This afternoon, hundreds gathered at Lake Eola park to raise awareness of Human Trafficking and to educate the public in an effort to win the war and end the practice once and for all.
A rally was hosted by Greater Orlando Human Trafficking Task Force and was hosted by WFTV 9 Eyewitness News’ Vanessa Welch and Tim Barber. The event featured interviews with victims, informational videos, and an awards presentation to members of the community who have helped crack down on a crime that has had 125 victims over the last 18 months right here in Central Florida, and thousands more throughout the United States.
There were several elected officials on hand, Orange County Mayor Teresa Jacobs issued a proclamation designating January 24th, Freedom Day in Florida. “I call on everyone to continue this crusade until all are truly free. I think about how much things have changed during our lifetime and what we once thought of slavery being physically captive, today we realize so many that are involved in human trafficking, it’s a different type of slavery. It’s forced drug addiction, it’s hopelessness, a mental and emotional slavery and it is very real and tragic, the fact that all of you are here it gives me strength, courage and a belief that just how we have conquered other types of slavery in our past, we will conquer this as well.
Orlando city Commissioner Tony Ortiz also read a proclamation from Mayor Buddy Dyer.
Other elected officials on hand included Orange County Commissioner Pete Clarke, and State Representatives Scott Plakon (R-Longwood), and Jennifer Sullivan (R-Mount Dora). Sullivan would formally announce her new legislation aiding vicitms of Human Trafficking in a press conference that followed the rally (story HERE).
OPO spoke to Clarke at the event and he had these remarks…
“This is one of those hidden crimes that people don’t see everyday but events like this, through the task force, has really brought the problem to light. To see the people here that are on the front lines is great. Anything we can do from a county perspective to help these people, get these ladies in a safe nurturing environment and to show them that they can do what they aspire to do, then we’ve done a good job.”
You can read more about the task force HERE.
Below are some photos from the event.
Channel 9’s Vanessa Welch and Tim Barber
Orange County Mayor Teresa Jacobs issuing the proclamation
Orlando City Commissioner Tony Ortiz
Awardees on the front lines of fighting human trafficking
Tags: florida political blog, frank torres orlando, greater orlando human trafficking task force, jennifer sullivan florida house, orlando political blog, orlando political news, pete clarke, scott plakon, teresa jacobs, The Feed, tim barber, tony ortiz orlando, vanessa welch, wftv 9 eyewitness news
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Copyright © The Orlando Political Observer [Human Trafficking Awareness Day rally held downtown], All Right Reserved. 2015.