvd.

Oklahoma City, OK 73105

Office: (405) 557-7338 Fax: (405) 962-7672
800-522-8502 ext. 338

From: Jason Sutton
Sent: Tuesday, September 16, 2014 1:35 PM
To: Jason Sutton
Subject: RELEASE: Rep. Ritze Says Federal Government Checking Oklahoma Hospitals’ Readiness to Accept Ebola Patients

Oklahoma House of Representatives

Media Division

September 16, 2014


Contact: State Rep. Mike Ritze

Capitol: (405) 557-7338

Rep. Ritze Says Federal Government Checking Oklahoma Hospitals’ Readiness to Accept Ebola Patients

OKLAHOMA CITY –State Rep. Mike Ritze said today that the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) has recently contacted the Oklahoma Department of Health to inquire about the readiness of state hospitals to accept patients who may have the Ebola virus. Ritze said he plans on looking into the specifics of the inquiry and has contacted Oklahoma Commissioner of Health Terry Cline for more information.

Ritze said he knows that New Mexico and several other states have also been contacted by HHS.

“This may just be a routine inquiry, but it strikes me as curious given the recent outbreak of Ebola cases in West Africa,” said Ritze, R-Broken Arrow. “At this point, there is no need to panic, but it would be helpful to get some accurate information from our state and federal health organizations so we know how severe the threat may be.”

Ritze, who serves as a ranking member of the House Public Health Committee, is a board certified physician and surgeon with a master’s degree in forensic science administration.

Rep. Mike Ritze, D.O., M.F.S.A.

Oklahoma State Representative District 80

State Capitol Building Room #303A

2300 North Lincoln Blvd.

Oklahoma City, OK 73105

Office: (405) 557-7338 Fax: (405) 962-7672
800-522-8502 ext. 338

From: Mike Ritze
Sent: Monday, July 14, 2014 11:44 AM
To: Mike Ritze
Subject: FW: RELEASE; Lawmaker Calls for Quarantine of Illegal Immigrant Children at Fort Sill

Dear Constituent: Please read.

Oklahoma House of Representatives

Media Division

July 14, 2014


Contact: State Rep. Mike Ritze

Capitol: (405) 557-7338

Lawmaker Calls for Quarantine of Illegal Immigrant Children at Fort Sill

OKLAHOMA CITY – State Rep. Mike Ritze said today he has sent letters to Gov. Mary Fallin, Attorney General Scott Pruitt, Oklahoma Commissioner of Health Terry Cline and state representatives in the Lawton area encouraging them to do all they can to ensure the protection of Oklahoma citizens from contagious diseases following the federal government’s decision to house illegal immigrant children at Ft. Sill.

“More than 1,100 unaccompanied minors who crossed the U.S.-Mexico border illegally are currently being housed at Fort Sill,” said Ritze, R-Broken Arrow. “As a physician, the chairman of Public Safety A&B, and a citizen of Oklahoma, I am concerned about the possibility of communicable diseases being carried by a population that does not have the same vaccination requirements as in the U.S.”

Ritze is a board certified physician and surgeon with a master’s degree in forensic science administration. Recently, he observed three cases of illegal immigrants having tuberculosis. Additionally, the Arkansas Department of Health reported leprosy in patients who were illegal immigrants in Northwest Arkansas. The Oklahoma State Department of Health has reported cases of syphilis in Northeast Oklahoma in patients who are illegal immigrants.

Pursuant to the Oklahoma Administrative Code 310:521-703(b), his letters request that the illegal immigrants at Fort Sill be quarantined. Pursuant to the Catastrophic Health Emergency Powers Act, his letter also requests that the governor declare a state of catastrophic health emergency until it can be proven that the minors do not carry communicable diseases.

Ritze has also requested the AG Scott Pruitt take any action within his constitutional bounds regarding illegal immigration activity and any action that is authorized by law for the Attorney General to provide support to local law enforcement and district attorneys to enforce immigration law.

Ritze is encouraging all state officials, especially his fellow state representatives to do what they can to uphold the laws the State of Oklahoma has in place for situations such as this.

To respect that autonomy of local government, Ritze is also encouraging state representatives from Lawton to reach out to their district attorney and sheriff to enforce The Oklahoma Taxpayer and Citizen Protection Act of 2007, which makes it unlawful and a potential felony for any person to transport, conceal, harbor, or shelter any alien in any place within the state of Oklahoma..

“I am hopeful that these Oklahoma leaders will do all they can to work with Fort Sill to ensure the safety and security of Oklahoma citizens,” Ritze said.

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