
We all know it: in-home, live Jewelry Bars are the best way to introduce others to Origami Owl® jewelry—they can touch it, try it on and see different ideas in person.

But, Facebook is also a great platform for reaching anyone, anywhere, at any time to generate a little extra income.

So, our owl-some Sales + Training Team will provide a new Facebook Jewelry Bar theme each month, providing the training, the social media assets and the tips on how to get the most out of your Facebook Jewelry Bar. Watch for it every month in the O2 Monthly Flight Plan email.

This month? It’s all about DreamWorks Trolls!

Here’s how you can get the training and tips for hosting Facebook Jewelry Bars:

1. Watch the Training Video. Yep, that’s right! It all starts with a training video. Here’s this month’s Facebook Jewelry Bar Training Video.

2. Tune in for a Facebook Live Tomorrow, November 2. We’ll host a Facebook Live in the O2 Designer group at Noon CT tomorrow, November 2 with tips for you!

3. Go to the O2 Academy. Your Back Office O2 Academy has SO much training. Log in and visit the Jewelry Bar area of the Business Training section for the training, Facebook Jewelry Bar outline, keys for creating videos to personalize your Jewelry Bars, and new, Facebook Jewelry Bar assets created JUST for the current month’s Jewelry Bar theme.

4. Attend Your Leader’s Meeting. Visit your local leader’s November meeting! We’ve provided them with key points and training so you can “make it yours” and personalize the Facebook experience with your own team ideas.

We’re so excited to provide you with additional tools and support! Be sure to tune into the Facebook Live later today in the O2 Designer Facebook Group and throw your hair in the air like you just don’t care!

The post How to Host a Facebook Jewelry Bar appeared first on OrigamiOwlNews.com.

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