A new initiative has been launched to unite entrepreneurs active in the gaming scene. Games for mobile, tablet, console and computer is one of the fastest growing industries in the entertainment industry. Already by 2017, it is estimated that the industry will generate more than 82 billion dollars in revenue worldwide.
The Nordics have been really strong in the gaming scene. Already over a year ago I wrote a post about why Sweden is so successful at creating great games. But similar trends are relevant for all the Nordic countries, with Finland being in the lead when it comes to mobile gaming. With such a rapid growth in the Nordics, it has so far been very difficult to get a comprehensive overview of the industry. But that is something a new media has set out to rectify.
Nordic Game Bits
Nordic Game Bits is a brand new media that brings together everything related to game development across the Nordic region, with a special focus on the many small and medium-sized game developers that make up the fastest growing segment of the industry. The goal is to create a media for the entire industry, where game developers can keep up with what is going on, and potential partners, institutions or investors can get in touch with game developers from the Nordic.
The people behind it
Nordic Game Bits is a co-operation between Daniel Laursen, the founder of the entrepreneurial news media Trendsonline.dk, Jesper Krogh Kristiansen, who work both as a game developer himself, and has written on the subject for the past 10 years, and the trio Benjamin, Sune Blindkilde Thorsen.
“The Nordic game developers have long lacked a base or a hub, which can both keep them up to date with the current trend, but also act as an interface between developers and potential partners and institutions,”
- Jesper Krogh Kristiansen explains. An impression which Daniel Laursen has also experienced.
“Through Trendsonline I have noted that there has been an insane amount of interest in this area, but no platform which could act as a focal point for everyone interested in the industry,” he says.
Nordic Game Bits will bring the latest news from the area on a daily basis, but also bring longer features, interviews, podcasts and article-series, so that each individual game developer’s experience can be shared with the rest of the Nordic industry.
All content on the website is in English. Both to overcome language barriers between the Nordic countries, but also in acknowledgement of the fact that many employees in the Nordic games industry comes from abroad. In addition, the English language will allow Nordic Game Bits to act as a window showcasing the Nordic games industry to the rest of the world.
You can follow the news from the Nordic gaming scene at nordicgamebits.com or on Twitter at @Nordicgamebits